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  The Essence of Google Dart: Building Applications, Snapshots, Isolates

WÑ–th thousands of programming languages floating around, why is Google introducing Google Dart? What can it possibly add? The short answer: the Google Dart team wanted a language well suited to modern application development, both on the server and the (mobile) client. Some of Dart's features address problems that languages like Java or Javascript have long had. Dart's Snapshots resemble Smalltalk images, allowing (nearly) instant application startup and wi...

   Dart,Google,Client side,Web,Language,Snapshort,Isolate     2011-10-24 11:41:16


Golang已经开源了13年,在最近的TIOBE编程语言排名中,于2023年3月再次进入前十名,并比2022年底的排名上升了两个位置。 Go在2022年底提高了2个排名 许多第一次接触Go的开发者来自面向对象的编程语言,比如Java、Ruby等,他们在学习Go后第一个问题通常是:Go是一种面向对象的语言吗?在本文中,我们将探讨这个问题。 追溯 在广为人知的Go编程语言“圣经”《The Go Programming ...

   OOP,CHINESE,GOLANG,GO     2023-05-02 23:41:38

  Signs that you're a bad programmer

1. Inability to reason about codeReasoning about code means being able to follow the execution path ("running the program in your head") while knowing what the goal of the code is.SymptomsThe presence of "voodoo code", or code that has no effect on the goal of the program but is diligently maintained anyway (such as initializing variables that are never used, calling functions that are irrelevant to the goal, producing output that is not used, etc.)Executing idempotent functions multiple times (...

   Sign,Programmer,Characteristics,Knowledge,Skill     2011-10-20 08:56:16

  Don’t Call Yourself A Programmer, And Other Career Advice

If there was one course I could add to every engineering education, it wouldn’t involve compilers or gates or time complexity.  It would be Realities Of Your Industry 101, because we don’t teach them and this results in lots of unnecessary pain and suffering.  This post aspires to be README.txt for your career as a young engineer.  The goal is to make you happy, by filling in the gaps in your education regarding how the “real world” actually works.  ...

   Career,Programmer,Advice,Low level,Development     2011-10-29 07:09:23

  How to check when an API is introduced in GoLang

Normally people would not pay much attention to which GoLang version is being used as lots of functions are backward compatible. However there are cases where GoLang version does matter as some functions may not be supported by old version of GoLang. For example, strings.Builder is introduced in Go 1.10, but below code would fail to be compiled on Go 1.10. package main import ( "fmt" "strings" ) func main() { var b strings.Builder b.WriteString("polarisxu") fmt.Println(b.Cap()) } The ...

   GOLANG,API VERSION,GO TOOL     2021-02-07 00:43:24

  Why (offset, limit) is slow in database select?

Starting from a problem Five years ago when I was working at Tencent, I found that MySQL request speed was very slow in the pagination scenario. With only 100,000 data, a select query on a single machine took about 2-3 seconds. I asked my mentor why, and he asked in return, "In an indexing scenario, what is the time complexity to get the nth largest number in MySQL?" The pursuit of the answer Confirming the scenario Assuming there is an index on the "status" column, a query like "select * from t...

   SLOW,LIMIT,OFFSET,MYSQL     2023-03-12 05:21:02

  Why Math.min() > Math.max() is true in JavaScript


   JAVASCRIPT,MATH.MIN(),MATH.MAX(),COMPARISON     2022-05-02 05:27:07