The story behind Sublime Text

Sublime Text is a cross-platform text and source code editor, with a Python application programming interface (API). The graphical user interface design was inspired by Vim.Its functionality is also extendable with plugins; Post its release, it gained much attention and wide popularity. Do you know what's the story behind Sublime Text? Jon Skinner left his job as a software engineer at Google in order to pursue a dream: to build a better text editor. The end result is the popular Sublime Text t...

   Sublime Text,Story,History     2013-09-22 11:05:36

  6 Great Ways to Design Amazing PWA’s

Why PWA v/s Native Mobile apps a wrong question to ask. PWA has already gathered a lot of momentum recently and is structured to give “App like” experience to its user base. Reveal all the extra layers underneath and create magic with brand new ideas to design progressive web apps. What comes to your mind when you imagine leading a progressive life? Definitely, it is going to be far better than  the previous one. Progressive Web Apps (PWA’s) are going to work to outweigh ...


  The Go Pointer Magic

Go is a language with the pointer type, by which we can Pass pointer into a function and update value in-place. Add methods to a struct as (* T) A, which is different from (T) A(). However, the pointer is type-safe in Go, meaning that there are such restrictions of the pointer. Different types of pointers are unconvertible. Pointer type cannot be used for calculation. Pointer types cannot be compared, either == nor !=. No mutual assignment between different pointer-...

   GOLANG,POINTER,UNSAFE     2021-10-03 02:18:57

  What has Google done on improving programming languages

Google is now becoming the most innovative IT company in the world. Every now and then they would deliver one revolutionary product to us such as Google Glass, Google Fiber, Automatic Mobile Cars etc. All these great products are backed up by the powerful software system built into. Google has used many programming languages to develop these software and they have put much resource in improving the programming languages they use and we use today. What has Google done in improving programming lan...

   Google,Programming     2014-02-21 09:36:34

  Using Java keytool programmatically

Java provides a command line tool to access and operate different keystore which store keys and certificates. This tool is named keytool and is located at \bin.  On command line, you can issue below command to generate a keystore named mytest.jks which contains a private key and certificate chain. keytool -genkeypair -alias mykey -keyalg RSA -sigalg SHA256withRSA -dname CN=Java -storetype JKS -keypass password -keystore mytest.jks -storepass password Sometimes, in testing purpose, w...

   JAVA,KEYTOOL     2016-01-09 06:28:07

  Beauty of front end--List of front end tools used by GitHub

I did this summarization when I added Lirate_CoffeeScript support for GitHub-Linguist, i.e how does GitHub do Marjdown render and code highlight in its front end. Lots of font end tools used by GitHub are open sourced. They are: 1. HTML/CSS/JavaScript 1.1 HTML template GitHub markup and template styleguide : 1.2 Style and CSS GitHub uses replacement of CSS: SCSS: KSS: GitHub CSS styleguide ...

   GitHub, front end,Tool     2013-03-07 03:46:42

  The magic of go:linkname

When writing Go program, there is frequent need on using time.Sleep() function to pause the logic for some time. And if jumping to the definition of this function, can see below definition: // Sleep pauses the current goroutine for at least the duration d. // A negative or zero duration causes Sleep to return immediately. func Sleep(d Duration) I's strange that there is no function body defined here. What happened? The actual definition of the function body is residing at runtime/time.go&nb...

   TRICKS,GO:LINKNAME,GOLANG     2022-04-10 08:39:00

  6 Astounding Joomla Templates That Support EasyBlog

No doubt, blogging offers a fabulous platform where one can express his emotions, and share his views with others over the Internet. It can also help you leverage your business, as you can publish suitable blogs to efficiently promote your products and services. Moreover, one can also use blogs to exhibit his online portfolio and thus, benefit his business.  Today, there are several blogging platforms that offer a brilliant blogging experience. However, Joomla makes a superior choice among ...

   joomla, joomla templates, mobile template     2015-07-03 01:25:19

  A Sip of Go Log

Logging is indispensable in any code that we need its support both in debugging and in statistics. However, a package that filled withfmt.Println/fmt.Printf printing various messages can never be considered a read-to-be-adopted package, which can be optimized by a simple change, using Golang’s native log package to print information to standard output or to a file. Then, how to apply the log package? Are there any limitations? If so, can we seek open-source packages? Let&rsq...

   GOLANG,LOGGING     2022-06-16 05:43:24

  Simplify Cloud Data Security: A Deep Dive Into Protecting Sensitive Data in Java

Featuring encryption, anonymization, hashing, and access control Network security incidents occur now and then, mostly caused by data leakage. Data security has aroused widespread concern, and the community keeps working hard on approaches to simplify data security, especially in sensitive data protection. Sensitive data includes but is not limited to personally identifiable information (PII) like names, ID numbers, passport numbers, driver’s license numbers, contact information like addre...