2 million iPhone 5 sold in China in 3 days

Apple announces that since it was available in China from last Friday, iPhone 5 has been sold over 2 million units in 3 days. iPhone 5 was available for sale in China starting from 14th Dec, the price is 5288RMB and up, there are two cooperated vendors in China : China Telecom and China Unicom. They start sell iPhone 5 on their own sales channels, moreover Apple starts selling iPhone in their own Apple Store and official website. According to Tim Cook, because of the high demand of Apple product...

   iPhone 5, China, Sale     2012-12-17 12:27:59

  When will Google be back to China?

There will be news about Google returning back to China every now and then since the search giant left China in 2010. Every sign of change about Google in China will give people big hope on its return. But Chinese are still waiting for the dream to become true though nothing real happen until now. On Thursday, it seems there is "proof" again that Google is going back to China. In the morning, many Chinese noticed that the official Google China weibo(China's Twitter) account uploaded a photo with...

   GOOGLE,CHINA,SEARCH ENGINE,BAIDU     2017-03-02 09:39:51

  Fastjson just fixed a bug which might cause out of memory issue

Fastjson just fixed a bug which might cause service down a few days ago. This bug is caused by some mishandling of special character \x which is an escaped character to indicate hexdecimal number. The impact of this bug would be big if the attacker constructs a malicious data which would cause the service down.  The code which causes the issue is in, when a JSON string is passed in, fastjson would parse the string character by c...

   FASTJSON,ALIBABA,BUG,NEWS     2019-09-07 06:03:49

  Another Chinese Siri : Baidu launched phone voice assistant

Today, Baidu launched their own phone voice assistant "Baidu voice assistant Baidu claims it as the first apply the depth neural network (DNN) to speech recognition products in China, it reduces recognition error rate by 25%.Similar to other voice assistants, Baidu voice assistant can be roughly divided into the function of the phone calls, information querying and voice communication. Users can use voice to make phone call, send SMS and set the alarm etc. Similarly, Baidu voice assistant suppo...

   Baidu voice assisstant, Google Now, Apple Siri     2012-12-25 02:16:27

  Google is returning back to China

It has been five years since Google announced its difficult decision to leave China in 2010. The well known reason was that Google didn't want to conform to China's censorship request on sensitive information. During these five years, many stories happened bbetween these two sides. Things may turn around now as there are a few indications where Google may return back to China at an appropriate time soon. The most convincing indication is that a customized Google play -- Google online shop may a...

   Google,China,Alphabet,Google play     2015-09-06 04:13:30

  Is Google still in China?

According to Tencent Tech, data from traffic statistics agency CNZZ shows that Google only ranks fifth in China's search engine market calculating by page views. Its market share is 2.13% in China. and although Baidu is still at the first place, its market share also declined and the its market share is less than 70%. Overall, Google's market share in China drops continuously. At the same time, Baidu also faces competition from other search engines, especially from new entrants Qihoo. Qihoo laun...

   Google,China,Market share     2013-07-05 07:12:58

  One interesting story about Chinese software development

I have once seen an interesting complaint written by one foreigner about Beijing South Railway Station (China) on foursquare. It says: "There is simply no way to buy a ticket at the machine unless you have a Chinese ID. What the hell they have English interface for then?" Apparently,the foreigner cannot buy ticket because he doesn’t have Chinese ID but there still presents an English interface for foreigners on the vending machine. Because of my profession, I find this awkward situation w...

   Software design,User experience,Importance     2012-03-26 14:42:50

  Google is missing in the photo with Chinese president Xi Jinping

Chinese president Xi Jinping has started his formal visit to US on 22nd September. The first stop is Seattle where Microsoft and Amazon headquarters are located. On 23rd September (Wednesday), Xi Jinping attended a forum named "The 8th US-China Internet Industry Forum" in Seattle.  On this forum, president Xi expressed the attitude of Chinese government to Internet. He advocated to build an peaceful, secure, open and collaborative Internet environment so that every country can benefit from ...

   NEWS,GOOGLE,CHINA,XI JINPING     2015-09-24 03:54:18

  Facebook fires a few Chinese employees

There is a big news happening in the Silicon Valley in past few days. Facebook fired a few Chinese employees for bringing outsiders into Facebook's campus and canteen on a charged basis. It's well known that tech companies in Silicon Valley provide attractive welfare to their employees. We often heard about the news that lots of free service(including free food, free laundry, free massage etc) are provided to employees to encourage them to stay effective when working. This is good news and welc...

   Facebook,Chinese employee, Chummy     2015-09-03 07:39:05

  How Chinese tech websites survive

As a tech site which aims to share knowledge and experience, content is its core value. To attract readers, it needs to produce valuable content and keep the originality of the content. When an article is published on a site, it should be a copyrighted property of that site or the original author while others should be very careful when considering to copy that article to their own site. They should generally avoid to copying the whole content of the article. However, in reality, this is no...

   WEBSITE,COPYRIGHT,CHINESE     2017-08-08 21:54:32