Java Interview Questions

Currently there are many articles online which summarize the list of Java interview questions. Some cover lots of basic questions and some cover some specific questions in specific area such as multithreading. In this post, we will not cover the really basic questions, we will cover something different. For basic question, you can read Java Interview Questions。 Basic What is primitive data type? How many primitive data types in Java? What are they? -- A primitive type is prede...


  Alibaba Cloud was down again just after Singles' Day promotion

On November 12th, several popular Alibaba platforms and services experienced technical issues, causing widespread disruption and becoming hot topics on Weibo, the Chinese equivalent of Twitter. These services include Taobao, Xianyu, DingTalk, Aliyun Drive etc. Users took to social media to report instances of "Taobao crashing." Some encountered code display errors on the shopping page, while others faced a blank screen. However, a few users claimed they were still able to shop without any prob...

   ALIBABA CLOUD,ALIYUN,DOWN     2023-11-12 21:44:16

  Will China surpass United States on innovation?

I had some discussions on whether China would surpass United States on innovation with some entrepreneurs during last weekend's APEC. The conclusion is United Stats has advantages on innovation today, but in the future, China's innovation will be more widespread and successful. For the next 10 years, what advantages do United States and China have? Actually United States has obvious advantages, especially on innovation structure and innovation culture. Technology -- It's undoubted that Unit...

   Innovation,China,United States     2013-07-15 04:40:12

  Get Facebook, Twitter and YouTube back

Facebook, Twitter and YouTube have become part of many people's daily network life. People hang around these sites to network with known and unknown friends, to know about the latest news and to relax with fancy video clips. But what will you feel if all of a sudden you cannot access them? Want to experience this? Go behind the GFW(Great Firewall) of China. Just a joke, but it's real. Huh, you are out of China? Don't worry. Change your DNS server to those located in China. I just experienced it,...

   DNS spoofing, GFW, YouTube,     2014-12-20 21:41:34

  How iPhone App Developers Will Get Benefited by iOS 11?

At Apple WWDC 2017, the CEO Tim Cook introduced the next generation of iOS, i.e., iOS 11. Various improvements and innovations included in iOS 11 were discussed. And what one can say from the whole is that this year’s WWDC keynote was more developer-oriented than user-oriented. It was, indeed, an assistance to the iPad and iPhone app developers to create more innovative mobile apps, and serve users for lifetime.  If you are an iOS app developer or working at an iPhone app development...


  Creating a PHP 5 Extension with Visual C++ 2005

This article describes the steps to create a custom PHP extension DLL for the Windows platform. The Zend API documentation that comes with PHP 5 on Windows (see php_manual_en.chm) does a good job explaining how to write extension methods, parse method parameters, and return values. But there is not currently a good step-by-step tutorial on how to get your first extension project up and running on Windows. The aim of this article is to fill that gap. Prerequisites Visual Studio 2005 You can...

   PHP,Extension,Writing,Windows,Step by st     2011-07-23 01:56:53

  Funny Linux commands

1. sl You will see a train moving from the right to left on the screen. Install : $ sudo apt-get install sl Run : $ sl It has options like -aiFe: -a An accident seems to happen. You'll feel pity for people who cry for help.-l shows little one.-F It flies.-e Allow interrupt by Ctrl+C. We can also make fun of other people by setting an alias like below: $alias ls=sl When the user types ls, he will see the train instead of the file list. 2. fortune Output one statement, it can be a joke, or famous...

   Linux,funny command,figlet,sl     2013-06-08 21:30:26

  Social media sharing codes

Social media is becoming a very important traffic source to one website. We can see social media share buttons or links in most websites ranging from news website to personal blogs. It is also a very important optimization area where many SEO experts recommend. There are many social medias we can share our links to such as Facebook and Twitter. Most of these website provide share button for us to easily integrate them into our websites, but these buttons usually have default styles(fixed size, f...

   Social media,Share button,Cutomize     2013-07-18 23:12:45

  Video website in big data era

Big data initially means the large data set which is not able to be analyzed, but later it was derivatized to the method to analyze huge amounts of data in  order to gain great value.This is a form which gradually gets attention, It's difficult to analyze these data and it's also difficult to store these data and it needs some unprecedented way, Now in China many companies use the open source Hadoop distributed data cluster to meet the needs of data statistics. Since we can get segmented d...

   Netflix,Big data,Data mining     2013-04-11 04:20:40

  New features in Java 9

Java 9 is planned to be released in March 2017. It will be 3 years since Java 8 was released. Are you still excited about the new features introduced in Java 8 such as Lambda, new Date APIs etc? Now Java 9 is to be released and there are also quite a few fantastic new features to be introduced. Below is a list of major new features in Java 9. Modular system. Java 9 will introduce a brand new modular system to organize Java codes. The modular system will divide different packages into diffe...

   JAVA,NEW FEATURE,JAVA 9     2016-04-05 09:56:01