SEARCH KEYWORD -- Better design

  $40 million per year to keep Wikipedia running

Wikipedia is an incredibly frugal and efficient nonprofit organization. It serves half a billion visits per month. But do you know how much it costs to keep this huge website running? According to 2012-13 Wikimedia Foundation Annual Plan, the expected spending is around $40 million. Some may argue that Wikipedia is just a site with "just text", why does it cost so much? Oliver Emberton shared his view. To keep Wikipedia running and serve 500 million visits per month. First, you're going to need ...

   Wikipedia,Spending,Cost     2013-09-24 23:05:10

  Games don’t need to be social

Social games have been a big trend in recent years. Zynga struck it big and now everyone else is trying to emulate them. Unfortunately, the first thing that pops into anyones head when a Zynga game is mentioned is Facebook. Facebook is the platform upon which their success stories like FarmVille were built, but it’s not the reason for their success.Zyngas games work because they are fun. The social connectivity is merely a mechanism to share your enjoyment of the game with other...

   Game,Social,No need,Game design     2011-10-29 07:15:34

  Best practices of front end optimization

1. Use DocumentFragment or innerHTML to replace complex elements insertion DOM operation on browser is expensive. Although browser performance is improved much, multiple DOM elements insertion is still expensive and will affect the page load speed. Assume we have an ul element on our page, we now want to retrieve a JSON list using AJAX and then update the ul using JavaScript. Usually we may write it as : var list = document.querySelector('ul'); ajaxResult.items.forEach(function(item) { // ...

   JavaScript,Front end,Optimization,Tips     2013-07-06 11:26:27

  Some Thoughts on Twitter's Availability Problems

As a regular user of Twitter I've felt the waves of frustration wash over me these past couple of weeks as the service has been hit by one outage after another. This led me to start pondering the problem space [especially as it relates to what I'm currently working on at work] and deduce that the service must have some serious architectural flaws which have nothing to do with the reason usually thrown about by non-technical pundits (i.e. Ruby on Rails is to blame). Some of my suspicions ...

   Twitter,Architecture,Availability,Design     2011-08-12 07:39:21

  Show Bootstrap tooltip in AngularJS ng-repeat elements

In contemporary web application development, many front-end frameworks have been used to accelerate the speed of development and circumvent browser compatibility issues. Among them, AngularJS and Bootstrap are two frequently used.  AngularJS is a MVC JavaScript framework developed by Google to provide easy synchronization between user view and data model. While Bootstrap is developed by Twitter and it eases the work of designing a simple and concise UI without much manual design work ...


  6 Most Effective Methods to Code HTML and CSS

IntroductionJust few weeks ago, I have resigned as a "full on" web developer (frontend, backend, server admin and misc) and moved on to become a pure frontend developer (yay)! It is a really exciting change, as you might know frontend developer role didn't exist few years ago. Thanks to the introduction of HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript framework, frontend development has to be separated from backend due to its complexity, and I think I'm trained to fit in that gap nicely.For many years, I've equipp...

   html,CSS,Style,Design,Pattern     2011-05-26 10:42:21

  What's on your Learning List?

How do you track and decide what topics you want to spend time learning? For a while, I didn’t have a real good solution. Something would trigger me to remember “Oh yeah! I really wanted to learn more about that”. I would spend the evening doing busy learning - it seemed like I was learning but I really wasn’t. Instead of trying to do Deliberate Practice, I’d fool myself into thinking I was investing my time wisely by reading blog posts and examples but no...

   Learning list,Conscious,Study,Programming     2011-12-05 12:44:39

  Beauty of code : How to write graceful PHP code

Writing good code is an art. In order to achieve this, it is necessary to develop good programming habits at the beginning. Good programming habits not only contributes to the early project design (modular),but also allows you to the code easier to understand, so that the maintenance of the code is easier. Bad programming habits will result in more code bugs, and will make future maintenance work difficult. We introduce some good programming habits taking PHP as example. Hope this will help you....

   PHP,Good code     2012-08-26 12:23:03

  Why Google+ Doesn’t Care If You Never Come Back

Ad targeting. Google+ is designed to power ad targeting, and for that it only needs you to sign up once. This lets it combine the biographical information you initially enter such as age, gender, education, employers, and places you’ve lived with your activity on Search, Gmail, Maps and all its other products to create an accurate identity profile. And this powers targeting of more relevant ads it can charge more for. So despite comScore showing that the average Google+ user only sp...

   Google+,Ads,comScore,Identity     2012-02-29 05:04:19

  Why Outsourcing .Net Services is a Growing Trend?

IT companies are focusing more on .net for application development. This is because; the .net platform empowers developers with a wide range of tools and libraries to create diverse applications in an easy and efficient manner. The dot net framework allows users i.e. developers, to design and develop applications that can interact with web services and a range of online devices. .Net programming language is richer than others in many contexts. It has several objects oriented features like proper...

   dot net services, outsourcing, .net, framework     2014-10-23 22:30:43