Handle ”cannot modify header information – headers already sent by”

Man PHP developers should encounter ”Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by ….” error before when executing a PHP script. Here are some solutions to this error. 1. Blank line Check whether there is any blank line after , especially in the files which are used in include() and require(0, some problems are caused by blank lines. 2. Add exit() after head() header (“Location: xxx”); exit(); 3. Use output cache <?php ob_start(); ...

   header sent, PHP error handle     2012-11-17 08:45:22

  Problem and Solution for Installing wxPython on Ubuntu 20.04

When we try to install wxPython lib on Ubuntu system to do software GUI development, most of time we may meet some installation and lib dependency problems. For the latest Ubuntu version, the problems still happen. Below are some common problems which happened frequently and their solution: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Problem [1]: Install wxPython on Ubuntu 20.04 fail because of dependency package Gtk is not in...

   PYTHON,WXPYTHON,UBUNTU 20.04     2020-09-09 05:32:35

  Lots of Chinese users experienced Samsung phone crashes

Starting from 23 May morning(Beijing time), lots of Samsung phone users in China suddenly experienced system crashes and couldn't use the phone anymore.   The symptoms the users saw were that the phone started to restart infinitely and the screen turned into dark screen and nothing can be done to get it recovered. Based on the reports, the impacted models include Samsung Galaxy S8, S9, S10 and S20 series,  Other models don't receive many reports yet. After receiving the reports,...


  Why Most of us Get Confuse With Data Quality Solutions and Bad Data?

How to fix this misunderstanding is what Big Data professionals will explain in this post. The C-level executives are using data collected by their BI and analytics initiatives to make strategic decisions to offer the company a competitive advantage. The case gets worse if the data is inaccurate or incorrect. It’s because the big data helps the company to make big bets, and it impacts the direction and future together. Bad Data can yield inappropriate results and losses. Some interesting ...

   BIGDATA     2018-02-21 06:01:35

  JavaScript to scroll element into view

In AJAX applications, there are frequent needs to scroll some element into view after some modification to the page. For example, after adding an item or updating an element in an admin panel, the page may need to be scrolled to the item added or updated so that we can see the changes immediately. In these cases, JavaScript can be used to scroll the element we want to show. In Vanilla JavaScript, there is no built-in function which can achieve scroll_element_into_view(), but most of modern brows...

   JAVASCRIPT,JQUERY,SCROLLTO,HOW-TO     2015-12-17 03:47:32

  Web Vs. Native: Which Is the Better Type of Mobile App?

An average US adult spends 3 hours and 15 minutes on their smartphone every day. This means that launching an app of your own is a great business opportunity. However, you need to decide whether you want to develop a native or a web app. The difference boils down to the fact that web apps run through a mobile browser and native apps are full-fledged programs. Each option has its pros and cons and can be successful under some circumstances. To make the right decision, you need to understand ...

   MOBILE,WEB APP,NATIVE APP     2018-03-26 06:35:27

  A boolean value interview question

Someone asked a question on StackOverflow, he was asked an interview question. The question is : Given 3 boolean variables a, b, c, return true if at least 2 out of the 3 are true. He gave the solution as follows :boolean atLeastTwo(boolean a, boolean b, boolean c) {    if ((a && b) || (b && c) || (a && c)) {        return true;    } else {        ret...

   bool,return,expression,conditional     2012-04-30 08:49:32

  No support of $.browser in jQuery 1.9

Starting from jQuery 1.9, $.browser is no longer supported to detect the nrpwser type and version. The substitute is $.support. In the newer jQuery 2.x versions, IE 6/7/8 are also not supported. If users want to support IE 6/7/8, they must use jQuery 1.9. If you want to fully support IE and want to use jQuery 1.9 and jQuery 2.0, the official solution is: <!--[if lt IE 9]> <script src='jquery-1.9.0.js'></script> <![endif]--> <!--[if gte IE 9]> <script src=...

   jQuery,$.browser,$.browser.version     2013-08-27 03:10:12

  Send email using PHPMailer on GoDaddy hosting

According to PHPMailer troubleshooting guide, GoDaddy has a very strict rule on sending email using PHPMailer. Popular US hosting provider GoDaddy imposes very strict (to the point of becoming almost useless) constraints on sending an email. They block outbound SMTP to ports 25, 465 and 587 to all servers except their own. This problem is the subject of many frustrating questions on Stack Overflow. If you find your script works on your local machine, but not when you upload it to GoDaddy, ...

   PHP,PHPMAILER,GODADDY     2018-11-16 08:28:55

  Java Development : Overcomes Challenges of Security, Flexibility, and Performance

While launching any web application, a development company faces a challenge that is choosing the programming language for developing it. Though, there are many options available for companies to deliver app solution to businesses, such as .net, C++, Python, PHP, Ruby, and their derivatives; still many believe that java can be a good choice for development of apps. A java development company can make amazing app solutions by leveraging their development team’s skills and expertise. But the...

   Java development services     2015-05-20 09:05:50