Mac evolution history

Apple's WWDC is coming in a few hours. All Apple fans are expecting that Apple will release some new amazing Apple products. This year, what are we expecting? The result will be revealed in just a few hours. Before that, we can look back about the history of some Apple products such as Mac. Below is the Mac evolution history summarized by We can take a few minutes to go through it. Reference :

   Apple,WWDC,Mac,History     2013-06-10 09:17:17

  Resolve git issue Permission denied (publickey)

Sometimes when clone a remote repository from, you may see below error. D:\Project\Playground\GitBisect>git clone Cloning into 'bisectercise'... Permission denied (publickey). fatal: Could not read from remote repository. Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists. The issue occurs when there is no key on your machine which is associated with your github account. To fix the issue, please ...


  The new Google Search By Voice

Along with the new announcement of the new Google logo, there is a new change to the Google search -- The Google Search By Voice. When you use Google in a browser, you will see below color mic icon now:   With this, you can search by speaking in front of your computer,  OK, Google will listens to what you are saying and do the search for you.  As described by Google, this change: A colorful Google mic help you identify and interact with Google whether you’re talking, tap...

   Google, Google voice, Google logo     2015-09-02 11:07:13

  How to use Chome dev tool to find event handler bound to an element

As a front end developer, there is frequent need to debug JS code and sometimes need to find out what event handler has been bound to a HTML element. In this post, we will show how to find out the click event handler bound to a HTML element, this same applies to other events as well. Nowadays, a web application is usually very complicated and there are lots of JS codes which makes it difficult to find out what click event handler has been bound to a HTML element, especially when the JS source co...


  Twitter OAuth the easy way – simple post to twitter script

After Twitter introduced mandatory authentication with OAuth, many of the current scripts for posting content to Twitter don’t work anymore. OAuth can be great for more advanced authentication, but for a simple post to twitter script, it seems like a little overkill. In this post you’ll learn how to create a simple script that uses a quick and dirty version of OAuth for posting new tweets to Twitter. How to create a simple script Simplified, Twitter OAuth involves sending both ap...

   Twitter,OAuth,PHP,Auto tweet     2012-02-25 12:51:07

  Microsoft unveils a new logo

When releasing Windows 8, many people thought that Microsoft would use the blue logo as company's logo. But we are "cheated", Microsoft unveils a new logo. Watch video below. Since unveiling its first logo in 1977, Microsoft has changed its logo a few times, they are  In 1977, its "Micro-Soft" Microsoft "blibbet" logo, filed August 26, 1982 at the USPTO and used until 1987. Microsoft "Pac-Man" logo, designed by Scott Baker and used from 1987 to 2012 with the 1994–2002 slogan"W...

   Microsoft,Logo,Windows 8     2012-08-23 20:04:03

  How does GoLang know how many CPUs to use?

When running lscpu command on Linux, it will list the CPU info on the machine. Take one example where there is one CPU with 2 cores and each core has two threads which indicates there are 4 cores available. Now let's see how many cores GoLang program would identify. From output, NumCPU and GOMAXPROCS both output 4 which is expected. How does go runtime get this info, does it get it through similar command like lscpu or /proc/cpuinfo? Let's dig more in GoLang's source code. In runtim...

   GOLANG,CPU,NCPU     2020-12-29 23:22:15

  Breaking Barriers: How 3D Printing is Democratizing Product Development

Innovation has always been the cornerstone of progress, driving societies forward and shaping our future. However, for many years, the realm of product development and manufacturing was largely restricted to big corporations with hefty budgets and access to specialized resources. This created a barrier for individuals and small businesses aspiring to bring their ideas to life. Fortunately, the advent of 3D printing technology has shattered these barriers, democratizing product development and op...

   UV PRINTING,3D PRINTING     2024-03-05 08:15:32

  How to make contribution to GitHub correctly?

If you have a GitHub account, then you will be able to see a section called Public contributions on your profile page. Your contribution status for the past year will be showed on this section, it's called contribution calendar. This calendar has 7 rows and 53 columns. Each cell on the grid represents your contribution status for one day, if the contribution is different, the cell color will be different. There are 5 colors in total : white, yellow, light green,green and deep green. With this, s...

   GitHub,Contribution calendar,Public contributions     2013-09-27 10:47:11

  Google Chrome to support sync clipboard data among devices

Google has been working very hard to make it possible for syncing clipboard data among PC and Android devices through Chrome. This feature is finally available in Chrome Canary 79 and is going to be released in future version of Chrome although it only supports sync data from PC to Android but not vice versa. But before getting to that day, users can start to explore this feature in latest Chrome Canary version 79.  There are three flags(chrome://flags) to control enablement of the feature...