Will IBM fall?

IBM has over 100 year's history and it faced many tough challenges along the way but every time it came back successfully. This time its revenue dropped 6 quarters consecutively, with the popularity of cloud computing and big data, IBM seems lag behind and is heavily hit by the storm. Its current technologies are only suitable for serving traditional companies 15 years ago but not companies now. Can IBM go though this challenge and come back again? It seems IBM doesn't want to be left out. Th...

   IBM,transformation,Watson     2014-01-27 08:01:41

  About tmpfs

tmpfs is another confusing name in Linux kernel, its implementation is in mm/shmem.c, shmem has no relation to tmpfs at first glance although we know tmpfs is based on memory. We can understand why we use this name by seeing where this is used. In a desktop Linux system, tmpfs is loaded usually: % grep tmpfs /proc/mountsdevtmpfs /dev devtmpfs rw,seclabel,nosuid,relatime,size=1958956k,nr_inodes=489739,mode=755 0 0tmpfs /dev/shm tmpfs rw,seclabel,nosuid,nodev,relatime 0 0tmpfs /run tmpfs rw,seclab...

   tmpfs,Linux,file system     2013-06-14 12:10:56

  On Employers, Portfolios, Commitment, and Cake

You might know from experience that planning for a wedding is no simple feat. In the months leading up to our wedding, my then fiancé and I spent countless hours planning and making sure that no detail was overlooked. Among our top priorities was finding a skilled baker to create a delicious and beautiful cake. On the recommendation of a friend, we considered a baker named Jennifer. We read her "culinary resume." We were impressed by her references and experience, and our initial conve...

   Career,Employer,Cake,Commitment     2012-02-17 07:48:19

  Want to write some code? Get away from your computer!

I’ve recently realised something. The best place to write code isn’t in front of your computer, with your compiler, IDE and tools. The best place to write code is far, far away from any of these tools – somewhere where you can think properly. For a language with which you are fairly familiar, the mechanics of translating the program in your mind to a program that the compiler can compile (or the interpreter can interpret) is fairly easy – it’s coming ...

   Program,Goo dcode, Away, Use mind     2011-03-30 23:48:10

  Google+ may defeat Facebook in education

Although Google launched Google+ to compete with Facebook, we know that Facebook is now almost irreplaceable.However, does Facebook dominate now mean it will dominate the future? Of course not. Based on his own understanding and knowledge of Google+, Jesse Wojdylo, a Web Entrepreneur engineer, expressed that Google+ will dominate in the field of education, and published them in his Google+ homepage. Here is what he says: Most major universities have incorporated Gmail and Google Apps for all st...

   Facebook,Google+,Education     2012-08-30 19:25:41

  E-commerce "Whampoa Military Academy" in Guangdong

There are five projects being initiated this year in Guangdong Province to help the young graduates to find jobs or become entrepreneurs, such as providing more internship opportunities to university graduates and setting up total 200 million amount loans to help starting their own business. Among all the announced plans, the “Youth E-Business Elite Plan” attracts the most attention. This plan relies on Taobao University of Guangdong Youth College to train various e-commerce talents...

   e-commerce,Guangdong     2013-04-01 06:49:32

  What drives the popularity of Node.js?

JavaScript is a programming language which can be used on both front end and back end. Its popularity should mainly be attributed to its power in front end side. While people seem not realize its power in back end until the appearance of Node.js.  Node.js is a server-side software system designed for writing scalable Internet applications, notably web servers. Programs are written on the server side in JavaScript, using event-driven, asynchronous...

   Node.ks,Popularity,NPM     2013-07-24 01:22:58

  HTML5 photo taking and uploading app implementation

Underthe support of HTML5 standard, Building Web App to take photos is now possible.I will elaborate on how to take photos using Web App, display them on the pageand upload them to the server. 1.     Videostream HTML5 TheMedia Capture API provides the programmable  access to video camera on phones, users canuse the getUserMedia() method to get the video stream provided by video camera.What we need to do is to add a HTML <video> tag and make the videostrea...

   HTML5,Photo taking,Media Capture API ,Implementation     2012-03-15 07:19:49

  IDEs for Java programmers

IDEs are great helpers to programmers. They can help programmers write less error-prone programs with less time. They have become an inevitable part of many programmers. As a Java developer, you may be familiar with Eclipse already. But do you know other IDEs for Java programmers? We will give an overview of different IDEs for Java programmers. These IDEs are Eclipse, Intellij IDEA, NetBean and BlueJ. Eclipse Eclipse is the most widely used IDE for Java programmers. It's an open source IDE whic...

   Java IDE,BlueJ,NetBeans,Eclipse     2014-08-21 06:15:54

  Vim anti-patterns

The benefits of getting to grips with Vim are immense in terms of editing speed and maintaining your “flow” when you’re on a roll, whether writing code, poetry, or prose, but because the learning curve is so steep for a text editor, it’s very easy to retain habits from your time learning the editor that stick with you well into mastery. Because Vim makes you so fast and fluent, it’s especially hard to root these out because you might not even notice them...

   Vim,Anti-pattern,macro,syntax     2012-02-08 10:06:15