Creativity requires isolation

How many times have you tried to get something done that needed some touch of originality and creativity and yet got that annoying mind block which is manifested by blank stares, scratching and biting on anything in reach? “all the damn time” I hear? As preconditions to be creative, one should know something well while having the utmost focus on it. Someone who knows little about aerodynamics can’t come up with the idea for next concord. And focus has two aspects: kno...

   Creativity,Isolation,Quiet,Paper,Pen     2011-11-28 09:33:57

  5 Free Open Source Chat Applications For Developers

A chat application allows users to communicate with others via texting, messaging, video and audio conferencing. While developing a web application web masters always think that they should communicate with their audience directly rather than emails, phone or contact forms, or chat applications can be used in various web applications such as social networking sites, business sites for live support etc.We understand the needs of webmasters and that’s why we searched and explored myriad of ...

   AJAX,Chat,Web,Chat system,Open source,Pr     2011-09-07 10:49:29

  Check mobile device using JavaScript

Sometimes developers want to know whether the user is using a mobile browser or a desktop browser so that they can build corresponding user experience. Although in many cases responsive web design would help solve component alignment issues, there are performance related considerations in some cases where some code should not be ran or some feature should not be available if user is on mobile browser. or vice versa This post will summarize a few ways which are commonly used to check whether a us...


  Python Deserialization Attack Introduction: How to Build a Python Pickle Bomb

This article introduces an old and classic unsecured Python data serialization feature (the pickle library) and demonstrates how a red team attacker can exploit it to create a malicious binary or text data file that executes remote code or commands upon deserialization. The following attack flow diagram illustrates this process: We will follow 3 steps with the program code to show how Deserialization Attacks Work:   [ Step1 ] Crafting Malicious Data: An attacker crafts a malicious payloa...

       2024-07-07 03:08:22

  Mozilla releases a web identity system : Persona

Now almost every website requires the user to register, there are many benefits of registration for a website, such as retaining users, accommodating discussions, providing customized content and so on.But there is too much trouble if each site requires registration, right?Of course, users can also have their own way, for those less important sites, for example, using a unified user name, password and email so that you only need to remember one account. Then, we also see some advanced methods em...

   Mozilla,Persona,Security,ID     2012-09-28 12:02:25

  Is Java Set ordered or not?

“Is Java Set ordered or not? ” is the most popular question asked when you interview for a Java Developer position. Many fail to answer it, and I have to admit I was one of the many. I have known the answer is “Yes and No” for a long time. No. HashSet is not ordered. Yes.TreeSet is ordered. If the interviewer continues with some follow up questions, I’m not confident that I know the answer then. Why is TreeSet ordered? Are there any other ordered S...

   ORDER,SORTEDSET,HASHSET,JAVA     2021-02-11 06:55:00

  Undefined property or variable in JavaScript

JavaScript is a weak type language, and also you can use a variable or property where it's undefined. If we don't have correct ways to check whether a property or variable is defined, we may get unexpected results when we try to access the,. How can we check whether a property or variable is undefined? This is actually a somewhat tricky question. Let's start off with some facts about undefined and then see what kind of function is consistent with the ones we care about. JavaScript attaches type...

   Property,Undefined,Array,JavaScript     2014-07-24 06:56:07

  Create trigger in MySQL

To create trigger in MySQL, the syntax is :CREATE [DEFINER = { user | CURRENT_USER }] TRIGGER trigger_name trigger_time trigger_event ON tbl_name FOR EACH ROW trigger_bodyOne example is :DELIMITER %%DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS delete_commentCREATE TRIGGER delete_comment AFTER DELETE ON file_generate_infoFOR EACH ROW BEGIN DELETE FROM article_comment WHERE article_id=OLD.article_id;END%%The whole create trigger statement should be complete statement but not many separate com...

   MySQL,Trigger,Dilimiter,phpMyAdmin     2011-04-20 15:35:30

  Remote form submission

Remote form submission is way of submitting HTML forms from local to a particular remote server. This is used by many advertisers, spammers or even hackers to submit bad data to other websites in order to get what they want. They can write some automation scripts to help them do spamming. How can people do remote form submission and how to prevent this kind of attacks? Since a website can be accessed by almost every one, so one can save a local copy of a HTML form of a website through File->S...

   PHP,Security,Remote form submission     2013-07-14 01:04:49

  A String is not an Error

I decided to write a little article to discourage an unfortunately common pattern in Node.JS modules (and browser JavaScript, to a lesser extent) that can boil down to these two examples: // A:function myFunction () {  if (somethingWrong) {    throw 'This is my error'  }  return allGood;} and // B: async Node.JS-style callback with signature `fn(err, …)`function myFunction (callback) {  doSomethingAsync(function () {    // …    if (...

   JavaScript,Node.js,String,Error object     2011-12-23 08:00:32