How expensive is a MySQL query?

Database access speed is always the bottle neck of many applications. Many application have large amount of data to search, retrieve and display nowadays. How do we improve the performance of our applications, how do we reduce the cost of database access? Apart from the design of database, the quality of the query is also one important factor to take care.  But before that, we need to know how much network traffic a query will consume. Yunyang,Zhang from Nubee in Singapore did some research...

   MySQL,Network traffic,Query     2013-04-09 05:13:33

  What to Look for in PHP 5.4.0

PHP 5.4.0 will arrive soon. The PHP team is working to bring to some very nice presents to PHP developers. In the previous release of 5.3.0 they had added a few language changes. This version is no different. Some of the other changes include the ability to use DTrace for watching PHP apps in BSD variants (there is a loadable kernel module for Linux folks). This release features many speed and security improvements along with some phasing out of older language features (Y2K ...

   PHP,5.4,New feature,Built-in server,Trait     2011-12-21 10:20:12

  The basics of Client/Server socket programming

  While Client/Server communication model is ubiquitous nowadays, most of them involve socket programming knowledge. In this post, I will introduce some rudimentary aspects of it: (1) Short/Long-lived TCP connection.Short-lived TCP connection refers to following pattern: Client creates a connection to server; send message, then close the connection. If Client wants to transmit information again, repeat the above steps. Because establishing and destroying TCP s...

       2017-09-26 19:43:10

  A journey to investigate a goroutine leakage case

In Go, creating goroutines is straightforward, but improper usage may result in a large number of goroutines unable to terminate, leading to resource leakage and memory leaks over time. The key to avoiding goroutine leaks is to manage the lifecycle of goroutines properly. By exporting runtime metrics and utilizing pprof, one can detect and resolve goroutine leakage issues. This post will go through one real case encountered by the author. The author maintains a service that connects to a targe...


  Google feels the threat from Samsung

In response to Apple's iOS system, Google and Samsung stood on the same side. But with the increase of market share of Samsung Android devices, Google begins to feel the threat from Samsung.On MWC in Barcelona, a group of business executives said Google increasingly worried about Samsung after a private party. Because its equipment has occupied 40% of the Android devices, which could erode the Google advertising service. Google hopes manufacturers such as HTC and HP can challenge Samsung.It is r...

   Google,Samsung,Android     2013-02-27 21:12:17

  Build route graph of Hurricane Sandy

Hurricane Sandy swept US east side and landed in New York, it killed 113 persons and incurred 50 billion US dollars economic loss. Sandy is also considered as the most expensive hurricane. We will now use matplotlib and basemap libraries in Python to build a route graph of Sandy. Below is the animated GIF. Shadow is added in the graph to show the time at night, we can see from the graph that Sandy stayed a while in Panama after emerging, then it went through Cuba and became Hurricane-2. Late...

   Hurricane Sandy,Route graph,Python     2012-11-17 07:58:13

  How To Build A Site That Looks Great On Every Screen

The responsive design revolution is upon us. With tablet and smartphone use soaring and changing our media habits, Web publishers no longer have a choice but to build designs that work properly on any device or screen size.The hard-working Silicon Valley design firm ZURB has recently released version 2.0 of its responsive design boilerplate kit called Foundation, which is a fundamental framework for a one-size-fits all Web project.Foundation is a CSS and Javascript framework that comes with...

   Website,Design,Device,Screen,Adaptable,Mobile     2011-10-31 10:46:32

  Building Security onto Your Mobile Application

Analysts state that more than 75% of the mobile applications will fail the basic security tests in 2015 – Gartner Research. Enterprises that follow the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) approach and facilitate mobile computing to their employees are susceptible to security threats and other vulnerabilities, unless they implement stringent security measures. In the development or deployment of mobile applications, a business can be severely impacted both financially and otherwise, if they are to...

   Web Application Development Company, iPhone App Development Company     2015-08-21 07:22:32

  Why Objective-C is Hard

As an active member of "The Internet" and vocal Objective-C coder, I get a lot of questions surrounding the language. They're often framed around thinking about learning the language or trying to write an app, but they also usually involve a phrase like "Objective-C looks really hard" or "what are all those minus signs about?" Both of these are pretty good questions, and I'd like to address why someone might be more hesitant to jump into iOS or OS X development compared to, say, Ruby or J...

   Objective-C,difficult,hard,reason,analysis     2012-03-07 05:11:28

  Can a == true && a == false be true in JavaScript?

JavaScript is a weak typed language and it has a loose comparison feature where two objects/values of different type can be compared using == operator. This provides developers great flexibility and confusion at the same time.  Before understanding how == works in JavaScript, can you first answer the question in the post title? Can a == true && a == false be true in JavaScript? Normally, we would think that this expression will always return false since a can be either true or ...