How does Class box get 1 million users with only 4 people?

"Class box" is an app which helps students create course plan developed by 4 Chinese. This app was created in 2012. They get over 1 million users with only 4 people. How do they make this? The co-founder of "Class box" Tianfang Li explains this on Zhihu. Here is what he said: About millions of users, in the mobile Internet era what we need to do is just find a good entry point, rapid iteration and with a little luck, a small team or even an independent developer can make millions user level prod...

   class box,team size,sillicon valley     2013-04-03 08:08:21

  Facebook will release new News Feed

According to 36Kr, Facebook sent out invitations to media to release a new version of the News Feed. This new News Feed will be released at 10 o'clock on March 7th(PST time) at the headquarters.The web version and mobile version of News Feed was updated in September 2011 and May 2012, Web version adds a dynamic display feature, if you login to Facebook per day, it will recommend popular content to you first If you frequently log in to Facebook, it will recommend the latest content. The mobile v...

   Facebook, News feed     2013-03-01 22:19:24

  China's search engine war becomes tough

According to CNZZ, the new search engine market share report for August shows that the war of search engine is becoming tough in China. In August, four major players took almost all the search engine market share.  Among these four, Baidu still tops the market share with 63.16 percent, but it experienced a 1.09 percent drop compared to July. In contrast, its main competitor Qihoo continued to inch upwards, Qihoo's market share increased by around one percent compared to July. In the third ...

   CNZZ,Search engine,Baidu     2013-09-17 02:46:02

  ByteBuffer in Java

ByteBuffer is introduced in java.nio since Java 1.4. It provides a way of representing raw structured data such as from a file or from network. It enables fast access of underlying data compared to traditional ways like byte[] Prior to Java 1.4, if you want to represent a structured raw data, you need to create a byte[] and then having a set of checks to delimit the byte array to get the expected tokens. There are three ways to create a ByteBuffer: Wrapping an exiting array by calling ByteBuffe...

   JAVA,BYTEBUFFER,ALLOCATION     2015-07-08 03:17:44

  YouTube’s Policy Change: All Set to Take Down Hate Videos

Owing to a major policy change, YouTube is introducing new changes in the ways the videos are streamed on its channel. YouTube being the giant video sharing website is all set to work on a long list of policies regarding the content of videos on its channel. The shift in the policies has been introduced by the Google so that hate speech videos can be taken down by the channel.  The most important concern behind the policy shift is to eliminate the videos that are influential in nature. The...


  Why to opt for Hadoop?

Hadoop is a open source that stores and processes big data. The framework is written in Java for distributed processing and distributed storage of very large data. Hadoop is Scalable. It is a scalable platform because it stores and distributed large amount of data sets to hundreds and thousands of servers that operate in parallel. Traditional database systems cannot process large amount of data. But, hadoop enable business to run applications involving thousands of Terabyte data. Hadoop is ...

       2015-09-22 10:17:43

  WireGuard VPN Troubleshooting

When you are working as a network/cluster admin for you team to config the WireGuard VPN for other members, you may meet some of the problems below and these are the solution you can try to fix them. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Problem [1]: The WireGuard handshake request send from the client can be received from the server but the server's response was blocked at some where so the client can not receive serv...

   WIREGUARD,VPN,TROUBLESHOOTING     2021-12-14 09:17:46

  TikTok confirms to sue US government

TikTok confirmed on Saturday to sue US government and US president Donald Trump over Trump administration's executive order on potentially banning TikTok in US. This Chinese short video app is the most downloaded app on App Store and PlayStore over past few months and has gained extremely high popularity among American youths. The parent company ByteDance claimed that the government's ban is illegal and hurts the interests of America people. "Even though we strongly disagree with the administra...

   BYTEDANCE,TIKTOK,US GOVERNMENT     2020-08-22 22:27:29

  Install Open webOS on Linux

HP has just released its first beta version of the webOS, It is said the user experience of webOS is quite impressive, so I immediately had it installed on my PC. There are two versions of Beta release,one embedded version and one Ubuntu version. I briefly share my installation experience of webOS in Linux. In the official document, it says "By 'Linux' we mean 'Ubuntu Linux'", it doesn't support server version and 64 bit version of Ubuntu. Here I use Mint 13. 1. Clone source code from github Add...

   Linux,webOS,Ubuntu,embedded,HP     2012-09-10 19:36:30

  Writing Java codes conforming to coding standard

Recently, I was doing some cleanup to one of my current Java project. I find there are many codes which are not conforming to the Java coding standard. So I list them here and hope that people can improve your codes and write maintainable codes. Format source code and manage imports in Eclipse Eclipse provides functions of auto-formatting and imports management, you can use following shortcuts to use these functions. Ctrl+Shift+F --> Format source code Ctrl+Shift+O -- Manage imports an...

   Java, Code standard,Style     2012-09-18 12:50:28