Twitter service down incidents summary

This Thursday, Twitter encountered a global service down incident. This is the second service down incident since last month. Later Twitter updated its website and stated that users might not be able to access Twitter temporarily.Twitter admitted the service down incident and explained that this time's service down was caused by problems of their both data centers.Ok, now lets summarize the service down incidents encountered by Twitter in past few May 2008, Twitter's new engineer team w...

   Twitter,Service down,History     2012-07-28 12:36:39

  Perl Documentation in Terms of Tasks

The core Perl community—if you care to draw lines around a group of people who use Perl seriously and call that a community—is like many other core F/OSS communities. Real work happens on mailing lists and IRC. I unsubscribed from several mailing lists and deliberately spent as little time on IRC as possible this year, for various uninteresting reasons. (I haven't even made it to the Portland Perl Monger...

   Perl,Documentation,Process     2011-12-27 09:40:09

  Different types of font icons

A website with just text belongs to the pre Web 2.0 era. A modern site will have different icons appearing on different places on the site. This will give the visitor a better visual feeling. But to have a set of consistent and well crafted icons is not an easy task. It may even require a dedicated icon designer to design them. Fortunately, we now can use font icons provided by many people around the web. Today we will introduce some of them. Font Awesome Font Awesome is an open source font ico...

   font icon, web design, font awesome     2015-07-19 06:22:48

  Lenovo gets into the chip design field

According to EETimes, Lenovo will enter the field of chip design, the main focus is the smartphone and tablet chip design.There is a small team of 10 people who are working on integrated circuit design in Lenovo in the past 10 years, Till the middle of this year, Lenovo intends to expand the team to 100 engineers. Lenovo may recruit 40 engineers in Shenzhen and 60 engineers in Beijing.Despite Lenovo has much freedom in the choice of application processors, but because it involves a competitive ...

   Lenovo,Chip,Samsung,Smartphone     2013-04-01 06:15:54

  Android 4.0+ occupies quarter of Android market

Google updates its developer page about Android platform version market share. From the latest data, we can find Android 4.0 and above system occupy around 25% of all Android market. But Android 2.3 Gingerbread still occupies over 50% of Android market. From the above chart, Android 4.0 has 23.7% market share, the latest Android 4.1 JellyBean takes 1.8%, these two have 25.5% market share in total. But Android 2.3 Gingerbread alone still dominates the Android market, it takes 55.8% market share....

   Google,Android,Share     2012-10-02 19:22:19

  Benefits and Drawback of a Layered Architecture

Most enterprises today are application centric. But the problem with the application is that their database schemas, user interfaces, programming interfaces and object models are tightly coupled and difficult to change. If you want to add a new field to a database table and you’re lucky, the change will reflect through the entire system. But often the change needs to be replicated manually across the entire system. And as applications are difficult to change, adding business rules or proce...


  Google open sources its Collaborative IDE

July 9, 2012 news, Google engineer Scott Blum published an article on Google+ which revealed that Google would open source the Collaborative IDE. The project was named "Collide" (collaborative IDE), which is a Web collaborative code editor. Google hopes that Collide can serve as a catalyst for improving the state of web-based IDEs.Caution Collide does not have any proper auth, SSL support, or user account management just yet. Please consider that fact when running instances that expose important...

   Google,Open source,Collide IDE     2012-07-09 10:55:20

  Tips to Keep in Mind When Adding Devices to WiFi

When it comes to powerful tools, it is hard to beat the Internet. We can use it to access a huge variety of news, information, entertainment, products and more. When the Internet first became a thing, people pretty much had to be sitting at their computers to use it. But now, thanks to the advent of a wireless network known as WiFi, you can connect to the Internet through your smartphones, streaming devices, laptops and more from anywhere in the house. If you are in the market for some new tech...

   ROUTER,TIPS,WIFI     2021-10-01 08:19:19

  You can get properties of pseudo-element using JavaScript now

The pseudo-element6 in CSS is extremely useful, you can use it to create CSS triangles and lots of other elements without overuse many HTML elements. In the past, you cannot get the property value of pseudo-element in CSS using JavaScript. Now you can call a new method in JavaScript to get them easily. Assume you have below CSS codes: .element:before { content: 'NEW'; color: rgb(255, 0, 0); } To get the properties in .element:before, you can use below JavaScript method: var color = window.getC...

   pseudo-element,property,JavaScript     2014-04-05 20:58:25

  Python SSH Connection Tools

Program Design Purpose: We aim to create a simple Python SSH tool library that facilitates SSH communication, SCP file transfer, and SSH port forwarding through multiple jump hosts in an SSH tunnel chain. The library is designed to provide a simple API for establishing nested SSH tunnel connections through multiple jump hosts with customizable TCP ports. This allows users or their programs to automate SSH tasks such as: Batch processing SSH connection tasks, such as connecting to multiple ser...

       2024-08-30 04:46:05