Why cannot compare double values directly for equality?

A question in PHP: Get some value from the database and use floatval() to convert it to floatint point value, then compare it with another value which is also converted to floating point value with floatval(). These two values are the same when using var_dump() to output, the two outputs are float(8.87), they are the same. But when comparing them for equality, the result is weird., they are not equal. Why?To analyze this question, we need to start with PHP data types. PHP uses weak types. In PHP...

   PHP,floating, precision,compare,equality     2012-06-27 09:01:36

  Javascript motion tracking

It is very often that I have to do video motion tracking for interactive video campaign in my daily work. If I’m used used to do that in Flash, I made a quick experiment to do the same in javascript. Thanks to Olof Storm who made me a perfect corner pin motion tracking in After Effects, and I’ve been using some code from Steven Wittens to draw an image in perspective. Click here to see the motion tracking demo (give it a bit of time to fully load). What I’m doing in this dem...

   JavaScript,Motion tracking,Flash     2012-03-20 07:43:46

  As A Hottest Job Ever, What Should You Know As A Front End Web Developer?

The front end web developers are the openers for the visitors to visit the web page. It is also known as the client-side development, works predominantly with HTML, CSS, and Javascript. The tools and techniques are the important players of the front end web development. The developer must be aware of the updation of web technologies.The scope is evergreen with this technology as every company or business needs a website to showcase their profile. There are many objectives must be measured while ...


  Is Shared Hosting Secure?

Shared hosting is incredibly popular with users who are looking for the cheapest hosting available – the problem is that along with the low price you get poor performance and even more concerning – questionable security. When running on a shared host dozens if not hundreds of other sites are running on the same servers – this means any single security flaw in any of those applications can compromise the entire server. This  dramatically increases the odds of your ...

   Shared hosting,Virtual host,Security,Data security     2012-02-14 10:48:59

  insertAdjacentHTML() Enables Faster HTML Snippet Injection

In Firefox 8, we’ve added support for insertAdjacentHTML(). It’s an ancient feature of Internet Explorer that has recently been formalized in HTML5 and then spun out into the DOM Parsing specification. The bad news is that Firefox is the last major browser to implement this feature. The good news is that since other major browsers implement it already, you can start using it unconditionally as soon as the Firefox 8 update has been rolled out to users.Basic Usage...

   InsertAjacentHTML,Firefox,HTML5,DOM     2011-11-10 10:52:00

  My life as a freelancer

In the summer of 2006 a work buddy, George, has told me that I could make some extra money programming on a site named Rent A Coder. I’ve signed up the same day. After losing some time on a project that never started I lost my interest in “coding for money”. I almost forgot about RAC.Fast-forward two years, I was a PhD student at a small North American University with a student visa and … nothing else in my pockets. For a few months I was able to make a living from ...

   Life,Freelancer,C,Rent a Coder,RAC     2011-11-07 02:53:03

  Twitter service down incidents summary

This Thursday, Twitter encountered a global service down incident. This is the second service down incident since last month. Later Twitter updated its website and stated that users might not be able to access Twitter temporarily.Twitter admitted the service down incident and explained that this time's service down was caused by problems of their both data centers.Ok, now lets summarize the service down incidents encountered by Twitter in past few May 2008, Twitter's new engineer team w...

   Twitter,Service down,History     2012-07-28 12:36:39

  Building a Modern Web Stack for the Real-time Web

The web is evolving. After a few years of iteration the WebSockets spec is finally here (RFC 6455), and as of late 2011 both Chrome and Firefox are SPDY capable. These additions are much more than just "enhancing AJAX", as we now have true real-time communication in the browser: stream multiplexing, flow control, framing, and significant latency and performance improvements. Now, we just need to drag our "back office" - our web frontends, app servers, and everything in between into this cen...

   Web design,Real-time web,web stack     2012-02-15 05:54:41

  Why Emacs?

PreludeIf you are a professional writer – i.e., if someone else is getting paid to worry about how your words are formatted and printed – Emacs outshines all other editing software in approximately the same way that the noonday sun does the stars. It is not just bigger and brighter; it simply makes everything else vanish.Neal StephensonIn the Beginning … Was the Command LineI’m an Emacs user and I’m proud of the fact. I know my reasons for using it (and loving i...

   Emacs,Linux,IDE,Editor,Usage     2011-11-21 10:22:05

  bakercom1 5 Ways to Make Your IT Staff Unpoachable

When it comes to hiring practices, the tables have turned – capsized, actually. After a global recession saw thousands of jobs lost in IT departments everywhere, now the race is on to hire swarms of top talent. The trouble is: There isn’t enough talent to go around, and the threat of losing key staff to “poachers” is growing daily. “In the current war for talent in Silicon Valley, a lot of leaders believe that it is not possible to compete with the Google an...

   IT,Experts,Keep,Unpoachable     2011-07-25 08:35:49