Our Go Cache Library Choices

In Build a Go KV Cache from Scratch in 20 minutes, I walked you through what matters when writing a local cache, and eventually implemented one, whose performance was beaten badly by that of the popular go-cache on Github though. However, the bright side is that we can learn a lot from those excellent Github Go cache products, studying their features, applicable scenarios, and implementations, and extracting what we need. In this article, I will mainly analyze and compare the four...


  CSS Tools: Reset CSS

The goal of a reset stylesheet is to reduce browser inconsistencies in things like default line heights, margins and font sizes of headings, and so on. The general reasoning behind this was discussed in a May 2007 post, if you're interested. Reset styles quite often appear in CSS frameworks, and the original "meyerweb reset" found its way into Blueprint, among others. The reset styles given here are intentionally very generic. There isn't any default color or background set for the bod...

   CSS,Cross browser compatibility,Reset,Partial reset     2011-12-05 02:44:11

  52.4 million tablet shipments in Q4 globally

IDC released the global tablet shipment report for Q4. The total tablet shipments in Q4 were 52.4 million globally. It set a new record where the shipments increase 75.3 annually and increase 74.3% compared to last quarter which had shipments of 30.1 million. Among all the tablets vendors, Apple iPad's shipments were 22.9 million which ranks the first place among all vendors. It takes 43.6% market share. Samsung has 7.9 million shipments, increased by 264% compared to the same period last year....

   IDC,Tablet, iPad,Android,Kindle,Surface     2013-01-31 02:45:25

  Loading images progressively using Gaussian blur

The popular online publishing platform Medium has adopted an impressive image loading mechanism -- pure color - blur image loading - real image loading. Since images on Medium usually have high definition, it takes much time to load an image and hence brings a bad user experience if rendering the image after it's completely downloaded. The solution Medium comes out is to preload an small image when the real image is being loaded.  On Medium, the HTML code will have below pattern ...


  5 Things You Can Do to Protect Your Data

The average cost of a data breach is $148 per record. Records include everything from personal addresses to birthdates to even more sensitive data, like Social Security Numbers and business files. Each year, these hacks cumulatively cost billions of dollars to companies and individual users. Nonetheless, like many other criminals, hackers tend to prey on easy targets. By following these essential steps, you’ll be able to ensure your data is always kept safe. 1) Use a File Encryption Servic...

   DATA SECURITY     2019-08-20 08:35:54

  How to monitor user behavior in webpage

Sometimes there is a need for website owners to monitor user behavior on the site so that they can know what pages are mostly visited and which parts are more popular so that they can provide better service to their users. These behavior usually contain user clicks, user mouse over events etc. These data can be sent back to server when triggered with some meta data. In this post, we will cover a few ways to monitor user behavior on a web portal and send data back to backend sever. 1. Synchronous...

   HTML,BEACON API,PING,USER BEHAVIOR     2019-06-29 06:06:59

  TL;DR: Beyond Mobile

In his Beyond Mobile presentation at TL;DR Conference in San Francisco CA, Scott Jenson made the case for moving beyond mobile applications and illustrated what a future without apps could be. Here’s my notes from his talk: The history of mobile phones has been copying the desktop and then realizing it just doesn’t work right.Apps are a holdover from the desktop.There are a number of trends that highlight how we can move beyond apps on mobile.App Glut: are we going to have an a...

   Mobile,Beyond mobile     2012-04-01 04:20:30

  IDC lists top 6 myths, realities about open source

Summary: What are the top 6 myths? That open source software will enter every market, is inherently innovative, it improves faster than commercial software, that it has less lock-in, that it’s free and that it has little benefit if one is not involved in the community. IDC calls these ideas “myths” but acknowledges there’s more than a grain of truth to all of them At its Directions 2012 conference in Boston today, IDC rev...

   IDC,Open source,Reality,Free,Contribution     2012-03-16 08:47:53

  10 notorious computer virus

The history of computer virus is the same as computer history. With more and more powerful computers, virus also are smarter and harder to be detected and killed. They have big impact on data security and system usability. We introduce 10 notorious computer virus in the history. 1. Creeper In 1971, the Creeper virus, an experimental self-replicating program, is written by Bob Thomas at BBN Technologies. Creeper infected DEC PDP-10 computers running the TENEX operating sy...

   Computer virus,History,Security     2013-07-16 21:09:22

  The First Bite on etcd Code

Etcd, one of the crucial components of Kubernetes. If APIServer is the heart, then etcd is the blood vessel that sends the end state of Kubernetes resources to various “organs”, providing high-speed, stable storage, and supporting APIServer’s high load performance. What if the etcd is not working properly? Just the condition as someone has a vascular disease. The deeper you know about them, the better diagnose you can make when issues occur. from unspl...

   SOURCE CODE,ETCD     2022-02-12 01:03:14