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  6 Astounding Joomla Templates That Support EasyBlog

No doubt, blogging offers a fabulous platform where one can express his emotions, and share his views with others over the Internet. It can also help you leverage your business, as you can publish suitable blogs to efficiently promote your products and services. Moreover, one can also use blogs to exhibit his online portfolio and thus, benefit his business.  Today, there are several blogging platforms that offer a brilliant blogging experience. However, Joomla makes a superior choice among ...

   joomla, joomla templates, mobile template     2015-07-03 01:25:19

  Show drop down list or menu above of a flash in webpage

How to make a drop down menu show above of a  flash in webpage?Normally when we embed a flash or swf file into our webpage, it is not one component of our webpage.So sometimes the flash will always show above of the webpage, it will not interact with our HTML page.To solve this problem,we need to use wmode property of object tag.wmode has three properties: window,opaque and transparent.window : the flash will show in its own rectangular window,which will not interact with    ...

   HTML,Flash,Block,Drop down menu,Solution     2012-03-12 17:13:57

  Memory related exception analysis in Java

Java Virtual Machine Specification divides the memory of JVM into several areas : Heap, Stack, The Program Counter register and Method area etc. In HotSpot JVM, heap is composed of Young, Tenured and Perm. There are different OutOfMemory error can happen in different memory area. Next is an overview of some of these OOM errors. StackOverflowError The JVM will allow only a specified number of stacks created nested. An JVM option -Xss can be set to determine the maximum stack size. If the num...

   Java, Memory model, Memory exception, OOM     2015-01-19 06:54:27

  Siri in Practice

Some quick comments on using Siri in practice—for things other than asking it to open the pod bay doors. Siri’s voice recognition is very impressive, and the scope of what it understands is very good given the difficulty of what it’s doing. But it has a lot of trouble with certain sorts of names—Irish names, for example, which often are not written as pronounced. For example there are a lot of people in Ireland named “Aoife”—it’s a very popul...

   Siri,Apple,Practice,Artificial Intelligence,AI     2011-10-15 15:01:13

  Making Sites Shine with @font-face

Like many of my web designer brethren, I’m a bit of a typographic geek. And like many web designers, I’ve been frustrated (to say the least) about the historical state of web typography.At first, we were limited to a common, but very small set of “web safe” fonts. Anything beyond those fonts, we had to rely on images. Images for text not only meant we had to create and maintain dozens (if not hundreds) of images, but it introduced accessibility issue...

   HTML,Font face,Font family,Demo,Example     2011-08-19 08:16:29

  Write Your Own R Packages

Introduction A set of user-defined functions (UDF) or utility functions are helpful to simplify our code and avoid repeating the same typing for daily analysis work. Previously, I saved all my R functions to a single R file. Whenever I want to use them, I can simply source the R file to import all functions. This is a simple but not perfect approach, especially when I want to check the documentation of certain functions. It was quite annoying that you can’t just type ?func&n...


  The 5 types of programmers

In my code journeys and programming adventures I’ve encountered many strange foes, and even stranger allies. I’ve identified at least five different kinds of code warriors, some make for wonderful comrades in arms, while others seem to foil my every plan. However they all have their place in the pantheon of software development. Without a healthy mix of these different programming styles you’ll probably find your projects either take too long to complete, are not stable enou...

   Programmer,Type,Anti-Programmer,OCD     2012-01-11 04:40:09

  Native Audio with HTML5

Once upon a time, audio on the web lived primarily in the world of third-party browser plug-ins like Flash, QuickTime and Silverlight. This was not a bad world, but it had its issues.For one, most plug-ins require the user to install them, but not all users are willing (or able) to install them. Also, many players built with these plug-ins are inaccessible, making it difficult for folks who use assistive technologies to access the audio or alternative content.Then there are the front-end design ...

   Audio,HTML5,Built in,Audio tag,Video     2011-10-13 13:04:07

  Vim anti-patterns

The benefits of getting to grips with Vim are immense in terms of editing speed and maintaining your “flow” when you’re on a roll, whether writing code, poetry, or prose, but because the learning curve is so steep for a text editor, it’s very easy to retain habits from your time learning the editor that stick with you well into mastery. Because Vim makes you so fast and fluent, it’s especially hard to root these out because you might not even notice them...

   Vim,Anti-pattern,macro,syntax     2012-02-08 10:06:15

  Programming: the benefits of taking a break

This post lists several benefits of taking a break during programming.You work smarter, not harder. Once, I worked really hard on a feature. For two weeks, 12 hours a day, I put in a lot of effort. After those two weeks, I took a break and came up with several ideas that made much of the work unnecessary.You think more clearly. Being tired has a similar effect as being drunk. At the end of a day, I often kid myself that I’ll just get this one thing finished quickly to have a fre...

   Programming,Break,Rest,Refresh,New idea     2011-11-08 08:50:45