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  How to use Chome dev tool to find event handler bound to an element

As a front end developer, there is frequent need to debug JS code and sometimes need to find out what event handler has been bound to a HTML element. In this post, we will show how to find out the click event handler bound to a HTML element, this same applies to other events as well. Nowadays, a web application is usually very complicated and there are lots of JS codes which makes it difficult to find out what click event handler has been bound to a HTML element, especially when the JS source co...


  The use of Erlang in Facebook chat

Erlang  is a general-purpose concurrent, garbage-collected programming language and runtime system. It stays strong while building concurrency programs. Erlang provides language-level features for creating and managing processes with the aim of simplifying concurrent programming. It has large application in many chat service well known now such as Whatsapp and initial version of Facebook chat. Previously we have written an article Use of Erlang in WhatsApp. In this post, we will talk about...

   Facebook,Erlang     2014-02-25 07:12:36

  Unknown system variable 'query_cache_size' in DbVisualizer while accessing MySQL

DbVisualizer is a very popular GUI application to view the data stored on a database. It supports various databases such as Oracle, MySQL etc. It relies on different database drivers to connect to the database server and access the data stored there.  In this post, we will try to solve one problem when accessing the latest MySQL database(8.0+) through DbVisualizer. MySQL database starting from 8.0 has lots of changes which may not be compatible with old version of software or libraries whic...


  How does iPhone 5 compete with the latest Android and Windows Phone?

Apple's latest release of the iPhone 5 finally resolves some key issues: the larger screen, high-speed 4G LTE network, as well as a higher pixel front camera, which previously were the advantages of the Android phone. In addition, one-piece aluminum housing also gains praise. How does IPhone 5 compete with the latest Android and Windows Phone? In fact, Apple is now facing more intense competition.The most significant upgrade is the new display, 4-inch retina display compared with the old is a gr...

   iPhone 5,Android,Windows Phone,Comparison     2012-09-12 21:58:27

  The story behind Sublime Text

Sublime Text is a cross-platform text and source code editor, with a Python application programming interface (API). The graphical user interface design was inspired by Vim.Its functionality is also extendable with plugins; Post its release, it gained much attention and wide popularity. Do you know what's the story behind Sublime Text? Jon Skinner left his job as a software engineer at Google in order to pursue a dream: to build a better text editor. The end result is the popular Sublime Text t...

   Sublime Text,Story,History     2013-09-22 11:05:36

  Instagram gains 78% more visits after acquired by Facebook

Since Instagram was acquired by Facebook, its popularity continually heats up. Some  data shows that independent views of  Instagram surges 78%.In April, Instagram’s website saw a 78 percent uptick in unique visitors in the U.S., making the web property of the photo-sharing phenom the highest gaining site on the Internet for the month, according to analytics firm comScore.. For an application whose all functions are present in the mobile terminal, the site of Instagram is onl...

   Facebook,Instagram,App,Website     2012-05-28 05:45:32

  Is Mobile App Required For Your Business?

Having a mobile app for your business is the latest trend. Every business, large or small is aiming for developing a mobile app to attract customers and boost the sales. Products or services offered by the business do not matter in this case.  The main purpose is to keep your users updated and engaged. An app is a perfect tool for generating new customers too. The statistics reveals that numbers of mobile internet users are more than the desktop users. It clearly means that businesses must ...

   App Development Services, Outsource Android App Development, Android App Development Experts     2015-03-05 00:47:46

  Essential skills any web developer should have

As a web developer, besides writing HTML code, there is much more to do before the site can go live. You may consider about user experience, device compatibility, security etc. To be a good web developer, you should acquire some essential skills for web development. Below we list some of them. Some of them you may be familiar with a long time ago, but definitely some of them you may not be so familiar with or even never hear about before. Interface and User Experience Be aware that browsers imp...

   Web development,User experience     2014-03-21 06:44:49

  Tips on Writing for Tech Blogs

If you know your stuff when it comes to tech, you might be inspired to start contributing articles to tech blogs. A friend or colleague may suggest the idea to you, or you may see an invitation for submissions, much like the one on this website. Sounds like a great idea; but what do you know about writing articles, blog posts, or other types of content? Writing is a skill, and there are also practical aspects to writing that you need to be aware of before you start creating your own pieces. Gett...

   TIPS,TECH BLOG     2019-01-14 09:25:07

  10 Great Tips On How To Become A Successful Android App Developer

Android operating system is very popular among people and makes app development for Android market fruitful. There are many professionals who are trying to come up with great ideas and create great apps, but not all of them are really dealing with it. So, what do you need to become a successful Android-apps developer? What You Need for Becoming an Android App Developer 1. Acquire technical skills. You must know the necessary tools to become an Android app developer. You do not actually need to ...

       2017-08-19 00:53:37