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  An Object is not a Hash

Following my article A String is not an Error, I want to bring attention to an issue that similarly applies to JavaScript in general, but has special relevance in the Node.JS environment. The problem boils down to the usage of {} as a data-structure where the keys are supplied by untrusted user input, and the mechanisms that are normally used to assert whether a key exists. Consider the example of a simple blog created with Express. We decide to store blog posts in memory in a {}, indexed ...

   Object,Hash,Node.js,JavaScript     2012-01-19 10:16:10

  Introducing JavaScript native file management

TL;DR The Mozilla Platform keeps improving: JavaScript native file management is an undergoing work to provide a high-performance JavaScript-friendly API to manipulate the file system. The Mozilla Platform, JavaScript and Files The Mozilla Platform is the application development framework behind Firefox, Thunderbird, Instantbird, Camino, Songbird and a number of other applications. While the performance-critical components of the Mozilla Platform are developed in C/C++, an increasing number o...

   JavaScript,File,Local file,Firfox,Mozilla     2011-12-06 09:05:48

  Is Shared Hosting Secure?

Shared hosting is incredibly popular with users who are looking for the cheapest hosting available – the problem is that along with the low price you get poor performance and even more concerning – questionable security. When running on a shared host dozens if not hundreds of other sites are running on the same servers – this means any single security flaw in any of those applications can compromise the entire server. This  dramatically increases the odds of your ...

   Shared hosting,Virtual host,Security,Data security     2012-02-14 10:48:59

  How to tell if this idea is a good idea.

Good Idea or Bad Idea?I’ve got an idea for a product. I’ve talked to some people. I know some people in the industry. I have been cold calling others. The idea is promising. The price point people have agreed with is about where I would like it to be. I’ve shown some mockups around and iterated on them. Now, I feel the need to start writing code because, well, I like writing code. And I’m comfortable writing code.But I see lean people.Steve Blank, Eric ...

   Idea,Good,Bad,Distinguish,Feature,Coding     2011-11-24 09:19:01

  The problem isn’t you. The problem is the problem.

A friendly reminder: The problem isn’t you. The problem is the problem. –Steven Pressfield Some stuff is just hard. We start thinking we messed up. That it’s an issue with us. But it’s not. The work is hard and the problem is hard. You need to solve the problem, not fix yourself. The quote above is from Steven Pressfield’s incredible Do the Work. The audiobook (that’s a store link) is about 90 minutes long, so it fits in a s...

   Business,Problem,Strategy     2011-12-07 08:37:29

  What, exactly, is a Product Manager?

I often get asked what a product manager is. What do they do? Where do they come from? Why do they like sharpies so much?In his book Inspired, Marty Cagan describes the job of the product manager as “to discover a product that is valuable, usable and feasible”. Similarly, I’ve always defined product management as the intersection between business, technology and user experience (hint – only a product manager would define themselves in a venn diagram). A good produc...

   Product manager,Definition,Features,Career     2011-10-12 11:42:15

  Deep inside ARM's new Intel killer

ARM has swung a one-two punch at Intel's plans to muscle in on the smartphone and tablet space that's currently dominated by the plucky chip designers from Cambridge.At press soirées in London and San Francisco on Wednesday, ARM announced both a design for a tiny new chip, the Cortex-A7 MPCore, and a system-on-chip scheme that will marry the new A7 with the much more robust Cortex-A15 MPCore, which was announcedlast September and which should see the light of day next...

   ARM,Killer,Intel,Chipzilla,Performance     2011-10-22 12:55:23

  How I Learned to Program

Programming is, without a doubt, the most mentally rewarding thing I've ever done. Programming taught me that life should be fun, filled with creativity, and lived to the fullest. Programming taught me that anything is possible; I can do anything I want using only my mind. Programming also taught me that learning is fun. It showed me that the more you know, the more power you have. Programming showed me that a life filled with learning is a life worth living. Programming revealed to me wh...

   Programming,Tips,Write,Practice,Interest     2012-02-04 21:37:12

  Removing duplicates in sql

In modern web development, it’s standard practice to make use of a database abstraction layer, typically an Object-Relational Mapper based on either the Active Record pattern or the Data Mapper pattern. There are several pros and cons to this which are fairly well established, so I’ll spare us all from enumerating them all right now. One established pro worth mentioning is that these systems typically provide a high level interface for fetching data, often removing the need to ...

   SQL,Duplicate,Remove,Web design     2012-01-05 08:20:13

  Performance comparison of string concatenation in Go language

In Go language, string concatenation is an inevitable operation during development, and efficient string concatenation is crucial for improving application performance. This article will delve into several common ways of string concatenation, provide performance comparisons, and offer optimization suggestions aimed at helping developers write more efficient code. Common ways of string concatenation In Go language, common ways of string concatenation include the following: Using the + operator fo...