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  Key challenges in Agile implementations

7Share6inShareAgile methodology was supposed to be a solution to solve all of our problems. But it looks like it’s not. Some issues appear when companies start to implement Agile in their organizations. A research has been done on seventeen companies using Agile methodology (People over processes: Key people challenges in Agile Development). Authors chose nine of the most often reported issues. I’d like to focus on four, in my opinion, most important. #1 Developer...

   Agile development,Chanllenge,Communication,Business     2011-11-30 02:55:04

  Use of @font-face

Almost all web browsers(including the dinosaur browser IE6) support the web font property @font-face. Its usage is: @font-face { font-family: 'MyWebFont'; src: url('webfont.eot'); /* IE9 Compat Modes */ src: url('webfont.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'), /* IE6-IE8 */ url('webfont.woff') format('woff'), /* Modern Browsers */ url('webfont.ttf') format('truetype'), /* Safari, Android, iOS */ url('webfont.svg#svgFontName') format('svg'); /* Legacy iOS */ } Now we...

   CSS,@font-face     2014-06-08 07:17:34

  Command line todo list manager-- Taskwarrior

What is Taskwarrior? Taskwarrior is a task management tool in a terminal environment, it has powerful functions. Here is a short description about it from its official website: It maintains a task list, allowing you to add/remove, and otherwise manipulate your tasks. Task has a rich set of subcommands that allow you to do sophisticated things. You'll find it has customizable reports, charts, GTD features, device synching, documentation, extensions, themes, holiday files and much more. Installa...

   Taskwarrior,Task management     2013-08-12 23:44:20

  HTTP Streaming and Internet Explorer

In early 2006, Alex Russell posted about a neat hack that the Google Talk team in Gmail use to support Comet in Internet Explorer, a trick which works as far back as IE 5.01. What great news! A reliable way to stream Comet messages to Microsoft’s browsers. If only it were that easy. I have not been alone in the following findings: after connecting the htmlfile ActiveX object as a streaming Comet transport to my Comet server, everything works perfectly for a few messages, but then abruptly...

   IE,Streaming,JavaScript,htmlfile,ActiveX     2011-09-05 04:05:23

  Turn Your Visitors Into Shoppers With Responsive Magento Website

In recent years, there has been an influential growth in the number of internet users across the world. If statistics are to be believed, almost 83% of the web users are engaged over smart devices like Tablets, Mobiles, Ipads, Laptops, Desktop, etc. In 2008, the core community of Magento released a spellbinding web development solution i.e Responsive Magento Website to uniformly serve the target audience. Due to technological advancement in digital realm, there has been a splurged introduction o...


  Data from iPhone 5 event

Apple finally unveils iPhone 5 on an event at the Moscone Center in San Francisco. At the beginning of the event, Apple showed us some data. There will be 380 Apple Retail Stores opened across 13 countries Last year Apple Retail Store welcomed 83 million customers 7 million Mountain Lion upgrades since last month It ranked the first place in sales for Macbook Air in United States, it has 27% market share in July From April to July, 17 million iPads are sold 84 million iPads are sold until thi...

   Apple,iPhone 5,event,data     2012-09-12 21:26:03

  I’m too lazy to be a HTML developer

There’s no denying it. I’m just to damn lazy to be an HTML developer. This really sunk in when I looked at a tutorial for doing a jQuery Lightbox – for a client project. The tutorial was titled “Super Simple Lightbox with CSS and jQuery” but after reading it over I thought a better title would be “A really freaking hard tutorial on the inane intricacies of doing something that looks simple but in reality is a skein of HTML, Javascript and CSS that no...

   Web design,HTML,JavaScript,Complexity,Messy     2011-12-18 10:42:45

  Skills Needed to be a Web Developer in 2011

Many web developers think they already have all the knowledge they need to continue their careers. Check out this list of the ten skills all web developers must have to succeed in 2011 and beyond, and see how you measure up.1) Speak The Basic Languages of the WebBesides the content mark-up of HTML and the style rich sheets of CSS, how are you at your JavaScript and other advanced DHTML features? HTML 5, the latest upcoming W3C standard, includes audio and video embedding, database connectivity a...

   HTML5,Web skills,PHP,.NET,Java     2011-05-12 00:47:49

  4 types of programmers

Not every one who writes code is a programmer. Programmers are people who live with programming. There are 4 types of programmers: scientist, coder, expert and artisan.Scientist, they are more like mathematicians rather than programmers. They invented various theories, algorithms and terminologies. Proofs and calculations in textbooks are all from these people. Moreover other programmers more or less benefit from their work. Sometimes one paper published by them can change the way of thinking of...

   Programmer,Coder,Expert     2013-07-13 09:19:03

  Resolve stylesheet_link_tag fails to work in Ruby on Rails

When developing Ruby On Rails application, developers sometimes will see an unexpected behavior where the application cannot be loaded due to "TypeError: Object doesn't support this property or method" when invoking stylesheet_link_tag. The symptom looks like  And the Rails log will show something similar to below The error occurs because there is some problem finding the correct assets which are located in app/assets. To resolve the issue, you can following below steps. Add gem 'coffee-...