Algorithm: Traverse binary tree

Preface There are three ways to traverse a binary tree based on the traversing order. Pre-Order: Root - Left - Right In-Order: Left - Root - Right Post-Order: Left - Right - Root Take below binary tree as example The node to be traversed in different order would be Pre-Order: A - B - C - D - E - F In-Order: C - B - D - A - E - F Post-Order: C - D - B - F - E - A Below are the implementations of different orders for traversing the binary tree. Pre-Order Traversing Recursive implementation N...

   ALGORITHM,BINARY TREE     2019-03-01 22:49:04

  Mac evolution history

Apple's WWDC is coming in a few hours. All Apple fans are expecting that Apple will release some new amazing Apple products. This year, what are we expecting? The result will be revealed in just a few hours. Before that, we can look back about the history of some Apple products such as Mac. Below is the Mac evolution history summarized by We can take a few minutes to go through it. Reference :

   Apple,WWDC,Mac,History     2013-06-10 09:17:17

  The new Google Search By Voice

Along with the new announcement of the new Google logo, there is a new change to the Google search -- The Google Search By Voice. When you use Google in a browser, you will see below color mic icon now:   With this, you can search by speaking in front of your computer,  OK, Google will listens to what you are saying and do the search for you.  As described by Google, this change: A colorful Google mic help you identify and interact with Google whether you’re talking, tap...

   Google, Google voice, Google logo     2015-09-02 11:07:13

  Get Bluetooth back on my ASUS Zenbook UX31A

A strange thing occurred to me a few days ago after I installed some routine Windows updates on my ASUS Zenbook UX31A, my Bluetooth was gone and I could not have my Bluetooth speaker connected to my PC and listen  my favorite music. It's just like a ghost, everything disappears all of a sudden. Everything was tried to find where my Bluetooth went but no luck. Below is what my device manager shows: No Bluetooth is found, usually if there is some issue with the Bluetooth driver, the device m...

   Bluetooth,Windows 8.1,ASUS Zenbook, Bluetooth driver     2014-12-11 09:17:11

  Shortcut keys in Sublime Text 3(Animated demo)

Sublime Text 3 is a light weight code editor which supports lots of languages. It has lots of shortcuts and plugins easing work of programmers. In this post, we will introduce some shortcuts supported in Sublime Text 3 and show how powerful they are. 1. Select sibling matching(equal) word (Ctrl + D) Put the cursor on one word, press Ctrl + D to select the word, then press Ctrl and following by pressing D, it will select next matching word. The number of Ds pressed will mean number of matching wo...

   TIPS,SHORTCUT KEY,SUBLIME TEXT     2016-04-28 02:41:28

  Create tweet without explicitly showing the link URL

When crafting a tweet, there are instances where we may wish to include a link, but we prefer the preview to be shown without displaying the URL explicitly after the tweet is published. How can we accomplish this? This article outlines the steps to achieve it. To begin, copy and paste the link you want to share into the tweet box. After clicking Post, the tweet will be published without displaying the link; instead, it will showcase the page preview, and clicking on the preview image will open ...

   TWEET,LINK URL,X,PREVIEW     2024-01-23 08:06:46

  How to enable developer mode on Huawei

As a developer, there might be some need to fake locations when developing and testing mobile apps for different countries. Lots of the times some fake GPS apps will be used and they will ask to enable mock location access on the device before allowing you to fake GPS. To achieve this, we first need to have developer mode enabled. In this post, we will show how the developer mode can be enabled and disabled on Huawei devices. Go to Settings, find About phone and open it. You should be able to se...


  How to use Chome dev tool to find event handler bound to an element

As a front end developer, there is frequent need to debug JS code and sometimes need to find out what event handler has been bound to a HTML element. In this post, we will show how to find out the click event handler bound to a HTML element, this same applies to other events as well. Nowadays, a web application is usually very complicated and there are lots of JS codes which makes it difficult to find out what click event handler has been bound to a HTML element, especially when the JS source co...


  How to make contribution to GitHub correctly?

If you have a GitHub account, then you will be able to see a section called Public contributions on your profile page. Your contribution status for the past year will be showed on this section, it's called contribution calendar. This calendar has 7 rows and 53 columns. Each cell on the grid represents your contribution status for one day, if the contribution is different, the cell color will be different. There are 5 colors in total : white, yellow, light green,green and deep green. With this, s...

   GitHub,Contribution calendar,Public contributions     2013-09-27 10:47:11

  Google headquarter : A place of fantasy

Google is considered as the best place to work for by many people. It's famous for providing employees various relaxed work environment and attractive welfare. If you have the chance to visit Google's office or you have watched the movie Internship, you will get to know what it is like to work in Google. However, not everyone has the chance to walk in Google's walkways. So we share with you what Google's work environment is like with some images. Every car park in Google has some rows of electr...

   Google,Work place,Visit,Headquarter     2013-09-21 11:09:27