A list of English abbreviations

When we read emails or short message on our phone, we will often see some words such as FYI or LOL etc. Do you know their meanings, right? But some of the abbreviations we may not know or cannot remember clearly. Here is a list of English abbreviations which may be useful to you in the future when you want to check them.      Numbers:    &n"sp;   2 = to/too   2B or not 2B = To be or not to be   4 = for   ...

   Abbreviation,English,Summary     2012-07-05 23:41:06

  Android Security

Android is an open source mobile platform that includes an operating system, middleware and applications. Android has revolutionized the mobile world in a big way. Android, which started as an alternative to Apple’s iOS, is now slowly eating into the market share of Apple and is of primary concern to the company. Let’s have a brief introduction about android and then look into the security concerns and vulnerabilities that need to be focused on. Android Introduction: Android was deve...

   Android security,Input validation     2013-04-16 12:19:37

  Cloud Computing’s most Basic Concepts-Service Models

With the containerization of Docker, Kubernetes, CNCF, and the development of open-source communities, related frameworks and technology is booming and iterating rapidly. Cloud Computing, been applied for many years, is pushing developers into the new technological era. Companies and developers who are not using or not planning to use Cloud-Native gradually feel tremendous pressure in keeping up with the technology trends. The first step is to understand the concepts of IaaS, PaaS, FaaS, SaaS, S...

   CLOUD,PAAS,IAAS,CONCEPT     2021-01-24 05:23:11

  Do Not Be Misled by ‘Build an App in 5 Minutes’: In-Depth Practice with Cursor

In August this year, I tried out Cursor and was thoroughly impressed, prompting me to write an introductory article about it. Soon after, I transitioned my daily work environment entirely from GitHub Copilot + JetBrains to the paid version of Cursor. After several months of use, it has felt incredibly smooth. While using it myself, I’ve often recommended Cursor to colleagues and friends. However, many of them still have questions, such as: What advantages does it have over native ChatGPT ...


  The First Bite on etcd Code

Etcd, one of the crucial components of Kubernetes. If APIServer is the heart, then etcd is the blood vessel that sends the end state of Kubernetes resources to various “organs”, providing high-speed, stable storage, and supporting APIServer’s high load performance. What if the etcd is not working properly? Just the condition as someone has a vascular disease. The deeper you know about them, the better diagnose you can make when issues occur. from unspl...

   SOURCE CODE,ETCD     2022-02-12 01:03:14

  Our Go Cache Library Choices

In Build a Go KV Cache from Scratch in 20 minutes, I walked you through what matters when writing a local cache, and eventually implemented one, whose performance was beaten badly by that of the popular go-cache on Github though. However, the bright side is that we can learn a lot from those excellent Github Go cache products, studying their features, applicable scenarios, and implementations, and extracting what we need. In this article, I will mainly analyze and compare the four...


  About .NET memory leak--GC,Delegate and weak reference

Memory leak is always a headache for many programmers, the situation is much better now in some languages which have GC mechanism, but still we may face some memory leak issues when we write programs. 1. What is memory leak? Memory leak is not that the memory chip is broken. In short, it's about that the memory requested is not released at the expected time as an expect way. So what is the expected time? This is very important for you to understand memory leak. If the time an object taking the m...

   .NET,GC,Reference counting,Mark and sweep,Weak reference     2013-05-25 12:59:09

  Example on integrating TypeScript with Webpack

TypeScript is now a very popular language to create typed JavaScript code to reduce development error. It provides a type system on top of JavaScript which has only a weak type system. Once the TypeScript code is developed, it can be compiled into corresponding JavaScript so that they can be loaded and parsed by browser. Webpack is another tool for bundling multiple JS files into a single one so that no multiple connections to be established between browser and server. when a page is loaded This...



Golang已经开源了13年,在最近的TIOBE编程语言排名中,于2023年3月再次进入前十名,并比2022年底的排名上升了两个位置。 Go在2022年底提高了2个排名 许多第一次接触Go的开发者来自面向对象的编程语言,比如Java、Ruby等,他们在学习Go后第一个问题通常是:Go是一种面向对象的语言吗?在本文中,我们将探讨这个问题。 追溯 在广为人知的Go编程语言“圣经”《The Go Programming ...

   OOP,CHINESE,GOLANG,GO     2023-05-02 23:41:38

  A walk through of different ways accessing Kubernetes application

When a web application is deployed on KUbernetes, to access the application, there must be some set up needs to be done so that external users can access the resource within the Kubernetes clusters. IN this post, we will walk through different ways to access application from outside. Before exploring different ways, let's set up a simple nginx eb application which will just serve the nginx welcome message when loading. # deployment.yaml apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: ngin...