PHP to get access token for Facebook app

Since Facebook is now using OAuth 2.0 to authenticate apps to access user information. the SDK of Facebook has provided developers some useful functions to get authentication done. For example, in PHP SDK, there are getAccessToken(), getLoginUrl() etc. But unfortunately, for me I cannot use getAccessToken() method to get the user access token, it only returns me the app access token. Finally I gave up this approach to get access token for the time being. I may later retry this approach if I have...

   Faceook,PHP,Access token,signed request     2012-03-27 12:37:46

  Why is Golang's Compilation Speed So Fast?

Overview When I started learning the Go language, I already had experience with three statically typed languages—C/C++ and Java—and two dynamically typed languages—PHP and JavaScript. Because of this background, when I compiled a demo file of several hundred lines for the first time in Go, I was genuinely impressed by its compilation speed. At that moment, I thought to myself, "Go claims to have the execution speed of statically typed languages and the compilation speed of dyna...

   GOLANG,COMPILATION,GO     2024-10-07 22:02:23

  Will IBM fall?

IBM has over 100 year's history and it faced many tough challenges along the way but every time it came back successfully. This time its revenue dropped 6 quarters consecutively, with the popularity of cloud computing and big data, IBM seems lag behind and is heavily hit by the storm. Its current technologies are only suitable for serving traditional companies 15 years ago but not companies now. Can IBM go though this challenge and come back again? It seems IBM doesn't want to be left out. Th...

   IBM,transformation,Watson     2014-01-27 08:01:41

  How to play with cross domain request

What is cross domain request In simple, cross domain request is to request resource from other domain in one domain. Note, the "other domain" doesn't just mean domain name only, it includes much more. If the protocol, domain name, port is not the same, two domains will be considered different.  Below example describes what is considered as different domain.               # Same domain &nb...


  How to let Google index AJAX contents?

There are lots of websites containing only one page now with the popularity of AJAX. The website will load different contents according to different inputs from users. This approach provides good user experience and it also helps save bandwidth, the drawback is that AJAX contents are not easy to be indexed by search engines. For example, if you have a website: Users can see different contents with the appended # structure in the URL: h...

   AJAX,Search engine,Google,History     2013-07-16 00:47:14

  Install and setup Kafka on Windows

Kafka has become a very popular distributed message delivery service which decouples different services while making message delivery between service easy, fast and reliable. In this post, we will walk through how to install and set up Kafka on Windows. Pre-requisite Java Apache ZooKeeper Installation Go to Kafka's download link and download the latest stable release, we downloaded 2.2.0 as of this writing. After downloading, copy the installation file to some folder and unzip it.  Sinc...

   KAFKA,STREAM,USER GUIDE     2019-06-01 02:12:07

  C vs Java Complete Comparison

Similarities: Java and C have same syntax operators. Difference—thinking Two paradigms: Java: Object oriented language C: Structured language Differences: --Syntax No preprocessor Java does not include a preprocessor and does not define any analogs of the #define, #include, and #ifdef directives. Constant definitions are replaced with static final fields in Java. (See the java.lang.Math.PI field for an example.) Macro definitions are not available in...

   C,Java,Comparison,Difference,Similaritie     2011-10-06 12:46:39

  How DNS lookup works

When accessing a website, a domain name would be needed normally. To get to the actual web server, the domain name must be mapped to an actual IP address and the IP address will be used to reach the web server. The process of finding the IP address from a domain name is called DNS lookup.  How does DNS lookup work? There are tons of domain name and IP address around the world, there must be some well-designed architecture to support fast lookup. This post will explain how this works. DNS Se...

   DNS,DNS LOOKUP     2022-09-09 23:11:03

  Install PHP 8 in WampServer

With the release of PHP 8.4, there are some new features added in, it reminds me that I may need to upgrade my development environment PHP version as well. It has php 5.x and php 7.x installed already, now I need to add php 8.x as well. This post will show the steps to achieve this. Step 1 Install PHP 8.x The first step is that we need to download the new PHP version. Here we chose PHP 8.1.31. Once the zip file is downloaded, unzip it and copy the folder to c:/wamp64/bin/php and rename the folde...

   WAMP,GUIDE,PHP VERSION,PHP 8     2024-11-24 02:43:22

  Error handling in GoLang

Error handling is one of the must talked topics for any programming language. The program would be more reliable and stable if errors are handled properly and timely. Each programming language has its own way to handle error, this applies to GoLang as well. This post will discuss more about GoLang's error handling mechanism. Error handling Before talking more about GoLang's error handling, we can see how different programming languages are handling errors. C's error check The most direct way of ...