Landing page optimization : Less is more

There is a question on Quora : Why doesn't Quora show interesting questions/answers on their landing page? Why is it this? not this? Quora's product manage gives his answer to this question, it's agreed by many users in this community. Here is his answer: The logged out homepage is pretty sparse now mostly because it hasn't been given much treatment since the initial product launch. But we have plans on redesigning it and testing different variations (some with less info on the page, some with...

   Landing page,Optimization,Principle     2012-11-03 01:50:07

  How regular expression works

Rob Pike wrote 30 lines of codes to realize a simple regular expression matcher in his book The practice of Programming. This piece of code is really cool. Let's take a look at the code.Meaning of different characters.Character Meaning c General character . Match any single character ^ Match start of a string $ Match end of a string * Match zero or many occurrences of a character /*match :Test the regexp in text*/int match(char* regexp,char* text){    if(regexp[0] == '^')&n...

   Regular expression,Implementation,Rob Pike,C     2012-06-25 05:23:41

  How to choose JavaScript template engine?

With the increase of density of web front end development, AJAX and JSON are used more and more frequently, it's necessary to use many tags in front end development. You may have a JSON object as below: var data={  email: ',  gender: 'male'  } Then you need to organize the JSON data into page elements. var email, gender;email= ' ' + '; gender= ' ' + data.gender + '; $('#contentwrapper‘).append(content).append(gender); The output is very simple: ...

   JavaScript template engine,Template     2012-10-07 07:03:58

  Difference between localhost and

Lots of people would think what the address is when first seeing this address. In fact, is a loopback address which refers to the local machine. It is generally used for local testing. When typing ping on local command console, it will send network packets to local IP/TCP layer to test whether IP/TCP works properly or not.  To those who are used to use localhost, it is actually mapped to by default. There are hosts files in the system which store this...

   LINUX,NETWORK,LOCALHOST,,LOCALHOST VS     2018-09-29 22:11:12

  TIOBE : No news today

TIOBE released the programming index for September 2012. There is no big change for this month compared to last month, the top 3 are still C, Java and Objective-C. In top 20, only Transact-SQL exchanged the position with VB.NET. Java shows trend of drop, will it be worse because of the ignorance of Java's vulnerabilities by Oracle. This index shows that the programing lnaguage market is quite normal, no big events. Except Objective-C, in recent years there are no other new languages which have b...

   TIOBE,Objective-C,Index     2012-09-05 07:36:07

  Building Security onto Your Mobile Application

Analysts state that more than 75% of the mobile applications will fail the basic security tests in 2015 – Gartner Research. Enterprises that follow the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) approach and facilitate mobile computing to their employees are susceptible to security threats and other vulnerabilities, unless they implement stringent security measures. In the development or deployment of mobile applications, a business can be severely impacted both financially and otherwise, if they are to...

   Web Application Development Company, iPhone App Development Company     2015-08-21 07:22:32

  You know what UTF-8 is when you see it?

When we are coding we may often see some encoding specifications in our source codes such as UTF-8,GB2312. Do you know what these encoding mean and why we need them? In this post, Julián Solórzano will introduce the most widely used encoding specification around the world accomodating all different character sets in the world. UTF-8 is a method for encoding Unicode characters using 8-bit sequences. Unicode is a standard for representing a great variety of characters from many ...

   UTF-8,Encoding     2014-04-18 22:13:44

  First Chinese app on Google Glass : is an open source PM2.5 project developed by BestApp. It retrieves PM2.5 data of different cities in China through a crawler and then processes the data retrieved. They also created an API which enables third parties to access these data. Now the team has built something new, they moved this project to Google Glass and developed the world's first Chinese Google Glass application -- Now users with Google Glass can check PM2.5 of different cities in China. The final effect on Goog...

   Google Glass,China,,BestApp     2013-06-23 10:17:40

  Must read C++ book list

Every programmer should read some books to enhance their understanding about the language before the start to practice. But some of us often wonder what books we should read and in what order. Some books may not be suitable for beginners and some books may cover the similar topics. Here I summarize a C++ book list we should read.Stage 1"Essential C++" : It is short but powerful and it can enhance our understanding of C++'s features.This book is specifically designed to bring you up to speed in a...

   C++,Book list,Read,Effective C++     2012-05-23 13:03:30

  Create animated refresh button in Android

In Android, we can have drawings on a button, also we can put animated drawings on a button as well. Today we will show how to create an animated refresh button with an animated spinner on it. We need to create an animated drawing first. Here we name it as progress.xml and put it in the res/drawable folder: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><animation-list xmlns:android=""    android:id="@+id/spin_refresh" android:oneshot="fal...

   Animation,Spinner,Refresh button,Android     2012-11-02 11:51:41