SEARCH KEYWORD -- job seekers

  Extension context menu is missing in Firefox after restart

If you have experience of writing Chrome extension, you may be familiar with how you can add a context menu for your extension. The code would be similar to below: chrome.runtime.onInstalled.addListener(function() { chrome.contextMenus.removeAll(); chrome.contextMenus.create({ "id": "your_id", "title": "Your Title", "contexts": ["all"] }); }); You need to add a listener listening to the extension install event. Once the extension is installed, create a contex...


  Career Advancement: How to Achieve Success

Your career is key in terms of making the money that you want and providing a service that you've always dreamed of offering. Regardless of the type of career that you both want or have, there are many ways for you to advance within the field. By taking charge of your goals and doing something about them, you will be able to earn the amount of money that you want to become a true success. Get a More Specific Education Getting an education is a wonderful way for you to advance within your workpla...

   CAREER,EDUCATION     2020-03-17 01:41:39

  How can you test if your VPN is working properly?

Installing a VPN on your device is one of the essential steps you need to take in order to have a safe and pleasant online experience. It good functioning is in your best interest and this is why you need to make sure that your VPN is working properly. Unfortunately, a lot of problems can occur if it turns out that your VPN is not up to the task and that it has some leaks.  Can a leak really occur? To answer you most directly – Yes! Yes, it can! Unfortunately, no system is perfect an...

   VPN     2020-09-17 06:53:19

  The story behind Sublime Text

Sublime Text is a cross-platform text and source code editor, with a Python application programming interface (API). The graphical user interface design was inspired by Vim.Its functionality is also extendable with plugins; Post its release, it gained much attention and wide popularity. Do you know what's the story behind Sublime Text? Jon Skinner left his job as a software engineer at Google in order to pursue a dream: to build a better text editor. The end result is the popular Sublime Text t...

   Sublime Text,Story,History     2013-09-22 11:05:36

  Is Mobile App Required For Your Business?

Having a mobile app for your business is the latest trend. Every business, large or small is aiming for developing a mobile app to attract customers and boost the sales. Products or services offered by the business do not matter in this case.  The main purpose is to keep your users updated and engaged. An app is a perfect tool for generating new customers too. The statistics reveals that numbers of mobile internet users are more than the desktop users. It clearly means that businesses must ...

   App Development Services, Outsource Android App Development, Android App Development Experts     2015-03-05 00:47:46

  5 Exemplary Material Design Frameworks That Are Worth Knowing

Google unveiled Material design last year, and it has inevitably created a great buzz among the designers' community, including both web and mobile designers across the globe. Today, you can observe many mobile and web applications are steadily deploying this design approach and overhauling their UI designs. Material design undoubtedly offers a refined and best approach to create a modern UI design. It embraces polished design principles that have been comprehensively described by Google in its ...

   material design, mobile app     2015-06-18 04:35:20

  A Quick Look at the Services Offered by RDBMs vs. NoSQL

The world of IT has to deal with the issue of data storage. The reason for this is that there is plenty of data produced and created daily on the internet and on various business applications. In the past, RDBMs or Relational Database Management Systems were used for storage. Even though they are still used today, there are other offerings that present competition and anyone wishing to purchase data storage systems needs to make comparisons.  One such competing system is NoSQL or Not Only ...


  7 Ways Tablets are Better than Laptops or Smartphones

Imagine a situation of preparing for a short weekend trip to a smaller village or a countryside with beautiful nature, fresh air and breathtaking scenery, where your cousins are eagerly expecting you for their twentieth marriage anniversary; you seem to be almost ready, but one thing is missing!  A considerable amount of work is still ahead of you, and you also want to stay in touch with your friends, which makes it a bit difficult to decide whether it would be more suitable to take your l...

   TABLETS,SMARTPHONE,LAPTOP     2018-07-25 05:32:44

  How deep should unit test go?

There is a question on Stackoverflow which says "How deep are your unit tests?". It is asked by a guy named John Nolan. The question is not too new, but what catches me is the Best Answer given by Kent Beck, who is the creator of Extreme programming(XP) and Test Driven Development(TDD). Let's look at the question first. The thing I've found about TDD is that its takes time to get your tests set up and being naturally lazy I always want to write as little code as possible. The first thing I seem ...

   Unit test,TDD,XP     2012-09-03 10:11:27

  Speech recognition breakthrough from Microsoft

Recently, Microsoft Research published a demo video on YouTube that demonstrated simultaneously translating English speech to Chinese speech with Microsoft's new research achievement. The result is quite impressive, it has large improvement compared to previous speech recognition systems. It's a big breakthrough of speech recognition. In this demo, Microsoft Chief Research Officer Rick Rashid demonstrates a speech recognition breakthrough.First when he speaks, the screen will display what he is ...

   Speech recognition, Text to speech,Machine translation     2012-11-09 23:53:21