SIEM Big Data Visualization [03]:Graph-Based SIEM Log Analysis Dashboard

Program Design Purpose: The purpose of this program is to develop a Graph-Based SIEM (System Information and Event Management) dashboard that visualizes network communication patterns by processing and analyzing logs from IDS, firewalls, host computers, and other security devices. This dashboard will help security analysts quickly identify and investigate potential threats by using a Cytoscape-style Node-Edge graph for intuitive data representation. The program is an angular plug in which can i...

       2024-10-26 04:31:11

  A walk through of different ways accessing Kubernetes application

When a web application is deployed on KUbernetes, to access the application, there must be some set up needs to be done so that external users can access the resource within the Kubernetes clusters. IN this post, we will walk through different ways to access application from outside. Before exploring different ways, let's set up a simple nginx eb application which will just serve the nginx welcome message when loading. # deployment.yaml apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: ngin...


  Example on integrating TypeScript with Webpack

TypeScript is now a very popular language to create typed JavaScript code to reduce development error. It provides a type system on top of JavaScript which has only a weak type system. Once the TypeScript code is developed, it can be compiled into corresponding JavaScript so that they can be loaded and parsed by browser. Webpack is another tool for bundling multiple JS files into a single one so that no multiple connections to be established between browser and server. when a page is loaded This...


  The four key figures behind the success of JavaScript - Douglas Crockford

JavaScript's success can be attributed to at least four key figures: Brendan Eich, the creator of JavaScript Douglas Crockford, the creator of JSLint and JSON John Resig, the creator of jQuery Ryan Dahl, the creator of Node.js. We are already very familiar with Brendan Eich and the invention process of JavaScript, so let's start with Douglas Crockford, the second in command of JavaScript. Alliance In the 1990s, Microsoft's dominance overshadowed the whole world. At this time, two challengers e...


  How to check a port is taken by which program on Linux

Lots of you may have encountered some error message stating that the port has been taken by another program while trying to start a program on Linux. And you would want to know which program takes the port you want to use. This post will provide some feasible ways to check out which program is taking a specific port. lsof -i:[port] lsof is the command to list open files on Linux. And if you know more about Linux you should get to know everything on Linux is a file even including networ...

   LINUX,PORT,NETSTAT,LSOF     2018-08-12 04:27:57

  Find where the start up page is set in Firefox

Recently I encountered a weird behavior where a strange webpage showing up every time when I launched my Firefox. The first thought came into my mind is that my homepage of Firefox had been tampered. It might be changed because some software changed my browser settings to promote something. So the next immediate thing I went to check was to see my Firefox browser settings. To my surprise, the homepage setting was not touched. It would still open the Momentum screen which would display some beaut...


  Fix SSL 'alert protocol version' issue while git clone remote repository

Git provides ways to securely connect to remote repository and clone remote repository to local machine. This post will teach you how to fix the "SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:tlsv1 alert protocol version" issue while cloning a remote repository. The issue would look like: If this error occurs, it is most probably caused by out of date git version being used.To improve its security awareness, some weak cryptographic algorithms have been disabled and all git clients should upgrade to latest ones to acc...

   GIT,GIT CLONE,GIT SECURITY     2018-07-08 05:41:39

  How to check when an API is introduced in GoLang

Normally people would not pay much attention to which GoLang version is being used as lots of functions are backward compatible. However there are cases where GoLang version does matter as some functions may not be supported by old version of GoLang. For example, strings.Builder is introduced in Go 1.10, but below code would fail to be compiled on Go 1.10. package main import ( "fmt" "strings" ) func main() { var b strings.Builder b.WriteString("polarisxu") fmt.Println(b.Cap()) } The ...

   GOLANG,API VERSION,GO TOOL     2021-02-07 00:43:24

  Your Ultimate Guide to Restoring Database Backups in SQL Server 2012

Summary: Let’s learn how to restore a SQL Server database backup for SQL Server 2012. There are various methods of taking database backups, which include using T-SQL code, SQL Server Management Studio, or third-party applications. These backups taken are purposely saved to be restored when the database becomes corrupt or crashes, migrating the database, making a copy of the database, and other business requirements. In this crash course, we will be focusing on how to restore SQL Server da...

   BACKUP,MSSQL     2024-09-24 09:38:09