GCC is compiled with C++ compiler

On 15 Aug, 2012, GCC merged a patch--Merge from cxx-conversion branch . This means GCC will be compiled with C++ compiler in the future, it also means that GCC will be implemented using C++. You may have following two puzzles: Why does GCC turn to C++? Without C++ compiler, how can we compile C++ codes? Why using C++? In GNU's C++ Conversion, we can find this description in the background section: Whether we use C or C++, we need to try to ensure that interfaces are easy to understan...

   GCC,C++,Compiler     2012-09-04 02:36:06

  PHP Query String

Query string plays important role in building web applications, especially if you want to make nice urls without question mark and many key, value pairs, actually it is not so easy to design application with nice urls however it is always worth doing so, because it not only looks very proffessional, such URLs are search engine friendly, which means that they will get indexed faster but also it happens that search engines have problems with indexing pages with more then 3 key=value pairs in query...

   PHP,Query string,Request,Security     2011-10-01 02:23:15

  Mozilla Firefox Browser Tips & Tricks You Didn't Know About

Chrome might be all the rage right now, but Mozilla’s Firefox browser has always held its own in the browser wars. This open-source browser has its core set of dedicated fans and is popular under a broad user base across the world. With Firefox’s faster web page download speeds and strong privacy policies, it’s not hard to imagine why. But there are some other brilliant features that many might have missed. Take a look at these seven Firefox tricks that many users don’t k...

   NORDPASS,FIREFOX     2020-01-07 09:18:53

  Learning to Eat Well and Stay Healthy

Back in mid-2006, I documented my fairly dramatic weight loss in a series of blog postings. I went from a high of 224 pounds to a low of 164, which made for a total loss of 60 pounds (I’m about 6 feet tall). It’s interesting to go back and re-read what I wrote back then: Diet Tips or How To Lose Weight with a Spreadsheet and a Web SiteThe Diet Plan and The Three HabitsThe Diet SpreadsheetDiet Tips: How To Eat Less Fast forward to January of 2011, and I had gained back about h...

   Healthy,Engineer,Eat well     2012-01-03 10:53:43

  The danger of target=_blank and opener

When want to open a new page in a new tab on clicking a link on a page, the usual way of achieving this is to use target="_blank" property in a tag. However, the use of this leaves space for phishing website. Background parent and opener Before talking about the opener object, let's know a bit about parent object when using iframe. HTML provides a parent object which is used to communicate between the parent page and the embedded iframe element. This parent object can be accessed using...


  Audio API in Android development

Mobile devices of the first generation were not capable of playing any sounds except monophonic ringtones. Today any smartphone platform supports playback, record and to some extent manipulation of digital sound, often up to CD quality.Android is no exception to that. Even older 1.5 devices can do a lot of things with digital audio. However, due to lack of guidance, a developer who is doing his first audio feature might miss some of the available API facilities, or might choose the approach that...

   Audio,Android,MediaPlayer,AudioTrack,Sou     2011-04-21 11:32:32

  How to write your own DSL in Ruby

DSL(Domain Specific Language) is a language defined to fulfill some domain specific requirements to ease people's work. It can be used to define attributes and actions of a domain easily and cleanly. And it is often created based on some common observations or micro patterns of some domain. In Ruby world, there are quite a few places people can find DSL. For example, Ruby itself, Chef recipes. To create a class in Ruby, the traditional OOP way would look like. class User @name = nil @email =...

   RUBY,DSL,TUTORIAL     2017-03-04 09:40:34

  PHP to get access token for Twitter app

Previously we wrote an article about getting access token for Facebook app--PHP to get access token for Facebook app. Today we will introduce how to get access token for Twitter app using PHP. Since now Twitter is also using OAuth 2.0 to allow some web apps to access some users information on behalf of one user. They provided some APIs for developers to easily get them integrated with their own websites. The first step to get all these done is how to get the access token, the access token seems ...

   Twitter,OAuth,access token,PHP     2013-03-03 03:49:26

   7 Incorrigible Mistakes Of Mobile App Design

Plethora of mobile apps are launched every day, let alone a month or a year. With such a rising competition making an app which is not liked by people is a committal sin not just from a user's perceptive but also due to so many people and their efforts attached to it. In this blog we will discuss some of the very important factors which one should know before crafting an app. It's obviously not worth crying over the split milk as 80% of the users not even open an app again if they encounter ...

   Mobile App     2015-06-18 08:08:48

  Ruby is beautiful (but I’m moving to Python)

The Ruby language is beautiful. And I think it deserves to break free from the Web. I think the future of Ruby is firmly stuck in Web development, though, so I’m going to invest in a new language for data analysis, at least for now. This is a look at the fantastic language I came to from Java and a look at a possible candidate. (Update: I’ve since written a followup.)Java to RubySix years ago, I added Ruby to my technical arsenal. I learned C++ and Java in high school, and I p...

   Ruby,Java,Python,Comparison,Advantage,Ruby vs Python     2011-11-01 07:18:11