What kind of automated testing does Facebook do?

We do several kinds of testing. Some specifics:For our PHP code, we have a suite of a few thousand test classes using the PHPUnit framework. They range in complexity from simple true unit tests to large-scale integration tests that hit our production backend services. The PHPUnit tests are run both by developers as part of their workflow and continuously by an automated test runner on dedicated hardware. Our developer tools automatically use code coverage data to run tests that cover the ...

   Facebook,Testing,PHP,Automated testing     2012-02-28 08:10:10

  Coming up Next for JavaScript Web Apps Is Next.Js 3

Are wondering who is going to be the next PHP of the internet; except JavaScript. Next.js is all set to bring the PHP experience to JavaScript with its latest version. As the technology continues to be considered as a “win” amongst a number of developers across the globe, professionals are trying to improve it as much as they can. Because of its minimalist approach to server-rendered apps, this highly customizable framework can be recommendable for beginners as well as experienced pr...

   NEXT.JS3,JAVASCRIPT     2017-11-20 23:43:38

  Do We Really Need Wi-Fi in Schools?

Why do I think Wi-Fi is needed in schools? Times have changed.  We need to adapt to the changes. I believe the internet is probably the most important tool available today. The world- wide web contains information about anything you could possibly want or need to know.  It allows an even playing field for people who don’t have the information and knowledge to be able to get it. Students today are the future.  They need to be able to access as much knowledge as possible to be...

   SCHOOL,WIFI,EDUCATION,COMPUTERS     2018-11-13 18:13:27

  Supervisord, God and Monit, which one to choose?

With the popularity of Docker, more and more service have been moved into docker containers and they are easy to build up and maintain for each atomic service(though it's a bit complex to maintain multiple docker containers which contain different service to form a complete solution). Ideally, each docker container should only contain one service which has only one running process. However, in reality there would be cases multiple processes would run in one single docker container and there is a...

   DEVOPS,MONIT,SUPERVISORD,GOD,DOCKER     2017-11-25 12:28:11

  Time-saving tips Linux users should know

As a programmer or system administrator, we have more chances of working on *nix platforms. It's tough experience when first start use *nix as we need to face a black screen without knowing what's behind it. Now, if we can have some resources to rely on, then we will find the beautify of *nix. They are fast, efficient and most importantly sexy. Below are some great tips for helping Linux users get used to Linux. This list is a bit long. So be patient. To get more information on a command mention...

   Linux,Tips     2013-09-03 22:30:48

  Pair Programming: The disadvantages of 100% pairing

I’ve written a lot of blog posts in the past about pair programming and the advantages that I’ve seen from using this technique but lately I find myself increasingly frustrated at the need to pair 100% of the time which happens on most teams I work on. From my experience it’s certainly useful as a coaching tool, as I’ve mentioned before I think it’s a very useful for increasing the amount of collaboration between team members and an excellent way for ensuring ...

   Software development,Paring,Disadvantage     2012-01-11 12:08:47

  this in JavaScript in detail

this in JavaScript is always confusing, it is one of the most frequently seen traps in JavaScript. this is not a good design in JavaScript(You can refer some other design flaws of JavaScript here), since it's lazy binding feature, it can be a global object, the current object or.... Some people even avoid using this in JavaScript. Actually if you master how this works, then you will know how to stay away from these traps. Let's take a look at what this points to in below situations. 1. In global...

   JavaScript,this,bind     2013-05-09 18:35:12

  VIM Plugins for C/C++ developers

Following up on my previous post on Essential Vim Plugins for Web Developers, I have decided to tell you about the awesomeness of the C / C++ plugin for Vim in this article.Now to get things going, let’s start by thinking what are the basic stuffs that you would be carrying out as a C / C++ developer? Include header files, some functions, loops, conditional statements and a main function. These are some repetitive boring tasks that you would rather have someone else do it for you. We...

   Plugin,Vim,C,C++,developer,Vim for C     2011-09-28 09:23:55

  Free PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript editor - Codelobster IDE

In this article, we suggest you to get acquainted with the free editor of web languages - Codelobster IDE. It is presented on the software market for a long time already, and it wins a lot of fans. Codelobster IDE allows you to edit PHP, HTML, CSS and JavaScript files, it highlights the syntax and gives hints for tags, functions and their parameters. This editor easily deals with those files that contain a mixed content. If you insert PHP code in your HTML template, then the editor correctly hig...

   IDE,CODELOBSTER,PHP,HTML     2019-07-27 09:37:14

  A Fun Approach To Creating More Successful Websites

As Web designers and developers, each project we work with has a unique set of goals and requirements. But one goal we have for all of our projects is that we want them to make an impression on people — we want the websites that we create to be memorable. A fun experience is often an enjoyable one and an enjoyable experience is usually a memorable one. Therefore, it stands to reason that one of the ways to create a memorable experience is to make it a fun experience. In this article,...

   Web design,Elements,UI,Success     2012-03-05 05:10:07