Native Audio with HTML5

Once upon a time, audio on the web lived primarily in the world of third-party browser plug-ins like Flash, QuickTime and Silverlight. This was not a bad world, but it had its issues.For one, most plug-ins require the user to install them, but not all users are willing (or able) to install them. Also, many players built with these plug-ins are inaccessible, making it difficult for folks who use assistive technologies to access the audio or alternative content.Then there are the front-end design ...

   Audio,HTML5,Built in,Audio tag,Video     2011-10-13 13:04:07

  10 Things Beginner Developers Should Know

If you are a novice developer, it might be confusing about where you should start, because the field is broad and provides many options for you. There are so many questions you might ask yourself, such as “What programming language should I learn?” or “Should I also know front-end, or only back-end?” And I am sure there are much more than that. Well, in order for you to be able to start with an advantage against the others, I’ve decided to help you start your ...

   Advice,Software developer,Beginner     2011-12-29 01:41:04

  The iFOREX Trading App is First Class

If you have searched the web for trading application reviews, you are bound to hear terms like ‘state of the art’ and ‘lightning fast execution’. The real question you should ask is - Can you trust the broker who will facilitate your trading to provide you with a robust platform that has several tools that will allow you to successfully trade. You want to make sure that the platform is intuitive and does not take weeks to learn how to use.   The iFOREX trading platfo...

   APP,TRADING,IFOREX     2018-12-20 08:07:35

  I am a great programmer, but horrible algorithmist

I am a great programmer, but a horrible algorithmist. It is a thought that has been weighing on me heavily recently, and I'd like to gather other developers feelings on the subject as well. I started what can be called my professional development career back in 1999. I was still in middle school, but my father hired me at his software company. My official duty was to make updates to our websites, but I mostly ended up bugging the other developers to help me learn. From there I picked up ...

   Programmer,Algorithmist,Diffference     2012-02-12 04:55:28

  Remove browse button from input type=file

In Web 2.0 era, many websites will ask the user to upload their avatar when creating their profile. In HTML, the input control we should use is input="file". This is a file control provided by the browser vendor and it should be ran in a sandbox for security consideration. Browsers don't provide ways to choose file from local and upload to the remote server without the input="file" control.  There is one annoying part about the input="file", which is a default button named "Choose File" or...

   file,html,browse,remove browse button     2015-07-12 05:17:51

  Performance is a Feature

We've always put a heavy emphasis on performance at Stack Overflow and Stack Exchange. Not just because we're performance wonks (guilty!), but because we think speed is a competitive advantage. There's plenty of experimental data proving that the slower your website loads and displays, the less people will use it. [Google found that] the page with 10 results took 0.4 seconds to generate. The page with 30 results took 0.9 seconds. Half a second delay caused a 20% drop in traffic. Half a seco...

   Website,Perfomance,Optimization     2011-07-02 01:52:12

  20 Database Design Best Practices

Use well defined and consistent names for tables and columns (e.g. School, StudentCourse, CourseID ...).Use singular for table names (i.e. use StudentCourse instead of StudentCourses). Table represents a collection of entities, there is no need for plural names.Don’t use spaces for table names. Otherwise you will have to use ‘{‘, ‘[‘, ‘“’ etc. characters to define tables (i.e. for accesing table Student Course you'll write “Student Cour...

   Database design,20 tips,Well defined name,Design pattern     2012-02-07 12:10:48

  Ways to check existence of JavaScript object

The design of JavaScript is not so sophisticated. It's very easy for us to make mistakes if we are not very careful when using JavaScript. For example, to check the existence of JavaScript object. Now we want to check whether a global object myObj exists or not, if it doesn't exist, we declare it. The pseudo code for this is : if(myObj not exist){ declare myObj; } You may think it's very easy to write the code. In fact, it is much more difficult than we may think. Juriy Zaytsev says there are m...

   JAVASCRIPT,OBJECT,EXISTENCE     2020-09-12 02:14:02

  Best “must know” open sources to build the new Web

Here the dump of my ultimate collection of online Web development resources and directory, oriented for the Front-End user Interface (UI). HTML5 and all related open standards are moving fast, but for now, building a whole Website/WebApp on top of that can be very inconsistent, especially across various browsers experiences.   So… how to embrace new awesome web technologies ? Now, as Web Developers and Designers, we have to build on top of more stable framework. It’s her...

   Open source,Wbesite,Web application,HTML     2011-06-09 03:10:24

  Write Scalable, Server-side JavaScript Applications with Node.js

If you live in the Silicon Valley area, you have already heard the buzz: Node.js is being hailed as the next big thing. It’s the silver bullet that offers scale, eases development, and can be leveraged by the vast pool of client-side JavaScript developers. So, what exactly is Node.js?Node.js is a server-side JavaScript environment that uses an asynchronous event-driven model. It is based on Google's V8 JavaScript engine plus several built-in libraries. The excitement around Node.js is tha...

   Node.js,Server side,Scalable,JavaScript app     2012-03-29 13:50:50