Some lovely software design quotes

  Every time when I read technical books, I like reading the quote of a famous person at the start of a chapter(if any), usually they are very interesting. Here is a collection of famous quotes. Life’s too short to build something nobody wants – Ash Maurya, Running Lean author Give someone a program, you frustrate them for a day; teach them how to program, you frustrate them for a lifetime. – David Leinweber There are two ways of constructing a software design: One way is...

   Quote,Software design     2012-10-13 09:13:34

  How to check whether a web page can be loaded in iframe

Sometimes you may want to load other website's page in your own website's iframe, but due to some security concerns, other website may have security configurations which prevent you from loading their pages into your iframe. In this case, if you try to load them, you would see a blank page or a text message telling that it's prohibited. Fortunately, you can detect this before you actually decide to load it. To prevent a page from being loaded by an iframe from other site, the response ...


  Computer skills one can learn within one day

Computer related technical skills are usually thought as complicated and difficult to understand. It's very difficult for one to get hands on one skill or master one skill. But if you really do want to learn something useful within one day, there are some good choices which will not take too long to get to know and use.. Version control:- Git, GitHub and SVN Regular expressions AWK sed Grep Learn how to do things with Vim that you never knew could be done. Set up a crawler that can scrape some ...

   Computer skills,Learn     2013-09-16 08:51:35

  10 major updates of Windows 8.1

Last night, the 2013 Microsoft Build Developer Conference started in San Francisco. The highlight of the first day is Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer announced the release of Windows 8.1 Preview . The final version will be released in November and he also mentioned that there would be over 300 updates on the new OS. Now let's summarize 10 major updates of the new OS. 1. Classical desktop mode After getting a lot of feedback from users, Microsoft adds a new setting. Users can choose to start in clas...

   Windows 8.1,Build     2013-06-27 05:45:02

  How to Create Custom Textures using Filters & Layers?

Textures are an important and integral part of the design world. You would find textures in every nook and corner of your life, in every space across your home. For a long time people have looked at Photoshop as a tool to manipulate photos and make them look the way you want it to appear. But, that’s not all to Photoshop. You can create interesting textures, and create amazing design works using Photoshop too. All you need is a design hand, and some basic understanding of how to use it. He...

   Photoshop     2014-08-01 05:46:07

  Jackie the smart quadcopter to launch at Robotics Week

Flying security camera synced to smartphone kicks off Kickstarter campaign Entrepreneurs and robotics graduate students Jackie Wu and Ritwik Ummalaneni, in Northwestern University’s Master’s in Robotics program, are launching their new product, Jackie, during the National Robotics Week. The flying security camera quadcopter syncs straight to a smartphone, and is the next evolution in home security platforms that consumers have been waiting for. Jackie’s intuitive and easy co...

   Startup,Quadcopter,Security camera,Jackie Wu     2015-04-05 20:56:11

  A collection of color schemes for some famous websites in China

Each website has a color scheme which identifies itself. By looking at one color, we can know which website it is for. These color schemes can be identified from their logos, nav-bars, background etc. We collect some color schemes for some famous Chinese websites. Alibaba (#f90)   Baidu (#0000cc)   Huawei (#e30a12)   HTC (#69b40f)   JD (#c91623)   Renren (#105ba3)   Sina (#e4351e)   Sohu (#fdd000)   Taobao (#ff4400)   Tencent (#0397de)   Tmall (#...

   Website,Color scheme,China     2013-08-21 12:32:14

  Content based HTTP Cache

Browsers may cache the webpages we visited, when user types a URL on the address bar, the browser may cache the webpage returned from server while displaying it. If there is no update on the webpage, then next time when the browser requests the same page, it will not download the page again, instead it will load the cached page. If the website explicitly specify that the page is updated, then the browser will download the page again from the server. What's HTTP Cache? You may be familiar with th...

   HTTP Cache,Web crawler     2013-05-24 05:12:59

  How do Silicon Valley companies recruit

There are a lot of friends asking me about the basic flow of how Silicon Valley companies recruit engineers. As a candidate, I tried Facebook, Google, Yahoo, Oracle, and I received offer from all these companies. As an interviewer, I have interviewed no less than 300 people and I know about the process of recruitment. I write this article with the hope of inspiring people who want to go to Silicon Valley or who are preparing for interviews or who are in the design of the recruiting process...

   Facebook,Interview,Experience,Silicon Valley     2012-05-15 06:36:52

  Must read C++ book list

Every programmer should read some books to enhance their understanding about the language before the start to practice. But some of us often wonder what books we should read and in what order. Some books may not be suitable for beginners and some books may cover the similar topics. Here I summarize a C++ book list we should read.Stage 1"Essential C++" : It is short but powerful and it can enhance our understanding of C++'s features.This book is specifically designed to bring you up to speed in a...

   C++,Book list,Read,Effective C++     2012-05-23 13:03:30