SEARCH KEYWORD -- Market share

  Time Warner invests on Maker Studios

According to ATD, the start-up Maker Studios which specializes in the creation and distribution of YouTube video clips, will get a $40 million investment from investors where media giant Time Warmer is the lead investor.Maker Studios is an video clip creation and distribution of start-up headquartered in Los Angeles. According to its website, this media company's mission is to act as a bridge between YouTube and TV institutions. The program subscribers on YouTube over 80 million, over one billi...

   Maker Studios, video subscription,YouTube     2012-11-21 12:20:19

  How to be jQuery-free?

jQuery is now the most famous JavaScript library. There are around 57.3% websites in the world using jQuery, i.e, 6 out of 10 websites are using jQuery. If we only consider those websites which use libraries, then the percentage is even higher which is 91.7%. Although jQuery is very popular, its size is still a headache to many websites maintainers. The uncompressed jQuery 2.0 has a size of 235KB, the size is 81KB after optimization.The jQuery 1.8.3 which supports IE 6/7/8 has a uncompressed si...

   jQuery,JavaScript,ECMAScript,CSS3     2013-05-13 11:53:20

  Go channel explained

In Go, a channel is a type of concurrent data structure that allows two or more goroutines (Go's term for lightweight threads) to communicate with each other. Channels provide a way for goroutines to send and receive values, and they are an essential part of Go's concurrency model. Here's a simple example that demonstrates how to use channels in Go: package main import ( "fmt" ) func main() { // Create a new channel with the `make` function ch := make(chan int) // Start a new ...

   GOLANG,CHANNEL     2022-12-10 22:24:26

  What can we do about Facebook?

Around 4 years ago, we have posted an article Is Facebook becoming Tencent like? to analyze the strategy Facebook adopted to build its technology empire at that time. Today, we would continue this discussion since the story seems not end there. Facebook is still on the way of copying others. The latest victim being copied is Snapchat where lots of its new features have been copied by Instagram -- an app owned by Facebook. This has helped Instagram acquired lots of active users, especi...

   FACEBOOK,OPINION,SNAPCHAT,NEWS     2017-08-11 10:39:37

  Selling Yourself: Why? and How!

I know many good developers who are under the impression that they either don’t have to sell themselves, or selling themselves is wrong, but is that really true?First let me clarify by defining what I mean by “selling yourself”. I don’t mean “selling out”, I mean marketing yourself, what you’re doing and what your skills are. Especially to your organization.I don’t need to sell myself, my code speaks for itself.Really? Do you think your pristin...

   Sell,Developer,Skill,Show,Resume,CV     2011-08-10 03:19:34

  What are the Four Most Important Technologies Inside an Office, Today?

The office life has changed a lot since the beginning of the 21st century. Nowadays, technologies have taken over a large part of the work that people have to do, inside their walls. Some of them are more important than others, though. Here are four that no company should live without.  A VoIP Phone System If a company wants to communicate with its clients, it needs to install a centralized phone system. The old ones were complicated and costly. The more phone lines you had, the higher the ...

   SMARTPHONE,VOIP,5G     2022-12-24 06:35:02

  Circumventing browser connection limits for fun and profit

A few days ago, this video hosted by metacafe popped up on digg, explaining how to increase site download times by tweaking your browser settings to increase connection parallelism. To explain why this works, let’s step back a bit to discuss how browsers manage server connections. In building any application, developers are often required to make ‘utilitarian’ choices. Pretentiously paraphrasing Jeremy Bentham, ‘utilitarian’ describes an approach that â...

   HTTP,Concurrent connection limit,Solution,AJAX     2011-12-14 13:01:02

  What is the Right Length of a Blog Article?

The length of your blog posts can build your website or break it. If you thought that this is a myth then you are wrong. Pleasing the search engines is one of the targets of SEO efforts. However, you have to please your visitors as well. With good traffic then you will get good ranking on the Search Engine Results pages (SERPs). One of the best ways to increase your traffic is to make sure that once a visitor lands on your site then they will come again for more information. The length of your b...

   DIGITAL MARKETER ,SEO,SEO TOOLS     2016-03-05 04:18:28

  How I Quickly Test and Validate Startup Ideas

Since I’ve technically been unemployed now for a week, I’ve spent most of that time brainstorming some new ideas and putting them into a Google Spreadsheet.This week I began going through that list and pulling out the ones I think have a chance and I narrowed a pretty large list down to just a few.Let’s take one of the examples from my list. It doesn’t have a name, so let’s just call it Patient Connect.The idea behind Patient Connect is that it integrates with ...

   Startup,Idea,Choose,Validation,Verify,Invest     2011-10-28 10:14:41

  My secret Hobby: Applying for jobs

I have a probably unusual habit: I'm applying for jobs as programmer at least once a year. It 's not that I don't have a job, or that I don't like what I do, but since I am self employed and running my own company I have the feeling that I am coming out of touch of what the current job market is like, and so I started to apply for jobs at different companies once in a while. Just to keep in mind how this is like and for the fun of it.I think this is also a good training should I need to be emplo...

   IT,Career,Hobby,Job,How to     2011-08-26 02:41:47