SEARCH KEYWORD -- Market share

  Jack Ma retires from Alibaba today

Jack Ma, Alibaba founder and chairman, retires today. Today is the Teacher's day in China and also the 20th anniversary of Alibaba. It's a special day and also a memorable day for all Alibaba employees including employee No.1 Jack Ma. Ma steps down as chairman today as he promised 10 years ago when he was 45. Just a few years back in 2013, he left his position as Alibaba CEO. His successor will be Daniel Zhang who is the current CEO of Alibaba. After today, Jack will start his new life out...



What should a ‘cache’ be? It means a lot of things, but to my mind the default programming type should be: “keep around expensive-to-generate bits of read-only data in case we need them again, or until the computer really needs that RAM for something else” I was writing a custom video editing program in Python (interesting choice of language for that problem) and I wanted to cache decoded frames; but I just wasn’t happy with the memory management of explici...

   Buffer,Cache,Web browser,Memory,RAM     2012-02-24 05:10:10

  Configure a PHP web server on CentOS

Are you used to use cPanel or Plesk on VPS for your PHP website management? If for some reason you don't want to use them? What can you do? How do you maintain your website? How do you access Emails, use FTP to upload files or use phpMyAdmin to manage your databases? You may need to configure all these services yourself on a VPS without cPanel or Plesk or other similar apps.But to configure all these services on a Linux server is not an easy job. You may spend many nights but still fail to get s...

   Cron,Linux,CentOS,Email,FTP,MySQL     2012-07-08 06:01:56

  My favorite quotes from "The design and evolution of C++"

"The design and evolution of C++" is a book written by the inventor of C++  Bjarne stroustrup. In this book, Bjarne stroustrup presents the definitive insider's guide to the design and development of the C++ programming language. Without ommitting critical details or getting bogged down in technicalities, Stroustrup presents his unique insights into the decisions that shaped C++. In this book, some statements are very impressive. They are concise but convey much information. Here I summariz...

   C++,statements,type system,compatibility     2012-07-16 10:58:10

  Emacs adventures

I have been using Emacs for over a year now. I actually didn’t learn a lot when I started using it (just the basics to get going and then some relatively common keyboard shortcuts), but lately I have been reading and learning much more about it. I’m so grateful by everything I’ve learned from different people on the net that I wanted to share a couple of things I’ve learned, and a simple major mode for editing AsciiDoc documents. As a long-time VIM user, I f...

   Editor,Linux,Emacx,VIM,Shortcuts     2011-11-30 11:56:49

  China has 591 million netizens now

CNNIC(China Internet Network Information Center() released its 32nd research report on Internet usage in China on July 17 Beijing Time. According to the report, China has 591 million netizens until June 2013, among them 464 million are phone Internet users. Chinese netizens surf the Internet 21.7 hours a week. The report shows that China's netizens reached 591 million as of the end of June 2013,  an increase of 26.56 million people compared to the end of 2012. Internet coverage rate is 44...

   CNNICInternet usage     2013-07-18 02:27:52

  Features of Google Android 4.1 Jelly Bean

In today's Google IO 2012 in San Francisco, Google announced its new Android system Android 4.1 Jelly Bean. It's a whole new Android OS and many new features are added to it. Let's check out what new features are added to Jelly Bean.1.  Projector ButterIt uses VSync and Tripple buffering to improve the interactivity experience and increase frame rate. It makes Jelly Bean the fastest and smoothest Android ever2. New home screenYou can customize the home screen. You can re-size the home scree...

   Android, Google IO, Android 4.1, Kelly Bean     2012-06-27 12:49:49

  The Most Popular Car Color

Is there a most popular color among humans as a group? While the answer to this question depends on the definition of "most popular," there is an objective way to consider it: by looking at what color of cars sells the best. The color that has the highest sales in the car market indicates the public's strong preference for that color. Last week, a U.S. automotive website released the ranking of colors for all new cars sold in the U.S. in 2023. The result showed that shades of gray are the most ...


  7 Resources Every JavaScript Developer Should Know

A web developer today is expected to be an expert in every aspect of their craft and JavaScript is no exception.  Years ago JavaScript seemed to be more of an annoyance, producing those trailers at the bottom of the browser.  This has changed and JavaScript is a first-class citizen as a functional programming language and what seems like an unlimited number of resources covering the language. I have been doing more and more JavaScript lately, both on the front-end and some node.js...

   JavaScript,Resource,Study,Website     2012-03-15 12:54:40

  How multitasking really works on Android and iOS

As the horsepower packed into mobile devices gets ever greater, more full-featured forms of multitasking are possible. The market leaders have very different ways of going about things, and there are numerous misconceptions about what is going on behind the scenes. This isn’t all the fault of the user, though. In the interest of ease of use, sometimes the multitasking metaphor is overly simplified on both Android and iOS. iOS: It’s more complicated than it looksEver since iOS...

   Android,iOs,Multitasking,Task bar     2012-01-06 09:58:09