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  Everyone Can Write Tech Blogs

As a programmer, you’ve probably been told that writing tech blogs can offer a range of benefits. There's no shortage of articles encouraging you to start writing, and this post, this post adds to that chorus. But while the advice is solid, what’s often missing is how to begin the journey of writing tech blogs. Based on my 10+ years of experience, I’d like to share some thoughts to help you get started. From what I've seen, the reason many programmers don’t write tech blo...

   CAREER,RESUME,ADVICE,TECH BLOG     2024-09-08 04:00:52

  Google+ is sick

Google says that Google+ now has over 170million registered users, but according a new research report of Fast Company about Google+,  Google+ is just a virtual ghost town.This research selected a sample of 40,000 random Google+ users. The result is :The average post on Google+ has less than one +1, less than one reply, and less than one re-shareRoughly 30% of users who make a public post never make a second oneEven after making five public posts, there is a 15% chance that a user will not ...

   Google+,Sick,Research     2012-05-16 05:41:35

  A tutorial on Github Actions

Github Actions is a CI/CD service created by Github. It aims to make it easy to automate all software workflows, now with world-class CI/CD. Build, test, and deploy code right from GitHub. It was launched in October 2018 and was officially available to all users in November 2019. This post will give an introduction of Github Actions and explain how it works. What is Github Actions Normally Continuous Integration includes some steps, fetching code, running test, sshing into remote server in...

   GITHUB,GITHUB ACTIONS,CI,CD     2019-12-23 05:33:39

  Alibaba IPO Live

Alibaba is going to launch its IPO at NYSE on 19th September. This will be the largest IPO in the history of US stock exchange. The opening price of Alibaba share will be $68 and its trade code is "BABA", in Chinese it means father. Alibaba is expected to get around $22 billion investment in its IPO. Want to witness this historic moment? Please join us for the live video from NYSE. Note this live stream is broadcasted with Chinese. We don't find the English source yet. We believe something is ...

   Alibaba,IPO,NYSE,Live     2014-09-19 06:51:25

  Open Source Needs a New UI

As a freelance web developer, I’ve seen and used my fair share of open source web applications (and desktop software), and I’d like to point out something that I see all too often in open source projects: the user interface almost always lets the project down. Let me explain… The Problem I’ve used a considerable amount of open source software (web-based and desktop), and I feel that a large portion of them are let down by their UI. The functionality is brill...

   Open source,Problem,UI,New paradign     2011-12-09 07:53:19

  How to praise yourself in resume

When finding a job, we first need to send our CV and resume to the employer. Among many candidates, how do we make our resume prominent and noticed by the employer. We need some impressive information. We can praise ourselves in the resume so that the employer can have a good impression on me. Here we summarized a list about how to praise ourselves in our resume.Mature, dynamic and honest.Excellent, ability of systematical management.Ability to work independently, mature and resourceful.A person...

   Resume,Career,Job,Content     2012-06-09 00:27:14

  Gmail supports 10 GB attachment after integrating with Google Drive

Google today announced Gmail allows users to send attachment up to 10GB after integrating with Google Drive, the attachment size can be 400 times larger than traditional mail attachment size.Google also added another feature recently, it will pop up a separate window when writing new email. The integration of Gmail with Google Drive will introduce one Google Drive button at the bottom of the popup window, as a solution for sending large attachment.At the same time, because the attachment will b...

   Google Drive, Gmail,SkyDrive,attachment     2012-11-28 11:12:56

  Tricks with Direct Memory Access in Java

Java was initially designed as a safe managed environment. Nevertheless, Java HotSpot VM contains a “backdoor” that provides a number of low-level operations to manipulate memory and threads directly. This backdoor – sun.misc.Unsafe â€“ is widely used by JDK itself in packages like java.nio or java.util.concurrent. It is hard to imagine a Java developer that uses this backdoor in any regular development because this API is extremely dangerous...

   Java,Directly memory access,Tricks,JVM     2012-02-13 05:31:19

  Discovery kills distribution: why the web needs a new leader

[Apple and Google have locked application discovery and distribution within their app stores. VisionMobile's Andreas Constantinou explains how Facebook is using the web to disintermediate Apple/Google and why the web needs a new leader].The platform duopoly.In just the space of 3 years, the mobile platforms landscape has changed from an election race to an oligarchy. The network effects at the heart of the Apple and Google business models have created formidable barriers to entry. The growth in ...

   Web,Leader,New era,Google,Apple,Mobile     2011-10-18 02:53:29

  Introducing the for-if anti-pattern

Over the years, I've seen a bunch of coding anti-patterns. I figured maybe I'll share a few. Today, I'll introduce what I'm calling the for-if anti-pattern, also known as "We'll sell you the whole seat, but you'll only need the edge." This is a special case of the for-case anti-pattern, where all but one of the cases is null. for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if (i == 42) { do_something(i); } } This can naturally be simplified to do_something(42); The for-if anti-pattern arises in ma...

   Programming,Anti-pattern,for-if,efficiency     2012-02-02 10:18:15