Event Loop Mechanism in JavaScript

  sonic0002        2024-07-03 08:19:09       2,519        0    


The Event Loop Mechanism

The event loop mechanism is the core of how JavaScript handles asynchronous operations. It ensures that the execution order of the code aligns with the expected sequence.

JavaScript's Single Thread

JavaScript is known for being a single-threaded language, meaning it executes one task at a time. This can lead to a significant issue: if a thread is blocked, the entire program becomes unresponsive. To address this, JavaScript introduced the event loop mechanism. This mechanism allows JavaScript to handle asynchronous operations while executing tasks, thus improving program performance and ensuring the code execution order matches the intended sequence.

The Nature of the Loop

The "loop" in the event loop mechanism represents its repetitive process, continuing until there are no more tasks to process.

Foundation for Asynchronous Programming

The event loop mechanism is the foundation of asynchronous programming in JavaScript. Concepts like Promises, Generators, and Async/Await are all based on the event loop mechanism.

Fundamental Theory

Basic Principles of the Event Loop Mechanism

The basic principle of the event loop mechanism is that JavaScript maintains an execution stack and a task queue. When executing tasks, JavaScript places them in the execution stack. JS tasks are divided into synchronous tasks and asynchronous tasks. Synchronous tasks are directly executed in the execution stack, while asynchronous tasks are placed in the task queue to wait for execution. After all tasks in the execution stack are completed, the JS engine reads a task from the task queue and places it into the execution stack for execution. This process repeats until the task queue is empty, marking the end of the event loop mechanism.

Examples with setTimeout/setInterval and XHR/fetch

Let's illustrate the concept with examples using setTimeout/setInterval (timed tasks) and XHR/fetch (network requests).

When executing setTimeout/setInterval and XHR/fetch, these are synchronous tasks with asynchronous callback functions:


When encountering setTimeout/setInterval, the JS engine notifies the timer trigger thread that there is a timed task to execute and continues with the subsequent synchronous tasks. The timer trigger thread waits until the specified time, then places the callback function in the task queue for execution.


When encountering XHR/fetch, the JS engine notifies the asynchronous HTTP request thread that there is a network request to send and continues with the subsequent synchronous tasks. The asynchronous HTTP request thread waits for the network request response. Upon success, it places the callback function in the task queue for execution.

After completing the synchronous tasks, the JS engine checks with the event trigger thread for any pending callback functions. If there are, it places the callback functions into the execution stack for execution. If not, the JS engine remains idle, waiting for new tasks. This interleaving execution of asynchronous and synchronous tasks achieves efficient task management.

Macrotasks and Microtasks

Concepts of Macrotasks and Microtasks

Macrotasks and microtasks are two critical concepts in the event loop mechanism.

Macrotasks: These include tasks such as setTimeout, setInterval, I/O operations, and UI rendering.

Microtasks: These include tasks such as Promise callbacks, MutationObserver callbacks, and process.nextTick.

Execution Order of Macrotasks and Microtasks

Macrotasks: Macrotasks are executed sequentially in each iteration of the event loop. In each iteration, one macrotask is taken from the macrotask queue and executed.

Microtasks: Microtasks are executed immediately after the current macrotask completes and before the next macrotask begins. The event loop will continuously execute all microtasks in the microtask queue until it is empty before moving on to the next macrotask.

This ensures that microtasks get higher priority and are completed before the next macrotask starts, enabling more efficient handling of tasks and better performance in asynchronous operations.

Practical Techniques

Let's Play with Some Examples to Get Familiar with the Event Loop Mechanism

Example 1


setTimeout(() => {
  console.log('setTimeout Callback');
}, 0);

Promise.resolve().then(() => {
  console.log('Promise then');



  1. The synchronous code executes first, printing Start.
  2. setTimeout is encountered, which is a macrotask, so it's placed in the macrotask queue to be executed later.
  3. Promise.resolve().then is encountered, which is a microtask, so it's placed in the microtask queue to be executed after the current synchronous code finishes.
  4. The synchronous code continues, printing End.
  5. Now, the microtask queue is checked. There's a microtask (Promise.then), so it's executed, printing Promise then.
  6. Finally, the macrotask queue is checked. There's a macrotask (setTimeout callback), so it's executed, printing setTimeout Callback.


Promise then
setTimeout Callback

Example 2


new Promise((resolve) => {
  console.log('Promise Executor');
}).then(() => {
  console.log('Promise then');



  1. The synchronous code executes first, printing Start.
  2. The Promise constructor is encountered, and the executor function inside it runs immediately (as part of the current macrotask), printing Promise Executor.
  3. The then method schedules a microtask, which will run after all synchronous code is finished.
  4. The synchronous code continues, printing End.
  5. Now, the microtask queue is checked. There's a microtask (Promise.then), so it's executed, printing Promise then.


Promise Executor
Promise then

Example 3


async function asyncFunction() {
  await new Promise((resolve) => {
    setTimeout(resolve, 0);




  1. Synchronous Code Execution: First, it prints Start because that's the first synchronous code encountered.
  2. Entering asyncFunction: Next, asyncFunction is executed. Inside asyncFunction, Promise is printed because the synchronous part of the Promise constructor runs immediately.
  3. Encountering await: When it reaches await new Promise(...), asyncFunction pauses here, waiting for the Promise to be resolved.
  4. Continuing Execution of Global Script: While waiting at await, control returns to the caller, so console.log('End') is executed, printing End.
  5. Event Loop and Macrotasks: When the setTimeout with a 0-millisecond delay is reached, its callback function (i.e., resolve) is placed in the macrotask queue. Once the current execution stack is empty and the microtask queue is processed, the event loop checks the macrotask queue and executes the setTimeout callback, resolving the Promise.
  6. Microtasks after Promise Resolution: After the Promise is resolved, the code following the await (i.e., console.log('asyncawait')) is placed in the microtask queue. During the next event loop iteration, the microtask queue is processed, printing asyncawait.



By analyzing these examples, you should gain a solid understanding of the event loop mechanism.

Performance Optimization: Leveraging the Event Loop Mechanism

1. Reduce UI Blocking: Place time-consuming operations at the end of the microtask or macrotask queue to ensure the UI thread can promptly respond to user interactions. For example, use requestAnimationFrame for animation rendering to synchronize with the browser's painting cycle and reduce page repaint overhead.

2. Split Long Tasks: If a task takes too long, consider splitting it into smaller tasks and inserting other tasks, such as UI updates, in between. This approach helps maintain the application's responsiveness. For instance, divide large data processing into multiple chunks and yield control after each chunk.

3. Prefer Promise and async/await: Compared to traditional callbacks, Promise and async/await offer clearer code structure and better error handling. They also manage the event loop more efficiently, making asynchronous code appear more like synchronous code, which is easier to understand and maintain.

4. Avoid Overusing Microtasks: Although microtasks have high priority, relying too much on them can lead to microtask queue buildup. Especially in recursive calls or complex logic, it may unintentionally cause performance bottlenecks. Balance the use of macrotasks and microtasks to optimize execution efficiency and responsiveness.

5. Utilize nextTick: In Vue.js, nextTick is used to execute certain operations after the DOM update. Leveraging the event loop mechanism, nextTick ensures operations are performed after DOM updates, enhancing performance. Avoid DOM operations during updates to improve efficiency.

Deep Dive

Node.js Event Loop Model

For an in-depth understanding of the Node.js event loop model, refer to the official Node.js documentation. Here’s a brief overview:

The Node.js event loop is divided into six phases, each with a FIFO queue for macrotasks and a FIFO queue for microtasks. After each phase, the loop checks the microtask queue and processes it until it's empty before moving to the next phase.

Each phase handles specific tasks:

  1. Timers: Executes callbacks from setTimeout and setInterval.
  2. I/O callbacks: Executes callbacks for completed I/O operations (excluding those for close, timers, and setImmediate).
  3. Idle, prepare: Used internally by Node.js, not typically relevant to user code.
  4. Poll: Retrieves new I/O events; Node.js will block here when appropriate.
  5. Check: Executes setImmediate callbacks.
  6. Close callbacks: Executes close event callbacks.

This model ensures efficient operation of the event-driven, asynchronous programming paradigm in Node.js.

Browser Event Loop Model

The event loop model in browsers operates as described in previous examples. It maintains the execution order by balancing synchronous tasks, macrotasks, and microtasks.

Edge Cases Analysis

1. Microtask Nesting: Microtasks can be nested, meaning that a microtask can add more microtasks to the queue. This can lead to a buildup of microtasks, potentially causing the event loop to “starve” macrotasks, delaying their execution.

2. Macrotask Nesting: Direct macrotask nesting (e.g., calling another setTimeout inside a setTimeout callback) does not change the execution order but can impact the smoothness of the event loop, especially if they involve I/O operations or intensive calculations.

3. Inaccuracy of Timers: Timers like setTimeout and setInterval guarantee execution after at least the specified time but may execute later due to:

  • The current execution stack not being empty.
  • Pending tasks in the macrotask queue.
  • System resource constraints or high CPU usage.

Though these environments differ in details, they adhere to the principles of macrotask and microtask separation.

Understanding nextTick

In Vue.js, nextTick is a method used to execute a callback after Vue’s asynchronous DOM update queue is cleared. Vue.js uses asynchronous DOM updates to improve performance, meaning data changes do not immediately update the view. Instead, updates occur in batches after synchronous code execution completes, reducing DOM manipulation and enhancing performance.

The nextTick method relies on JavaScript's event loop mechanism.

Usage scenarios for nextTick:

1. Getting Updated DOM Elements: Ensure you get the latest updated DOM elements within a nextTick callback.

2. Avoiding Unnecessary Renders: Combine multiple data modifications and use nextTick to ensure DOM elements update once, reducing render times and improving performance.


By understanding and utilizing the event loop mechanism effectively, you can significantly enhance the performance and responsiveness of your JavaScript applications. Balancing the use of macrotasks and microtasks, avoiding excessive nesting, and leveraging async/await can lead to more maintainable and efficient code.

Reference: https://segmentfault.com/a/1190000044991038





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