CASSANDRA data model

  Peter        2013-06-08 22:07:40       3,249        0         

Cassandra is an open source distributed database, it combines dynamic key/value and column oriented feature of Bigtable.

Features of Cassandra are:

  • Flexible schema, no need to design schema first, it's very convenient to add or delete strings
  • Support range search on keys
  • High usability, extensible. The single node error will not affect the cluster.

We can think Cassandra's data model as a 4 or 5 dimensional Hash.


Columns is the smallest data unit in Cassandra, it is a 3 dimensional data type including name,value and timestamp.

 {  // This is a column
    name: "逖靖寒的世界",
    value: "",
    timestamp: 123456789

To be simple, we ignore timestamp here, we can treat columns as name/value pairs. Here name and value are both byte[].


We can think SuperColumn as an array of Column, it has a name and a set of columns. The JSON format of a SuperColumn is :

{   // This is SuperColumn
     name: "逖靖寒的世界",
     // A set of Columns
    value: {
        street: {name: "street", value: "1234 x street", timestamp: 123456789},
        city: {name: "city", value: "san francisco", timestamp: 123456789},
        zip: {name: "zip", value: "94107", timestamp: 123456789},

Column and SuperColumn both contains name/value pairs. The biggest difference is value in Column is a string while the value in SuperColumn is a Map of Column.

SuperColumn itself doesn't contain timestamp


ColumnFamily is a structure containing many rows, we can think it as a Table in RDBMS. Each row contains a Key and related Columns supplied by the client.

UserProfile = { // This is a ColumnFamily
     phatduckk: {   // This is the key of ColumnFamily
         // Column related to the key
         username: "gpcuster",
         email: "",
         phone: "6666"
    }, // End of first row
    ieure: {   // This is another key of ColumnFamily
         //Column related to the key
         username: "pengguo",
         email: "",
         phone: "888"
         age: "66"

The type of ColumnFaily can be standard or super.

The above example is a standard ColumnFamily. Standard ColumnFamily contains a set of columns(not SuperColumn). Super ColumnFamily contains a set of SuperColumns, but it cannot contain Standard ColumnFamily.

AddressBook = { // This is a super ColumnFamily
     phatduckk: {    // key
         friend1: {street: "8th street", zip: "90210", city: "Beverley Hills", state: "CA"}, 
         John: {street: "Howard street", zip: "94404", city: "FC", state: "CA"},
         Kim: {street: "X street", zip: "87876", city: "Balls", state: "VA"},
         Tod: {street: "Jerry street", zip: "54556", city: "Cartoon", state: "CO"},
         Bob: {street: "Q Blvd", zip: "24252", city: "Nowhere", state: "MN"},
    }, // row ending
     ieure: {     // key
         joey: {street: "A ave", zip: "55485", city: "Hell", state: "NV"},
         William: {street: "Armpit Dr", zip: "93301", city: "Bakersfield", state: "CA"},


All ColumnFamily belong to one Keyspace, usually one application will have only one Keyspace.

Simple test

cassandra> set Keyspace1.Standard1['jsmith']['first'] = 'John' 
Value inserted. 
cassandra> set Keyspace1.Standard1['jsmith']['last'] = 'Smith' 
Value inserted. 
cassandra> set Keyspace1.Standard1['jsmith']['age'] = '42' 
Value inserted.

After executing above commands, Cassandra now contains 3 records. The meaning of the inserted data is:


Next we do a search operation:

cassandra> get Keyspace1.Standard1['jsmith'] 
  (column=age, value=42; timestamp=1249930062801) 
  (column=first, value=John; timestamp=1249930053103) 
  (column=last, value=Smith; timestamp=1249930058345) 
Returned 3 rows.


When we insert data into Cassandra, data will be automatically sorted. All the Columns related to one Key is sorted by Name, we can specify the order type in storage-conf.xml.

The sort type provided by Cassandra are : BytesType, UTF8Type,LexicalUUIDType, TimeUUIDType, AsciiType,and LongType.

Now assume the raw data are:

{name: 123, value: "hello there"}, 
{name: 832416, value: "kjjkbcjkcbbd"}, 
{name: 3, value: "101010101010"}, 
{name: 976, value: "kjjkbcjkcbbd"}

If we specify the sort type as LongType:

      Deinition of ColumnFamily in storage-conf.xml 
<ColumnFamily CompareWith="LongType" Name="CF_NAME_HERE"/>

The data after sorting will be :

{name: 3, value: "101010101010"},   
{name: 123, value: "hello there"}, 
{name: 976, value: "kjjkbcjkcbbd"}, 
{name: 832416, value: "kjjkbcjkcbbd"}

For SuperColumn, there is one more sorting dimension. So we need to specify the value of CompareSubcolumnsWith.

{ // first SuperColumn from a Row 
    name: "workAddress", 
    // and the columns within it 
    value: { 
        street: {name: "street", value: "1234 x street"}, 
        city: {name: "city", value: "san francisco"}, 
        zip: {name: "zip", value: "94107"} 
{ // another SuperColumn from same Row 
    name: "homeAddress", 
    // and the columns within it 
    value: { 
        street: {name: "street", value: "1234 x street"}, 
        city: {name: "city", value: "san francisco"}, 
        zip: {name: "zip", value: "94107"} 

Then we specify CompareSubcolumnsWith and CompareWith as UTF8Type.

    // this one's first b/c when treated as UTF8 strings 
    { // another SuperColumn from same Row 
        // This Row comes first b/c "homeAddress" is before "workAddress"            
        name: "homeAddress", 
        // the columns within this SC are also sorted by their names too 
        value: { 
            // see, these are sorted by Column name too 
            city: {name: "city", value: "san francisco"},                
            street: {name: "street", value: "1234 x street"}, 
            zip: {name: "zip", value: "94107"} 
    name: "workAddress", 
    value: { 
        // the columns within this SC are also sorted by their names too 
        city: {name: "city", value: "san francisco"},            
        street: {name: "street", value: "1234 x street"}, 
        zip: {name: "zip", value: "94107"} 

We can implement the sorting method by ourselves in Cassandra, we only need to extend org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.IType.


WTF is a SuperColumn? An Intro to the Cassandra Data Model


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