25 worst passwords in 2012

  sonic0002        2012-10-25 12:04:49       3,718        0         

Weak password is a serious security vulnerability, but the majority of network users still use some universal simple character sequences as the password.

SplashData recently announced the world's worst password list in 2012.  "password","123456" and "12345678" are still at top places, while others have varying,  some new passwords like  "welcome" "Jesus" "ninja","mustang"and "password1 "are in the list.

With the risk of password loss, SplashData CEO Morgan Slain said we hoped network users should be more careful about ourselves network status, be more conscious about password security, use strong password as possible as you can.

Here are the top 25 worst passwords in 2012:

  1. password (unchanged)
  2. 123456 (unchanged)
  3. 12345678 (unchanged)
  4. abc123 (up 1)
  5. qwerty (down 1)
  6. monkey (unchanged)
  7. letmein (up 1)
  8. dragon (up 2)
  9. 111111 (up 3)
  10. baseball (up 1)
  11. iloveyou (up 2)
  12. trustno1 (down 3)
  13. 1234567 (down 6)
  14. sunshine (up 1)
  15. master (down 1)
  16. 123123 (up 4)
  17. welcome (new)
  18. shadow (up 1)
  19. ashley (down 3)
  20. football (up 5)
  21. Jesus (new)
  22. michael (up 2)
  23. ninja (new)
  24. mustang (new)
  25. password1 (new)

Source : http://www.cnbeta.com/articles/211038.htm





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