Once you gave out your email address, you may take the risk of receiving big amount of junk emails. However, when we register on some websites, we must provide our Email address to receive authentication emails. If we cannot receive the authentication email, we cannot finish the registration process. Is there any alternative way?
We can use disposable email, i.e, some email address are like disposable chopsticks, we can throw them once we finish using them.
Current many websites can provide this kind of service. Here is a list which I collected.
1. Temporary email service
- Despam.it (period of validity 30 minutes) : http://we.despam.it/
- 10 minute mail (period of validity 10 minutes) : http://www.10minutemail.com/
- Guerrilla mail (period of validity 15 minutes) : http://www.guerrillamail.com/
2. Anonymous email forwarding service
This kind of service will provide you an temporary forwarding email address, it can hide your real email address. Finally all the emails will we forwarded to your real email from the temporary email. But I don't recommend this method because the forwarded email can easily be treated as junk mails.
- spambox:http://www.spambox.us/
- Trash Mail:http://trashmail.net/
- Mail Expire:http://www.mailexpire.com/
- Tempo Mail:http://www.tempomail.fr/index_en.html
3. Open service email (recommended)
Email addresses provided by this kind of websites have long period of validity, and they allow you to have any username you like. However, this kind of email addresses have no password protection, any people can use the email address at the same time and all received emails will be automatically deleted in 24 hours.
- Mailinator:http://www.mailinator.com/
- spam.la:http://www.spam.la/
- My Trash Mail:http://www.mytrashmail.com/
- Temp Email:http://www.tempemail.net/
- spamfree24:http://spamfree24.org/
- Slopsbox:http://slopsbox.com/
Please note that you should not abuse disposable email address, especially when you use them to register websites you frequently visit, because once you forget your password, you may have trouble to get it back.
Finally, as for website administrators, they always want to get real user information, so they may hate this kind of disposable email service. No worry, you have your weapons, undisposable.NET can help you to identify which email address is not a real one. Then you can refuse them to register.
Original author : 阮一峰 Source : http://www.ruanyifeng.com/blog/2008/11/temporary_and_disposable_email_services.html