Fix Permission Issue for iTerm2 to Access Application Support on MacOS

In case you have a new MacOS setup(especially on the newly released Apple M4 MacBook) and you are trying to install/launch iTerm2 on your system, you may encounter an error where it complains that you don't have enough permission to access Application Support, the error message would be likeThere was a problem finding or creating your application support directory. iTerm2 won't work very well until this problem is fixed.It should be at ~/Library/Application Support/iTerm2.The error was:You don't have permission to save the file "iTerm2" in the folder "Application Support".If you encounter...


  Special ARP Uses: Gratuitous ARP, ARP Probe, and ARP Announce

In an Ethernet environment, all data is ultimately sent in the form of a Layer 2 Ethernet Frame, which includes the Src MAC, Dst MAC, and other headers such as CRC, etc. Ethernet will then deliver the data to the destination.When we program, we often specify the IP and Port, but rarely specify the MAC address. So, how is the Frame sent out? This is done by the operating system. If the system does not know the MAC address corresponding to an IP, it will send a broadcast ARP request (since this request also needs to be sent over Ethernet, it will also fill in the Dst MAC, which is ff:ff:ff:ff:ff...


  How to make select in WinSock exceed the 64-socket limit

When doing cross-platform network programming, the only API available on Windows that corresponds to the epoll/kevent style reactor event model is select. However, it has a limitation: the number of sockets passed into select cannot exceed FD_SETSIZE, which is set to 64.Therefore, select in Java’s NIO on Windows also has the same limit. Many services ported to Windows that use the reactor model face this constraint, which often gives the impression that server programs on Windows have weaker performance.This limit is clearly insufficient for developing a high-concurrency server. So,...


  How to use xargs command in Linux

What is the xargs command?The xargs command constructs and executes commands provided through standard input. It takes input and converts it into command arguments for another command. This functionality is particularly useful in file management and can be combined with commands like rm, cp, mkdir, and others.Using the xargs commandWhen used alone, the xargs command prompts the user to enter a text string and then passes it to the echo command.This example demonstrates the input provided and the output of the echo command.Combining xargs with findThe find command is often used in conjunction w...

3,499 0       XARGS LINUX


我的名字是 Lars Wirzenius,我曾经见证了Linux的起点。Linux现在是一个全球成功的操作系统,但它的开始却非常谦逊。这些是我对Linux最早的日子、它的创造以及它走向今天的记忆。我于1988年秋季开始在赫尔辛基大学攻读计算机科学,并认识了 Linus Torvalds,他也是当年计算机科学专业的新生之一,而且和我一样说瑞典语。在那个学年的末尾,我们得到了一台Unix服务器的访问权限,然后我无意中发现了Usenet,这个讨论系统,因为我误将rm打成了rn,即Usenet阅...


  How to Convert Images on Mac Finder

If you have a lot of images in different formats and you want to convert them to a common format, you can use the Mac Finder to do it easily and quickly. Here are the steps to follow:1. Open the Finder and navigate to the folder where your images are stored.2. Select the images that you want to convert. You can use the Shift key or the Command key to select multiple images at once.3. Right-click on the selected images and choose Services > Preview from the context menu. This will open the Preview app with all the selected images.4. In the Preview app, go to File > Export Selected Images....


  What to Know About Windows 11

Windows 11 launched in October, with Microsoft bringing some changes to the operating system. It was the first name change in six years, and the rollout began on October 5. The rollout is being phased on eligible devices. You can download it if you don’t want to wait for it to be your device’s turn. Some businesses are opting to defer upgrades to Windows 11, as are some individuals. Others are excited to take advantage.The following are some things to know about implementing changes to the operating system. What is Windows 11?The operating system was officially unvei...

1,315 0       MICROSOFT WINDOWS 11

  Linux Kernel is replacing HTTP link with HTTPS

Linux kernel is in the process of replacing the HTTP links in its source code with HTTPS links. HTTPS is considered more secure than HTTP and can prevent lots of attacks like Man-In-The-Middle attack. Currently there are more than 150 patches submitted by Linux Kernel developers to replace these HTTP links. One thing to be noted is this replacement process is not a manual search and replace process. Indeed, some scripts are created to find out these links and try to find whether there is corresponding HTTPS link available and then do the replacement only if the HTTPS link works....