Python SSH Connection Tools

Python SSH Connection Tools

Program Design Purpose: We aim to create a simple Python SSH tool library that facilitates SSH communication, SCP file transfer, and SSH port forwarding through multiple jump hosts in an SSH tunnel chain. The library is designed to provide a simple API for establishing nested SSH tunnel connections through multiple jump hosts with customizable TCP ports. This allows users or their programs to automate SSH tasks such as:Batch processing SSH connection tasks, such as connecting to multiple servers...


Power Grid OT Simulation System

 liuyuancheng    90  0

Mini OT-Energy-System Cyber Security Digital TwinFigure-00: Power_Grid_OT_Simulation_System Environment Diagram, version v0.1.2 (2024)Project Design Purpose: The primary objective of this project is to develop a scaled-down Operational Technology (OT) digital twin/equivalent — an advanced software simulation system capable of emulating the functionality of an small-sized 18KW (560+MkWh/year) hybrid power grid. This system will meet the requirements for cybersecurity training, exercises, an...

Why is Golang's Compilation Speed So Fast?

 tr_cn    193  0

OverviewWhen I started learning the Go language, I already had experience with three statically typed languages—C/C++ and Java—and two dynamically typed languages—PHP and JavaScript. Because of this background, when I compiled a demo file of several hundred lines for the first time in Go, I was genuinely impressed by its compilation speed. At that moment, I thought to myself, "Go claims to have the execution speed of statically typed languages and the compilation speed of dynam...

SIEM Big Data Visualization : Dashboard for Monitoring Scam Events in Critical Infrastructure

 liuyuancheng    220  0

Project Design Purpose: In a Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) system, effective monitoring and visualization of scam events is crucial to detecting and responding to cyberattacks. Cybercriminals often use deceptive methods to exploit individuals or organizations, aiming to steal sensitive information, financial assets, or disrupt operations. This project seeks to develop a web plugin dashboard to help cybersecurity researchers and managers better understand the scope and impact o...

Introduction to the Application of eBPF in Golang

 sonic0002    1,239  0

Most of the time, when we develop software or even use software, we play within the safe boundaries of the operating system. We might not know how the network interface welcomes that IP packet, nor how the filesystem handles the inodes when we save a file.This boundary is called user space, which is where we write applications, libraries, and tools. But there's another world, kernel space, where the operating system's kernel resides and is responsible for managing system resources such as memory... Writing an LLM Application in Rust

 sonic0002    703  0

Over the past year, large language models (LLMs) have been booming and developing vigorously. As an enthusiast of data systems, it would indeed seem outdated not to pursue and research this hot field at all. This article summarizes my recent practical experiences attempting to write an LLM application using Rust with Related to Large Language ModelsWhen talking about large language models, it's impossible not to mention ChatGPT and OpenAI. Although OpenAI recently changed ...

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What Chrome extensions do you find useful for programmers?

As a programmer, we may sometimes find some Chrome extensions useful for us to improve our daily life. Do you have any recommendation and why? Leave a note.

What does your personal desk look like?

As a programmer, what does your personal desk look like? How many monitors do you have? Does it look like that in The Matrix?

Happy Chinese New Year for those who celebrate it

How much time do you code every day?

As a developer, the major work daily is normally coding and debugging. However, nowadays it's pretty challenge for the developer to invest much time on coding every day as there are lots of other things distracting us like meetings, emails etc. How much time do you spend on coding daily? What are the distractions you have in your daily work?
RESPONSES FROM travisjohnson 

What lies would programmers like to tell?

Frequently programmers like to say this should work, this is not a bug but a feature. These all sound like a lie. Do you know what other lies programmers like to tell?
RESPONSES FROM frankhall9 

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Where is NULL Google Adsense

Where is NULL Google Adsense

By sonic0002 at 2024-09-22 07:57:58