SEARCH KEYWORD -- Working hour

  So you want to write JavaScript for a living?

What do you need to know if you are interviewing for a job that involves Javascript development? What kind of expectations do employers have of candidates now that the state of client side development has been changed with the rise of asynchronous JavaScript and the often slick, supporting interfaces? These were questions I was asking myself after a friend pointed me to an interesting job posting over at Meebo that included some JavaScript puzzlers on logical operators, DOM odditi...

   JavaScript,Career,Skills,Knowledge     2011-10-22 12:53:11

  A Chinese Programmer Accused of Circumventing Great Firewall Faces Confiscation of RMB 1.05 Million

Recently, a programmer posted an article on Weibo claiming that he was working for an overseas company while accessing the international internet. He was subsequently accused by the Shuangqiao Public Security Sub-bureau in Chengde, Hebei of "illegally establishing and using non-official channels for international networking" and received an administrative penalty of a fine of RMB 200 and the confiscation of "illegal gains" totaling RMB 1.05 million. This is the most severe punishment reported s...

   GITHUB,CHINESE     2023-09-25 07:57:58

  ECMAScript 6 looks promising

I am quite excited about ECMAScript 6, after watching David Herman’s talk at YUIConf 2011. I am especially looking forward to seeing some of these features landing up on V8 soon, so that I can use it on node.js. These additions will solve many common sources of frustration that newcomers face when working with JavaScript. Although the spec is not expected to be finalized till 2013 (so says David in the video), a lot of these features are expected to hit Chrome and Firefox much befor...

   ECMAScript 6,JavaScript,new feature,let,template     2011-12-07 03:21:40

  5 Tech Devices to Help You Succeed with an Online Master’s Degree

Studying for a master’s degree can be one of the best steps to take for your career and personal development. Whether you want to pursue an academic career and go on to gain further qualifications such as a doctorate, or want to use your master’s degree to further your career prospects, earn a promotion in your current job or even facilitate a career change, there are many reasons why more and more people are choosing to return to education. The opportunity to study for a master&rsqu...

   CAREER,MASTER,STUDY,TECH DEVICE     2019-05-29 10:46:07

  The significance of coding competition to actual work

Some friends asked this question: In secondary schools we participate in the NOI, in university we participate in ACM/ICPC, TopCoder.What's the significance of coding competition to actual work? I participated in the NOI from 1994 to 1996, ACM/ICPC from 1999 to 2000 and TopCoder in 2002 for six months. Later I paid little attention to coding competition, so I may not understand the changes in recent years and race mode . The capabilities we can get by participating the competition can be summari...

   ACM,Programming,Facebook,TopCoder     2013-02-28 20:38:23

  Creating Dynamic PDF files using HTML and PHP

There always arise a need for converting content from one file format to another one. Some may need to convert some text into HTML and some may need to convert some HTML content to an image format. The main reason for the need to convert from one file format to another is because the target file format is best suited for targeted medium where the content need to be displayed. The targeted medium may be an email, a printed hard copy or a web browser. The text format is best suited for sending ema...

   PHP,HTML,PDF,Conversion,Generate,Library     2011-11-18 12:10:53

  7 Ways Tablets are Better than Laptops or Smartphones

Imagine a situation of preparing for a short weekend trip to a smaller village or a countryside with beautiful nature, fresh air and breathtaking scenery, where your cousins are eagerly expecting you for their twentieth marriage anniversary; you seem to be almost ready, but one thing is missing!  A considerable amount of work is still ahead of you, and you also want to stay in touch with your friends, which makes it a bit difficult to decide whether it would be more suitable to take your l...

   TABLETS,SMARTPHONE,LAPTOP     2018-07-25 05:32:44

  How iPhone App Developers Will Get Benefited by iOS 11?

At Apple WWDC 2017, the CEO Tim Cook introduced the next generation of iOS, i.e., iOS 11. Various improvements and innovations included in iOS 11 were discussed. And what one can say from the whole is that this year’s WWDC keynote was more developer-oriented than user-oriented. It was, indeed, an assistance to the iPad and iPhone app developers to create more innovative mobile apps, and serve users for lifetime.  If you are an iOS app developer or working at an iPhone app development...


  Consistency between Redis Cache and SQL Database

Nowadays, Redis has become one of the most popular cache solution in the Internet industry. Although relational database systems (SQL) bring many awesome properties such as ACID, the performance of the database would degrade under high load in order to maintain these properties. In order to fix this problem, many companies & websites have decided to add a cache layer between the application layer (i.e., the backend code which handles the business logic) and the storage layer (i.e., the SQL d...

   REDIS,CACHE,DATABASE     2019-07-07 08:14:16

  On Employers, Portfolios, Commitment, and Cake

You might know from experience that planning for a wedding is no simple feat. In the months leading up to our wedding, my then fiancé and I spent countless hours planning and making sure that no detail was overlooked. Among our top priorities was finding a skilled baker to create a delicious and beautiful cake. On the recommendation of a friend, we considered a baker named Jennifer. We read her "culinary resume." We were impressed by her references and experience, and our initial conve...

   Career,Employer,Cake,Commitment     2012-02-17 07:48:19