PHP to get long running process progress dynamically

Frequently in web applications, we may have a request to the back end system which may trigger a long running process such as searching huge amount of data or a long running database process. Then the front end webpage may hang and wait for the process to be finished. During this process, if we can provide the user some information about the progress of the back end process, it may improve user experience. Unfortunately, in web applications, this seems not an easy task because web scripting lang...

   AJAX,PHP,progress,long process,demo     2012-06-04 07:29:37

  The Anatomy of a Perfect Web Site

Many sites on the web are good. They are well-designed, clear, have great information architecture and are easy to navigate. Often, web designers emphasize the “design” part too much, and neglect the other equally important things. However, there are sites which aren’t that aesthetically pleasing, but still are the best sites in the world. They may look like a big, sad bag of wrestling underwear on the outside, but their underlying user experience is really, really refine...

   Website,web design,Anatomy,Interaction,Feature     2011-11-08 09:00:34

  Exploring Open edX: A Global Platform for Online Education

Understanding Open edX The digital education sector has seen a rise in platforms that enhance global learning access. Open edX, in particular, has made a significant mark with its comprehensive and robust features. Companies like Raccoon Gang offer specialized open edX services to further enhance this platform's capabilities. This article delves into the essence of Open edX, highlighting its key components and global appeal. Open edX Core Features Course Authoring: User-friendly tools for cou...

   OPENEDX,LEARNING     2024-06-04 23:09:45

  MaxHeapSize in JVM

MaxHeapSize is an option which is to set the JVM maximum heap size can be allocated. We can specify the MaxHeapSize as VM argument when we run the program by setting -XX:MaxHeapSize=, here can be 2M, 20M, 200M etc. We can also view the current MaxHeapSize set by setting different JVM options. To view the MaxHeapSize, we can use two JVM options : -XX:+PrintFlagsFinal and -XX:+PrintCommandLineFlags. Below is one example when running -XX:+PrintFlagsFinal: bool MaxFDLimit ...

   JVM,MaxHeapSize,Alignment     2014-06-17 07:01:50

  Bug caused by using changeable value as the default in "python method overload"​

In python we can set the passed in parameter's default value to make the function has the same running feature as the method overload in Java. Define a function like this: def testFunction(self, param1, param2=None, param3=None): Normally we use "None" as the parameter's default value. We can also use str/bool as the default value, but is it OK we use empty list [] as its default value? This is our test program: """ A test program using empty list as the passed-in parameter's default value. ...

   PYTHON     2019-03-11 08:52:52

  Frequently used Git commands

Git configuration git config --global "robbin" git config --global "" git config --global color.ui true git config --global checkout git config --global commit git config --global status git config --global branch git config --global core.editor "mate -w" # Configure Editor to use textmate git config -l #List all configurations User's git configuration file : ~/.gitconfig Frequently used Git commands Check、add...

   Git,Command     2013-03-11 19:41:06

  Why Data Structures Matter

Our experience on Day 0 of JPR11 yielded a nice example of the need to choose an appropriate implementation of an abstract concept. As I mentioned in the previous post, we experimented with Michael Barker’s Scala implementation of Guy Steele’s parallelizable word-splitting algorithm (slides 51-67). Here’s the core of the issue. Given a type-compatible associative operator and sequence of values, we can fold the operator over the sequence to obtain a single accumulated v...

   Data structure,JPR,Importance     2012-01-08 10:13:56

  Disgusting programming language list

To avoid arguments among different programming languages, this ranking only covers the opinions from programmers with multi-language experience. Also it doesn't mean the language is not good if the language is on the list, it just means those developers don't like some features of the language. Below ranking is summarized from Quora、Stack Overflow and Hacker News. 10. Python Reason : It uses code indent to define block level scope, why not use curly braces? It also uses massive colons and ...

   Programming language rank     2013-09-27 09:53:39

  New Linux kernel fixes power-saving issues

Greg Kroah-Hartman has released long-term kernel 3.0.20 and stable kernel 3.2.5. Both contain just a single bug fix that allows PCIe power-saving technology ASPM (Active State Power Management) to be used on systems with a BIOS that activates ASPM on some components, but states in the FADT (Fixed ACPI Description Table) consulted by Linux that ASPM is not supported. According to Matthew Garrett, who developed the patch, the change can reduce the power consumption of a Thinkpad X220 by 5&nbs...

   Linux kernel,Power saving,Fix     2012-02-08 10:10:36

  The requirements of DevOps development

DevOps has become a popular and commonly adopted software development model in IT industry in recent years. Its popularity is partially because it advocates it could improve software development efficiency, delivery speed and cost saving. This is especially favored by managers who become the main force to promote this type of development model in their companies. However, we must be cautious about DevOps model as well. With their advantages, they also bring challenges to development teams and th...

   AGILE,DEVOPS,SPRINT     2018-06-03 23:18:44