Chrome to provide native image lazyload support

Previously we have introduced how Medium achieved loading images lazily, basically what they did was using lots of HTML tags and CSSs to change the images at different stage. It needs lots of code to do this. With the high demand of this feature for resource consumption and performance consideration, Chrome is now working on a feature to provide native support for loading images/iframes lazily. This feature is named lazyload. lazyload will allow three values: auto: the default behavior of ...

   CHROME,LAZYLOAD,IMAGE,IFRAME     2018-09-22 23:04:35

  What do programmers really do?

Computers are useless. They can only give you answers. â€“ PicassoMany people (including my mother-in-law) think that computers are becoming so smart that programmers will be no longer needed in the near future. Other people think that programmers are geniuses who constantly solve sophisticated math puzzles in front of their monitors. Even many programmers don’t have clear idea what they do.In this post I want to provide some explanation to uninformed people what programmers rea...

   Programmer,Work,Computer     2011-05-20 11:49:32

  Telecom elements in WeChat

As an engineer who spends much time on focusing on WeChat like applications(Skype, Fring, Viber, Kik Messenger, WhatsApp, Talkbox, LINE, Kakao Talk) , I would like to share with you the telecom element in WeChat to show the inheritance and integration of traditional telecom services in the Internet service and applications.First, WeChat is an application to send messages, the fully IP-based messaging capabilities may replace the traditional telecom services such as SMS, MMS and VMS ,This is ver...

   WeChat,Telecom operator     2013-04-13 20:29:46

  Supercolliding a PHP array

Did you know that inserting 2^16 = 65536 specially crafted values into a normal PHP array can take 30 seconds? Normally this would take only 0.01 seconds. This is the code to reproduce it: <?php echo '<pre>'; $size = pow(2, 16); // 16 is just an example, could also be 15 or 17 $startTime = microtime(true); $array = array(); for ($key = 0, $maxKey = ($size - 1) * $size; $key <= $maxKey; $key += $size) { $array[$key] = 0; } $endTime = microtime(true); echo 'Inserting...

   PHP,Array,hashtable,Slow,Colliding     2011-12-29 09:02:01

  "Simplicity" is not a simple concept

I've come to avoid using the word "Simplicity" or its variants ("Simple," &c.) It means too many different things to different people.For example, my original land-line phone was simple:It's simple by eliminating extraneous use cases. It only handles one user scenario, the one that was the most common when it was invented. If we think of the number of affordances and the number of uses, this kind of simplicity lowers the number of affordances by lowering the number of uses. I call this kind ...

   Simplicity,Software,Usability,iPhone,Phone     2011-11-24 09:21:09

  "Programmer" is an Overgeneralization

"Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved it correct, not tried it." - Donald Knuth Earlier today, I came across a post during a google-fu session that claimed that no one should use the C++ standard library function make_heap, because almost nobody uses it correctly. I immediately started mentally ranting about how utterly ridiculous this claim is, because anyone whose gone to a basic algorithm class would know how to properly use make_heap. Then I started thinking about all the ...

   Programmer,Overgeneration,Overload     2012-03-13 08:13:16

  How to Impact the User Experience by Adding Surprising Details to Your Website?

Internet is improving day by day and the competition is also increasing for every businessman. Having an online presence is a necessity but just online presence won’t work you have to do something extra to grab your potential customers. Websites that are successful online are basically because of three reasons (1) Web technologies are evolving constantly and are allowing for more unique and advanced designs. (2) Technologies have become more accessible than they were earlier, and are empow...

       2015-01-29 23:46:01

  The Mature Programmer

1. The Mature Programmer The mature programmer manages their own time and productivity well. The MP knows that maintenance is as much work as the initial writing and code always takes longer than you think. The MP knows that any changes to code can introduce bugs, no matter how seemingly trivial. The MP knows that premature optimization is foolish and dangerous. The MP knows that sexy coding like writing big complex systems from scratch is rarely the best way to go. The MP does not get...

   Mature programmer,MP,Feature,Coding standard,Efficiency     2011-12-05 13:12:00

  Where do software engineers get highest pay?

According to Tencent Tech, Tech companies are generous to engineers is not a secret because there is a lack of excellent engineers. These companies are willing to pay high salary and provide attractive welfare to attract these talented people. Recently, a list of companies which pay highest average salary to software engineers is published. The interesting thing is Apple, Google or Facebook is not the company which pays highest. Then which one? The answer is Juniper. The average salary in Junipe...

   Software engineer,Salary,Juniper     2013-04-12 21:06:52

  Taking Precautions to Avoid Shady VPN Providers

VPNs or virtual private networks are virtual tunnels that obscure your IP address, routing your internet traffic through a server located in a country of your choice, in an encrypted and anonymous way. Using a VPN allows you to: secure your sensitive data from hackers obscure the IP address so you can see content not available in your country avoid websites you routinely surf (e.g., Facebook) noticing a different IP address when you are traveling, and asking you to verify your identity bypass t...

   VPN,NETWORKING     2019-02-19 07:26:26