HTML5 Can Get the Job, But Can HTML5 Do the Job?

This post is part of our ReadWriteMobile channel, which is dedicated to helping its community understand the strategic business and technical implications of developing mobile applications. This channel is sponsored by Alcatel-Lucent. As you're exploring these resources, check out this helpful resource from our sponsors: Cultivating a Developer Ecosystem: Understanding Their Needs HTML5 is changing the way that developers create applications for the mobile Web. Yet, it is not the be a...

   HTML5,Future,Job,New feature     2011-08-12 07:45:29

  Guide for installing Ubuntu in VirtualBox on Windows

Have you ever tried to have two OSs installed on your PC? Do you want to try out the new Ubuntu system? If you do want to use Ubuntu when at the same time you are using Windows, you may want to install your Ubuntu in an VirtualBox. In this post, we will show you how to install Ubuntu in VirtualBox on Windows. Pre-requisites VirtualBox -- You can download it from Oracle. Ubuntu -- You can download it from here. Please note it should be an ISO file The Ubuntu used in this post is Ubuntu 12.04 LT...

   Ubuntu,Windows,VirtualBox     2014-01-15 03:21:05

  App Store Visibility – A Few Do’s and Don’ts

Discovery and Visibility are the two vital components for any mobile app, if the app publishing company is to derive some amount of revenue from their apps. However, the lack of organized marketing channels, a well-laid user acquisition strategy or even a poorly designed app often reduces the chances of being widely adopted by the users. In short, it hampers the possibility of the app being successful. Here is a list of few things to keep in mind while posting an app to the app stores. What to ...

   Mobile Application Development Company, Android App Development Company, Mobile App Company, Android     2015-09-01 07:52:24

  5 Pro Tips Social Media Managers Swear By

Digital marketing is ruling the world, and rightly so. It's cost-effective, it increases business growth and helps in building a brand reputation. But to get successful results, it is important to target the right audience. This is where a social media manager’s experience helps. Social media managers create and manage a brand’s promotion strategy by monitoring the activity of their core audience. They are responsible for handling social media accounts and running marketing campaigns...

   SOCIAL MEDIA     2021-05-02 06:51:18

  Don't Overload #nil?

There’s a popular post on Hacker News about writing confident code by, among other things, overloading Object#nil? and returning “null objects” instead of nil itself.DO NOT DO THIS.In Ruby, all objects (except nil itself) coerce to the boolean value true. Your object will be nil and true at the same time. Bad things will happen. Your coworkers will cry. Sad people from around the world will ask bewildering questions on your mailing list.Here’s what happen...

   Ruby,#nil,Overload,Object     2011-11-10 10:50:22


As a developer, you are sitting on a goldmine. Do you even realize it? No, seriously, a @#$% goldmine!Never in modern history has it been so easy to create something from scratch, with little or no capital and a marketing model that is limited only by your imagination.Think about the biggest websites you visit or use on a regular basis: Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Foursquare, or even Google for that matter -- all of them were created by developers who created something from little more than an id...

   Developer,Work,Startup,Money,Idea,Time     2011-11-06 14:35:48

  Bash Shell Scripting - 10 Seconds Guide

This Bash shell scripting guide is not a detailed study but a quick reference to the BASH syntax. So lets begin... Common environment variables PATH - Sets the search path for any executable command. Similar to the PATH variable in MSDOS. HOME - Home directory of the user. MAIL - Contains the path to the location where mail addressed to the user is stored. IFS - Contains a string of characters which are used as word seperators in the command line. The string normally consists of the spac...

   Bash,Shell,Linux,Tutorial,10 seconds,Shortcut key     2012-02-28 08:05:41

  Five Copyright Pitfalls Every Web Designer Should Avoid

If you work in the world of web design, it is crucial you do not infringe upon copyright laws. If you do, you could end up paying some hefty fines or even being prosecuted. So, check out these five common copyright pitfalls you need to avoid. Not Copyrighting Your Own Work While most copyright infringement pitfalls web designers face are to do with avoiding using copyrighted materials, you also need to know how to protect your own work to ensure no one else steals it. For things like patents, t...

   COPYRIGHT,WEB DESIGN,PATENT     2021-02-18 02:41:10

  Will China surpass United States on innovation?

I had some discussions on whether China would surpass United States on innovation with some entrepreneurs during last weekend's APEC. The conclusion is United Stats has advantages on innovation today, but in the future, China's innovation will be more widespread and successful. For the next 10 years, what advantages do United States and China have? Actually United States has obvious advantages, especially on innovation structure and innovation culture. Technology -- It's undoubted that Unit...

   Innovation,China,United States     2013-07-15 04:40:12

  What matters in life (and what doesn’t)

I’m probably too young to be writing on this topic but observing countless souls distressed by daily life made me think hard on what is that really matters in life. Undoubtedly, there are happy and sad phases and that’s part-and-parcel of life. But what I’m really bothered about is general, daily bitching about how miserable one’s life has become. You find people complaining about work, commute, relationships, other people’s attitudes & personalit...

   Life,Matater,Relationship,Experience,Material possession,Ego     2011-10-24 11:57:27