SEARCH KEYWORD -- Development me

  Top 8 website operation laws

As a website operator, in addition to have some necessary professional knowledge to master a website, such as prototype planning, interaction design, SEO, as well as basic html code, you should also know more about some of the theories which are good for site operations to ensure that the site can be long-term, stable. 1. Law of 250 Girard thinks every person knows at least 250 people. If you win the goodwill of a customer, it means you win the goodwill of 250 individuals; Conversely, if you off...

   Website management,Rules     2012-09-13 20:55:50

  It takes hard work. Do the hard work.

Something I’ve been thinking about a lot recently is the idea of simply trying harder with everything I choose to spend my time on. It seems like an elusive thing, the idea of optimal focus and maximum effort. However, I think there is something to be gained from stopping for a moment and considering how focused we are when we do our daily activities. I think two things apply here: single-mindedness and massive effort. To truly excel at something, we need to be very focused. We can...

   Development,Hard work,     2012-01-29 04:40:13

  Embrace open source

In past few days, there are many tech news which are related to open source. For example, Microsoft enables Linux on its Windows Azure cloud, Facebook open sourced its C++ library Folly and Samsung joined Linux foundation. Now more and more big companies realize the power of open source and are willing to contribute to the open source community. It will benefit not only developers but also these big companies as well.By providing some open source libraries or projects, developer may reduce their...

   Open source,Microsoft,Samsung,Facebook,Linux     2012-06-06 05:37:59

  What to Look for in PHP 5.4.0

PHP 5.4.0 will arrive soon. The PHP team is working to bring to some very nice presents to PHP developers. In the previous release of 5.3.0 they had added a few language changes. This version is no different. Some of the other changes include the ability to use DTrace for watching PHP apps in BSD variants (there is a loadable kernel module for Linux folks). This release features many speed and security improvements along with some phasing out of older language features (Y2K ...

   PHP,5.4,New feature,Built-in server,Trait     2011-12-21 10:20:12

  New Linux kernel fixes power-saving issues

Greg Kroah-Hartman has released long-term kernel 3.0.20 and stable kernel 3.2.5. Both contain just a single bug fix that allows PCIe power-saving technology ASPM (Active State Power Management) to be used on systems with a BIOS that activates ASPM on some components, but states in the FADT (Fixed ACPI Description Table) consulted by Linux that ASPM is not supported. According to Matthew Garrett, who developed the patch, the change can reduce the power consumption of a Thinkpad X220 by 5&nbs...

   Linux kernel,Power saving,Fix     2012-02-08 10:10:36

  Three things you should never put in your database

As I've said in a few talks, the best way to improve your systems is by first not doing "dumb things". I don't mean you or your development staff is "dumb", it's easy to overlook the implications of these types of decisions and not realize how bad they are for maintainability let alone scaling. As a consultant I see this stuff all of the time and I have yet to ever see it work out well for anyone. Images, files, and binary data Your database supports BLOBs so it must be a good idea to shove ...

   Database,BLOB,Log,Image     2012-05-02 04:44:25

  List of Web Safe Fonts

Here is the list of websafe fonts that I use in my own personal web development. Websafe (or "web safe", "safe for the web") fonts are supposedly fonts that are common among all versions of Windows, Mac, Linux, etc. Fonts that you expect everyone viewing your webpage to have. Please contact me if you know of any other web-safe fonts that should be added to this list. These font names are in typical font-family CSS format, in other words (first choice font), (second choice fon...

   Web,Font,Safe font,Font list,CSS,Font fa     2011-10-01 04:48:03

  Moving from Java to C++: An Interview with Rogers Cadenhead

In this interview, co-author of Sams Teach Yourself C++ in 24 Hours, 5th Edition Rogers Cadenhead discusses moving from Java to C++, what brought him to C++, and the best tactics for learning C++.Danny Kalev: For how long were you a Java programmer? Can you tell us a bit about the nature of the projects in which you took part at that time?Rogers Cadenhead: I've been a Java programmer since the language was launched by Sun Microsystems in 1995. I was doing website develop...

   Java,C++,Transfer,Transform,New challeng     2011-09-03 11:01:26

  6 amazing HTML5 animation effects

HTML5 is rapidly developed in WEB world, it puts all kinds of pressure to browser development, but at the same time it also brings us lots of unexpected page effects. If we can use some HTML5 elements on our web apps,  we may get different user experience. However, for HTML5, there are lots of places need to improved. The following HTML5 animation effects are very attractive. 1. HTML5 mouseover image effect This HTML5 animation effect can be used in photo gallery, users can preview the...

   HTML5,Animation     2012-11-20 10:32:52

  Introducing an LMS? Here's How You Can Get Your Employees Excited About It

One of the best ways to keep employees engaged and motivated to perform well is to invest in their growth. Learning & development opportunities help employees grow their knowledge and become more efficient in their jobs. Implementing a Learning Management System(LMS) is the best way to provide L&D opportunities to your employees.  Finding the best LMS for your employee learning needs starts with listing down your priorities. What do you want to achieve with the help of the LMS? What...

   CAREER,LMS,DOCEBO     2021-05-02 06:58:29