The Value of the Designer Who Codes

"Well, it's a start, but basically it stinks," said Steve Jobs, telling early Apple engineer Chris Espinosa exactly how he felt about the company's first calculator application. Iteration after iteration, Jobs continued to be dissatisfied with the calculator. Espinosa continued to code, slowly inching his way to perfection. But nothing was quite right. In a flash of both brilliance and perhaps frustration, Espinosa put together a visual builder that let Jobs design the calculator himself...

   Designer,Coder,Value,Designer knows code     2012-01-03 10:49:39

  Why Javascript is a Joy

I’m probably a bit biased – being a front-end web developer for a few years will do that – but I really enjoy writing Javascript. I’ve recently retreated from pure coding the last few months, but I got an opportunity this past week to jump back into some tasks, and it has reminded me how fun it is to dive into our[1] front-end codebase. Yes, Javascript can be surprisingly elegant yet completely infuriating, and all on the same line of code; for a long time, ...

   JavaScript,Speed,Simplicity,Malleable     2012-03-26 15:00:31

  World leaders who know how to code

World leaders are those people who have extraordinary speaking skills and are a group of very busy people in most people's impression. But among them, there are a few who know how to program as well. Today we are going to summarize some of them. Lee Hsien Loong -- Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, Singapore Prime Minister posted a C++ program about Sudoku which he wrote several years ago. He shared the source code on Google Drive as well.  In 1971, Mr. Lee studied Mathema...

   World leader, Coding, Programming     2015-08-02 05:56:20

  10 reasons why Dart is cooler than JavaScript

Dart is a new programming language from Google and after coding JavaScript for over one year now, I immediately felt in love with it. Coming from the Java world I had a good bunch of things I had to learn before I could use JavaScript. Some people say, you need to dig deep into JavaScript, otherwise you are not allowed to speak about the pros and cons of a language. I am not a JavaScript Ninja. But I strongly believe a programming language should be easy to learn, easy to understand and s...

   Dart,JavaScript,Comparison     2012-01-05 08:23:21

  Java Doesn't Need to Be So Bad

I do a lot of Java coding and I enjoy it. I admit that there is a lot of typing, often a lot of boilerplate and getting even simple tasks done can involve too much work. Most of the tools that try to fix these problems trade one moment saved for another lost. Maven's XML based configuration file is a good example: Thank you for making my project easier to manage and I won't forget that you made me edit XML to do so. These are the things that you live with, these are the things you trade for ...

   Java,Coding,Enterprise application,Tedious     2011-12-09 07:50:20

  Python basics summary

Python is recommended by many people as the first language to be learned now. Even in some universities, it is the primary language to be taught to CS/CE students. To master this languages, we should understand some basics of it. Here we summarize some basics about this language. These basics include : string replacement with regular expression, traverse a directory, sort a list, remove duplication, dictionary ordering, dictionary, list, string conversion, date object manipulation, command line ...

   Python,Summary     2013-09-23 10:04:42

  Enable mouse scrolling with Apple wireless mouse on Windows PC

Today I was trying to use my Apple wireless mouse on my Windows PC, after pairing the mouse using Bluetooth, it worked fine until I noticed that I couldn't scroll browser pages properly. Tried many ways but all failed. Did some investigation online and found a workable solution. This post will share my experience. To enable mouse scrolling, there is a driver needed to be installed. First to go to Brigadier which is a Windows- and OS X-compatible Python script that fetches, from Apple's...

   APPLE,WIRELESS MOUSE,SCROLLING,WINDOWS 10     2022-10-01 01:44:37

  PHP Multithreading – Faking It

PHP doesn’t really support multi-threading per se but there are ways to do “fake” multithreading. Here’s one I saw in the newsletter – Multi-thread Simulation. Note that this class is intedend for use on a webserver, as opposed to running PHP scripts from a command line (or similar). Check the end of this post for some alternatives you can try if you’re using PHP as a stand-alone scripting language. Now, I’m going to be lazy and just ...

   PHP,Multithreading,Possible,CURL,Fake,Si     2011-09-04 23:07:22

  Yes, Virginia, Scala is hard

Let me first say that I am a Scala lover and have been a Scala champion for almost 5 years.  I've written books and articles on Scala.  I've worked with dozens of companies that have launched Scala and Lift projects.  I've code reviewed many dozens of Scala projects.I used to think that Scala was easy.  It was, and continues to be, a cure for some of the numerous problems with Java.  From the "stuff that's hard or impossible in Java is simple in Scala," Scala is a very e...

   Scala,OOP,FP,function programming,hard,idiom     2011-11-08 08:47:43

  Deep Dive into Spin Locks in Golang

In concurrent programming, a Mutex is a commonly used synchronization mechanism to protect critical resources and prevent data races. However, in certain specific scenarios, especially when the lock-holding time is short and the number of threads is limited, a more lightweight lock known as a Spin Lock can provide higher performance. What is a Spin Lock A Spin Lock is a form of busy-wait lock. When a thread attempts to acquire a lock held by another thread, it continuously checks the lock's stat...

   SPINLOCK,MUTEX,GOLANG     2024-01-10 05:53:28