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SEARCH KEYWORD -- Software developer

  Why does Symbian collapse?

On 24th January, Nokia announces a disappointing news that they would give up Symbian. The 808 PureView released last year will be its last Symbian model.  Symbian was born in 1998, it was supported by the then three mobile giants : Sony Ericson, Motorola and Nokia after its birth, later Samsung and LG also joined the Symbian camp. In 2000, the first Symbian model in the world Ericoson R380 was released, in 20006, there were over 100 million Symbian handphones on the market. But in 2007, t...

   Nokia, Symbian, Collapse, Analysis     2013-01-28 03:06:09

  Importance of Side Projects

Side projects are important for a few reasons. Programming is a creative process. Side projects allow programming without deadlines or restraints. Side projects allow programming in an exploratory way. Explore new technologies Every day there are more and more bleeding edge technologies coming out. A side project is a great place to try them out. There’s no reason to worry about bugs or performance issues because it’s just a side project. You’re not depending on the ...

   Side project,Creative idea,Dealine,Scratch,Launch     2011-11-28 03:17:22

  The Greatest Developer Fallacy Or The Wisest Words You’ll Ever Hear?

"I will learn it when I need it"! I've heard that phrase a lot over the years; it seems like a highly pragmatic attitude to foster when you're in an industry as fast-paced as software development. On some level it actually IS quite pragmatic, but on another level I am annoyed by the phrase. It has become a mantra for our whole industry which hasn't changed said industry for the better. The problem is this, in the guise of sounding like a wise and practical developer, people use it as an exc...

   Tips, Programming, Expert     2011-04-06 11:07:43

  Do you really understand Geolocation?

LBS(Location based service) services continue to emerge, it seems that every product has some relationship with maps. But to be honest, do you really understand what is Geolocation? Not necessarily. Although lots of products have LBS service, they can be categorized as sign, search, navigation and information display, these are functional features of the map as a software should have. However, Geolocation is not software, it is just a functional feature, a functional feature of all LBS applicat...

   geolocation,app,significance     2012-10-22 12:11:41

  10 Tools Every Software Developer Should Use in 2018

The main problem I noticed about most programmers is that even though they know about latest software development tools, they never really spend significant time to learn them well. As a programmer, I always try to learn new tools and latest technologies. At the same time, I also look to improve my knowledge of tools which I have been using for many years. Whether you're a front-end developer, full-stack programmer or part of a DevOps team, you should familiarize yourself with the latest develop...


  4 types of programmers

Not every one who writes code is a programmer. Programmers are people who live with programming. There are 4 types of programmers: scientist, coder, expert and artisan.Scientist, they are more like mathematicians rather than programmers. They invented various theories, algorithms and terminologies. Proofs and calculations in textbooks are all from these people. Moreover other programmers more or less benefit from their work. Sometimes one paper published by them can change the way of thinking of...

   Programmer,Coder,Expert     2013-07-13 09:19:03

  Seven Java projects that changed the world

O\'Reilly is celebrating the release of Java 7, and our inaugural OSCON Java conference: July 25-27 in Portland, Ore. Java\'s open source ecosystem is strong and healthy, one of the primary reasons for our creation of OSCON Java. Over the last decade, several projects have traveled beyond mere adoption and had effects dominating the Java world, into software development in general, and some even further into the daily lives of users. JUnit Ported to Java by Kent Beck and Erich Gamma from Be...

   Java,Projects,Prominent,Eclipse,Sue     2011-07-26 02:50:42

  Microsoft's next generation OS Windows Blue may be free

In PC era, Microsoft is the world's largest software service provider, its revenue  is mainly from selling operating systems and other software services.With the advent of the era of mobile Internet, the free software service concept has been widely accepted, Microsoft has been forced to explore new business models.According to ZDNet, Microsoft's next-generation OS Windows Blue is expected to be released in mid of 2013. The biggest difference between the new version of the OS and the previ...

   Windows Blue, Pirce, Free     2012-11-29 10:54:15

  10 Things Beginner Developers Should Know

If you are a novice developer, it might be confusing about where you should start, because the field is broad and provides many options for you. There are so many questions you might ask yourself, such as “What programming language should I learn?” or “Should I also know front-end, or only back-end?” And I am sure there are much more than that. Well, in order for you to be able to start with an advantage against the others, I’ve decided to help you start your ...

   Advice,Software developer,Beginner     2011-12-29 01:41:04

  Understanding an interesting JavaScript map function question

With the evolvement of JavaScript, lots of new features have been added this old but robust language.  Among them are lots of functional programming language related functions like map, filter, each etc. In this post, we will cover one function map and its interesting behavior. Before dive into the details, let first take an example, do you know the output of below function call? ['1', '7', '11'].map(parseInt) You may think that it's easy and the output would be [1, 7, 11] Can you try to ru...