Today's Question:  What does your personal desk look like?        GIVE A SHOUT


  Why we don’t hire .NET programmers

Skip my post and read this one instead.  It says the same thing, but less offensively.  (Or, rather, more offensively to Facebook and Google employees, less offensive to .NET developers, though the underlying message is the same.) Tuesday midnight edit: After >500 comments, >1000 tweets, and >1000 Facebook likes, I’m closing comments on this thread so we can all get back to work.  The very last comment takes the cake, however, and is a fitting close.  Th...

   ASP.NET,High level,Low flexibility,Weakness     2011-12-20 08:43:28

  How Query Optimizer Works in RDBMS

In a previous post, we discussed how the various relational operators are implemented in relational database systems. If you have read that post, you probably still remember that there are a few alternative implementations for every operator. Thus, how should RDBMS determine which algorithm (or implementation) to use? Obviously, to optimize the performance for any query, RDBMS has to select the correct the algorithm based on the query. It would not be desirable to always use the same algori...


  The Best Wireless Headphones for Everyday Use

Wireless headphones have consumed a little bit of slamming during the previous six months, complying with Apple's debatable choice to clear the newest set of Apple iPhone of the reliable old earphone port. HTC observed fit using the U Ultra and also in businesses and undergone lots of objection from both customers and market professionals. Several sets are more concentrated on sports and also exercise and set in additional functions to perform so that some others are created mainly for hearing t...

   HEADPHONES,WIRELESS     2017-10-12 10:54:56

  Cleansing data with Pig and storing JSON format to HBase with Pig UDF

Introduction This post will explain you the way to clean data and store JSON format to HBase. Hadoop architect experts also explain Apache Pig and its advantages in Hadoop in this post. Read more and find out how they do it. This post contains steps to do some basic clean the duplication data and convert the data to JSON format to store to HBase. Actually, we have some built-in lib to parse JSON in Pig but it is important to manipulate the JSON data in Java code before store to HBase. Apache Pig...


  Parallel Javascript

Lately the ideas for a parallel, shared memory JavaScript have begun to take shape. I’ve been discussing with various JavaScript luminaries and it seems like a design is starting to emerge. This post serves as a documentation of the basic ideas; I’m sure the details will change as we go along. User Model The model is that a JavaScript worker (the “parent”) may spawn a number of child tasks (the “children”). The parent is suspended while the children exe...

   Parallel JavaScript,API,Spawn,Parent,Task     2012-01-11 12:02:00

  Most Pressed Keys and Programming Syntaxes

I switch between programming languages quite a bit; I often wondered what happens when having to deal with the different syntaxes, does the syntax allow you to be more expressive or faster at coding in one language or another. I dont really know about that; but what I do know what keys are pressed when writing with different programming languages. This might be something interesting for people who are deciding to select a programming language might look into, here is a post on the...

   Keyboard,Programming language,Hottest ke     2011-09-23 13:10:10

  On Erlang's Syntax

I first planned to release this text as an appendix entry for Learn You Some Erlang, but considering this feels more like editorial content and not exactly something for a reference text, I decided it would fit better as a blog post. Many newcomers to Erlang manage to understand the syntax and program around it without ever getting used to it. I've read and heard many complaints regarding the syntax and the 'ant turd tokens' (a subjectively funny way to refer to ,, ; and .), how annoying...

   Erlang,Syntax,Error     2011-12-22 08:35:42

  How to be jQuery-free?

jQuery is now the most famous JavaScript library. There are around 57.3% websites in the world using jQuery, i.e, 6 out of 10 websites are using jQuery. If we only consider those websites which use libraries, then the percentage is even higher which is 91.7%. Although jQuery is very popular, its size is still a headache to many websites maintainers. The uncompressed jQuery 2.0 has a size of 235KB, the size is 81KB after optimization.The jQuery 1.8.3 which supports IE 6/7/8 has a uncompressed si...

   jQuery,JavaScript,ECMAScript,CSS3     2013-05-13 11:53:20

  Interview Programming Problems Done Right

Introduction Why 37signals Doesn't Hire Programmers Based on Brainteasers and my comment on HN generated a lot of responses, so much so that I'm writing this post to properly explain the essence of a good (IMHO) interview programming problem. Pascal's Triangle Pascal's Triangle is a shortcut for getting coefficients most often used binomial probability. The root element is 1. Every other element is the sum of the one or two above it (diagonally left and diagonally right). There are severa...

   Interview,Programming problem,Pascal,Triangle     2012-01-06 09:46:43

  When a CA becomes untrustable

Information security has become a vital part of people's life, especially for those people who spend much time online. Tons of data are being transmitted over the internet every second. These data include user ids, passwords, credit card information etc and some of them are sensitive information which needs secure way to transmit. Hence different protocols have been developed including SSL/TLS to encrypt data transmitted over the internet. The core of these security protocols is the certifi...