Hide a file in a picture

  sonic0002        2012-09-13 19:36:36       9,614        4         

Sometimes if you want to hide some important files on your computer which you don't want others to see, how would you do that? Find a professional tool? Set password for some folders? Change the file properties to hidden? They are possible, but they may not be so convenient or so secure. Here we share with you how to hide a file in a picture.


  • 1 picture for example : test.jpg
  • 1 test file, for example : test.txt
  • WinRAR


  1. Prepare the picture test.jpg and test file test.txt
  2. Use WinRAR to compress test.txt to test.rar
  3. Open command prompt : Start->Run->Type "cmd", then cd to the directory where you store the picture and the test.rar(put them in the same directory)
  4. Type command : copy /b test.jpg + test.rar test.jpg, hit "Enter" key
  5. Ok, open the test.jpg, you will still be able to view the picture
  6. Where is the txt file? Open WinRAR, click "File"->"Open", select "All files", find test.jpg and open, you will find the test.txt file there.

This method is suitable for hiding all kinds of files. It's easy and secure. The picture file will still remain the same size and you can still view the picture without problems.





burce [Reply]@ 2014-05-31 02:56:31

you are a genius!!

Jacky [Reply]@ 2014-05-31 03:59:03


wala [Reply]@ 2014-05-31 12:33:53

how it works?

nike [Reply]@ 2014-05-31 20:17:19

a kind of stream file


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